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Everything posted by mollag

  1. mollag

    Firm closing

    It was hamburger de cheval last time i ordered it.
  2. mollag

    Firm closing

    Back in the 60's H&G made a fresh dog food. "Supremo" by name, I recall there was a fad in Douglas pubs for eating a tub at the bar for a dare/wager.πŸ˜‹
  3. mollag

    Firm closing

    A wise caterer[Don Slee] once told me that "Hamburger" is actuall "Hamburg Steak" a skit on the poor folk of Hamburg, likewise a "Vienna Steak" made with fillet steak, was about the wealthy Viennese who could use the finest cuts as mince. A bit like Glasgow caviar--mince and taties.
  4. mollag

    Firm closing

    As you missed mine and started the guilt tripping and ignorant meat eater nonsense, my query was and is, why pretend vegetarian products are as meat ones, say it as it is Vegetable Lasagne, not pretend meat sauce lasagne. I do like Vegetable lasagne and curry , why pretend that it is actually like meat ?
  5. mollag

    Firm closing

    It could also be a dead little lamb, delicious, could you do ersatz little lamb made with wonderful veggies?. A veggie burger is to a real burger what camp coffee is to bean coffee, why bother, it's bogus
  6. mollag

    Firm closing

    I see nothing noble in it at all, and imho the reasoning is vague, making no sense at all but to the afficondos. Why pretend it's meat when it isnt? Vegetaian sausage should be labelled " processed vegatables the same shape as a real sausage"
  7. mollag

    Firm closing

    How is it that veggies are so great, that so much effort is made to make them taste and look like meat products? πŸ€” Ooo, this sirloin steak could easily be processed to look and taste like Ratatouille, said no one of my aquaintance πŸ˜–
  8. mollag

    Old spit.

    I should have written [Rtd] after Electrician, but but i ran out of laths.πŸ€”
  9. mollag

    Old spit.

    Thats it back home, with a friend for company. see you in another 90 years πŸ™„
  10. mollag

    Old spit.

    I have, this day, replaced it, with one of mine alongside, fotees to come laterπŸ‘
  11. mollag

    Old spit.

    I hope this may scratch an itch for some, I posted this today on facebook, Manx Nostalgia, it is genuine and the Family of Henry Minay seem well pleased with the find. I hope you enjoy. Okee dokee, For my sins, I was this morn, removing laths from a wall within a house on Somerset Road, a Creer Bros build, sold on in 1933. As i slowly progressed I spotted an anomoly, as it was revealed it turned out to be a little wooden "Plaque" shaped from an offcut of lath. I popped it off, fotees below, coming up for 93 years in place . I shall replace it where I found it, it would be rude not to. I shall add my own little lath plaque also.
  12. mollag

    Firm closing

    Word is that Vladimir has sold Pizza Napoli, he put a lot into establishing it, he beat the covid slump but price inflation has forced his exit,
  13. mollag

    Firm closing

    I enjoyed The Samphire in that location, I did though find it freezing in winter, when the main door was used the draught would cut you, a Summer visit is the best.
  14. mollag

    Juan's travels

    Well, Juan is down for the day and wanders into the opticians, for his Eye Test. The Optician asked him, what he can see..??? "I see an Empty Airport Empty Promenades, Closed Theatres, Long Queues at the Sea Terminal and many, many Closed Pubs." β€œThat's perfect says the Optician", "You've got 2023 Vision”.
  15. The ghost of Trevor Baines has been reported in the vicinity of "Dirty Lill's" πŸ€₯
  16. mollag

    Firm closing

    M&S do a scots plain loaf, my teuchter pals swear by it πŸ˜‹
  17. mollag

    Firm closing

    Manx ies---Fish and a split Scots---- Fish supper UK's---Fish chips and peas. All the same dish πŸ˜‹
  18. mollag

    Firm closing

    The great 2 Ronnies made it easy for us 😁 https://www.google.com/search?q=ronnie+barker+swedish+accent&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBIM1008IM1008&oq=ronnie+barker+swedish&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j33i160.15815j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:b3758186,vid:6vMsCEWbd-A
  19. Bid you ever get Skate knobs?, the cheeks of the skate, quite nice, look a little like tan rogans, Cods heads were a great source of clean white codmeat, bone free, used by our lot to make cod rissoles [fishcakes] to die for πŸ˜‹
  20. mollag

    Firm closing

    That is the old Clague's tripe dressers premises. Cow heel salad anyone?
  21. Running a drug network from Jurby gaol ? sounds like the very man to improve our airports management πŸ€”
  22. Maybe worth a look at Panorama before we get a repeat of the power station fiasco, Wind farms, the new monorails πŸ€” From Panorama prog. Thurrock Council effectively bankrupt. Services are being cut and council tax raised to try to cover the second biggest deficit ever run up by a local authority. Most of the council's cash was invested in one man's business. Liam Kavanagh promised his solar farms would provide a safe return, but his companies have been wound up and the council faces big losses
  23. The areas that our old tourist base left for are still offering better everything including cost, where will our hoped for "New" tourists come from and where will they stay, not tents surely ?
  24. The lady on the bicycle, a gender reasignment I wonderπŸ€”
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