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Everything posted by slinkydevil

  1. I get that, but a 350 m floating pontoon just for the passengers to disembark? I presume you have to tie up the bow and stern, hence it needing to fit. You can't just tie it up with a poxy little rope to the bow and hope for the best. There are probably variants on disembarkation points on all the different ships too, some near the stern, some in the middle and some near the bow. I haven't got a clue really.
  2. Yes but she says that the £50 million will be paid back in 5 years. She says so. She's an expert. The government must believe her because she says so and she's an expert.
  3. For general help: http://handyharr2.wixsite.com/handyharry https://www.facebook.com/HarryCanHelp/ He's done some good work for us.
  4. BTW if you didn't get 'the PM' here it is: Curious Thought Started by ManxTaxPayer, sent to slinkydevil Sent 09 October 2016 - 09:54 AM Here's a curious thought. With WildDog now expunged from the moderator list, 40% of Manx Forums moderators have had a failed bid for a seat in the House of Keys.
  5. The PM with your naked pictures? I didn't realise it was a test so didn't respond, sorry. I liked them.
  6. If they dropped the entry fee I'd have gone. I hate this idea of paying to go in to pay for things. The stalls pay for a pitch and then just subsidise the shortfall if there is any.
  7. Link wasn't working for me try this: http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-city-centre-building-work-11603839 It would be typical if the IOM Gov bought some land and then were prevented from developing it
  8. Dickhead of the year goes to this cyclist filmed over the mountain during one way, what a tosser. https://www.facebook.com/dan.fenlon.35/posts/10157047020320253
  9. I don't get Mad Sunday anymore. It used to be the only day of the fortnight that they would open the mountain road one way, hence Mad Sunday. Now it's available for the majority of the 2 weeks it's no longer a 'special' day anymore. Or is it just a bit more mad than the other mad days? There's a constant stream of bikes just turning off at the Creg and zipping down through Axenfell to Laxey and then back round for another go. I bet a lot of riders hardly do full laps of the course anymore. It's like an amusement park now for free! Maybe just push it a little harder round that corner on your next go.
  10. Panama Papers searchable database: https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/
  11. Isle of Man Constabulary Media Page Due to heavy snow The Mountain Road will be closed to the public for the next few hours until at least 12:00pm. As per previous closures, its not a decision I've taken lightly but trucks and cars have been sliding on the snow and we cannot take the risk of someone being injured. Two Police Officers have been and looked at the road and at this time, this is the best decision to make for everyone safety. The road closure will be reviewed after 12:00pm to decide if it can be opened or remain closed. Sgt 198 Gary Heaton Force Incident Manager Thank god it's nearly summer!
  12. He's right, it is a waste of money. Queens Prom is nearly impassable in my gold plated Lamborghini Aventador.
  13. FFS I'd rather see 9 startups or fledgling businesses get some seed money that could be loaned or at least they might put some tax/employment back into the economy. Instead we just spunk it on some Tarmac. Gawne has some front to just stand there and say 'We needed to spend the money on something.' Plain arrogance.
  14. So they can't pin me down for gun running. Duh...
  15. 2:47:00 into this programme http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b076b0ky
  16. @BB it was around 8:50am - I'll have a look see if theres a recording.
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