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Everything posted by slinkydevil

  1. It is the 'in' thing, but my wife is not best pleased with me using them.
  2. "Technically it's not tax payers money." Eddie Teare
  3. http://www.isleofman.com/news/video/57556/isle-of-man-film "Do you want me to go out and explain the intricacies of film financing to the general population? I don't think they do. They certainly don't want to listen to that." - Steve Christian Yes we do. "The spin was more than spin."
  4. http://www.itv.com/news/update/2014-06-09/ade-edmondson-i-feel-privileged-to-have-know-rik/ Actor and long-time friend Adrian Edmondson said of Rik Mayall: "There were times when Rik and I were writing together when we almost died laughing. They were some of the most carefree stupid days I ever had, and I feel privileged to have shared them with him. "And now he's died for real. Without me. Selfish b*****d."
  5. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-27770266 What a pity, always loved his stuff, especially some of his live shows.
  6. https://www.facebook.com/groups/IOMPAG/10152062246496567/ 5th June 2014 The Hon S C Rodan SHK Legislative Buildings Finch Road Douglas IM1 3PW Dear Mr Speaker Pinewood Film Advisors questions asked in the House of Keys Tuesday 11th February 2014. I enclose copy of the Hansard where we see a blatant attempt to demean and mislead an elected Member and the Hon House by the Treasury Minister, who claimed that he was unwilling to answer the questions put to him on the grounds of “commercial confidentiality” when it has been proved to all that the information is freely available to any member of the public through the internet. http://www.tynwald.org.im/business/opqp/opqp/2014-PP-0015.pdf#search="Pinewood" Order Paper. http://www.tynwald.org.im/business/hansard/20002020/k140211.pdf I refer to a posting which was made on the Manx Forums website at,http://www.manxforums.com/forums/index.php?/topic/53600-pinewoodmore-govt-propaganda/page-32 The information provided on the Forum has been independently verified as being correct. It is absolutely appalling that the readership of the Manx Forums are better informed than Members of the House of Keys, due to the blatant misrepresentation of replies by the Treasury Minister that this information is being refused on the grounds that is commercially confidential when the truth is that this information is being denied to us and the Hon House is being deliberately mislead by our Treasury Minister. If we are to have any respect from the general public in the institution of the House of Keys as part of a parliamentary democracy, then I hope that you as Speaker of the House will ask the Treasury Minister to make a statement on why he made such misleading replies to the Questioner and the House when the information is readily available on the Manx Forums but not to the Parliament of the Manx Nation? Yours sincerely Peter Karran MHK Member for Onchan Liberal Vannin Party
  7. Where are we going to find another candidate to fill the role of comedy MHK? Hello.
  8. Same bloke that did the Tower of Refuge invasion? Rhumsaa's got some beardy funny man competition for sure. http://beardswipe.me/
  10. Yay! Nice to see a boost to the Welsh economy with jobs and opportunities for Welsh Industry.
  11. You all need to pay your toilet tax. It's the only way we will be able to clear the MEA debt. In the meantime, it's party time! http://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/isle-of-man-news/performance-pay-at-mea-totalled-more-than-226-500-1-6466010
  12. From Chris Thomas's facebook page: IOM Toilet Tax made it into the UK Independent Newspaper 'outrageous taxes' article. Hope they don't get any more ideas from the others.
  13. He could feign unconsciousness on the bus.
  14. As this order has been agreed after January 31st when will the charge be administered? Highlighted above, have they missed the cut off for the next financial year?
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