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Everything posted by slinkydevil

  1. I'm telling you, Robert MHK is going to be chief minister one day, maybe not this time round but I'm going for third term. Go Bobby!!
  2. OMG! Snowflake! We need to shut the mountain road.
  3. slinkydevil


    My 4 year old boy said he is looking forward to trying out the new slides for his 18th birthday party.
  4. Fair dos this was reported somewhere in the local press at the time: Unlikely award of year goes to horse tramway http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=52832&headline=Unlikely award of year goes to horse tramway&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2019
  5. This should be on https://www.myprom.im/ surely? I mean it's absolutley fantastic that we have been 'highly commended' for the amazing work on the horse tram rails. This is great news for a small Island. The Department of Enterprise are missing a trick if they can't see this is as leverage to more tourism dollars. Well done guys, outstanding work.
  6. slinkydevil


  7. I liked this: https://www.burroughs.co.uk/douglas-promenade-annual-light-rail-awards/ Lol. 'Douglas Promenade Horse Tramway Renovation has been awarded ‘Highly Commended’ within the Project of the Year under 50m Euro category at the annual Light Rail Awards. Burroughs are delighted to have been involved in the project as Project Manager and Rail Engineer, working with the Isle of Man Government and Auldyn Construction. The project involved the renovation of 2.5km of promenade along the coast of Douglas, Isle of Man'
  8. They need to factor in the fireworks for the 2055 Promenade Completion Party
  9. Just wait unitl they get to the point of laying all that crazy paving over the 'shared space' shown in the early mockups. Should add another year or two on to the project.
  10. That looks like a nice expensive report.
  11. I don't mind the cost or time it takes, as long as we can keep the horse trams running through the center of the tunnel. It could equate to a 150 more tourists every year!!
  12. I liked this how you've changed '10 year challenge' on FB
  13. Those Gondolas on woodbourne road don't pay for themselves.
  14. Sounds like it's written for someone they've already found.
  15. Exactly the opposite of what Dr Allinson said on the radio.
  16. I'm betting my grandmother's life savings on him being Chief Minister within the next 5 to 10 years. Go Robert!!
  17. Hang on a minute the Ginger one said the hole was shored up and has nothing to do with the flooding. It was the rain.
  18. When I'm looking through peoples bathroom windows I sometimes think I should say hello as well, but agreed I don't want to come across as a stalker.
  19. "£347.98 – IPA Pool Event, Bradford (hotel & flights etc)" - The honourable Rob MHK "Happy to confirm that I travelled to the IPA World Champions in February (at my own expense), along with scheduling various meetings between the IPA and local hotels, travel agents and the tourism team in April." - The honourable Rob MHK
  20. Should be on his manifesto next election as a stat proving how popular he is. Most popular MHK by far.
  21. I'd like to see his blogs continue, especially when he becomes Chief Minister. Go MHK Rob, I'm rooting for you, you're amazing.
  22. Hahahahahahaha! Hahahaha!
  23. Lol lol, you guys love me in tights. Size 22 mailorder btw.
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