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Everything posted by mayhem

  1. Gov also seem to not be overly open on their own economic dashboard. They list public sector vacancies alongside the private sector trends. When it comes to the employment breakdown by sector though they only show the numbers in the private sector. Have to assume this is a deliberate decision I'd certainly be very interested to see the trend by headcount by department for the Gov as whole (perhaps with an overlay of current vacancies to give you know a true picture): https://www.gov.im/economic-dashboard
  2. My experience is that it does take time, is inefficient (particularly when budgets have been centralised to provide service) and managers spend a lot of time proclaiming they and their staff are profit centre serving their clients (other departments) and basically use the cross charging model to pretend they are running a business (internally). I’m very much a fan of justifying and quantifying things but the layers of bureaucracy and processes that they go through with the recharging is the issue not the recharging itself which I’m well aware is the norm in all medium + sized organisations (IOM is large by IOM standard but not by many other metrics)
  3. There is an entire cottage industry within Gov with departments charging and recharging each other for services, as said it's just cost center / adjustments etc. GTS for instance often portray themselves as a profit centre by recharging for their services and "experitise" to other departments after forcing them to centralise their budgets and give up their own IT staff (to work for GTS). Departments hate the model, less service, less control, less service (I know I put this twice), no budget and often asked to pay again.
  4. Whilst £100k is clearly a lot of money it’s certainly not a lot for senior / thought leaders in the AI space. They may get someone on a part time basis for the money but the chances of them getting someone full time is I think very minimal.
  5. Wonder what the transfomation team delivered within Cabinet Office, I'm not aware of any substantive change programme having been in play?
  6. Is a valuation not required for a new build commerical property too for Insurance and the lenders (assuming they are using a bank for finance). Seems very odd that they are struggling given the abundance of £4m+ properties on the Island.
  7. Pretty sure it will be the head of the FSA (has been hostorically at least the best paying role)
  8. End of March I was told (by a staff member) will be reopening and coincides with Ramsey closing for refit and staff transfering to other stores for training.
  9. I agree as things currently stand any additional tax receipts they receive is likely to end up being mismanaged, I'm sure there must be a corner of Governement that is well run and delivering on service obligations and working for the better of the Island Population. I've yet to bump into it in either my private or commerical life. Don't get me wrong many Government empolyees are good, helpful and deliver excellent service, the further you go up the organisational tree though the less true this becomes.
  10. We need the next lot of MHK's to come in on the basis they are one term only so can make difficult / unpopular decisions without having an eye on the next elections etc. Honesty / Integrity and Transparity (key to explaining why things have to be painful to both the public and the civil service) coupled with a proven commercial background of organisational change would certainly get my vote. Perhaps have them all stand on some sort of Charter for Change that they sign collectively. I would vote for people like this in a heart beat. Something needs to give, the path the Island is on has me mostly terrified for the future for my family and as a business owner. Pretty scenery, nice walks are all very well and good, infrastructure, Gov bloat, inability to run capital projects (how any organisation keeps making such dire decisions really does need to be someone’s doctoral thesis), maintain basic services (note not actually improve but maintain), health, social care, recruitment and retention, transportation issues etc all require urgent attention. I would gladly shoulder more of the burden tax wise if I thought money would be well spent.
  11. What I fail to understand is the whole repeat prescription nonsense for long term / whole of life conditions i.e. blood pressure meds etc. Surely a subscription service direct to your door (with a semi annual review) eleminates a massive amount of costs at the GP and the dispensing level. Would tie in nicely with automated picking and packing...
  12. The road to the shore @ Ballaghennie will take some beating, it's more a series of potholes threaded together by small slivers of tarmac. Why they did not resurface all the way to the visitor centre is a mystery.
  13. This is positive news - like others though I'm more interested in them delivering on it. The track record on capital projects is as we all know is shocking, throw the planning issues into the mix and I'm skeptical. What I would like to see alongside this is more support (relaxing of planning etc not necessarily financial) for small scale micro to community level generation. They also need to take a position on reverse charging of electric vehicles, sort out a more realistic tariff, consider storage and how to decommission the power station.
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