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Everything posted by slinkydevil

  1. Two factor breathalyzer login for MF is in dev cycle.
  2. Oh yeah and that, sorry.
  3. With Rhumsaa you just walk up and start stroking his beard. He'll understand.
  4. A Democratic congressman has become the first to call for Donald Trump’s impeachment from the floor of the House.
  5. Little bit rough around the edges but I'm getting there...
  6. We're all family here, bit of infection never did us any harm.
  7. I knew it! You are Buster Lewin and I claim my £5.
  8. Now it's: Belfast to Larne to Cairnryan to Heysham to Isle of Man Some journey!
  9. Freshly laid tarmac and repairs for racing... I know lets take 50+ tons of steam engines over it at a snails pace. For whose benefit?
  10. The delivery charges from America are a ballache though. You should try the other one.
  11. TJ at the Jane Crookall Maternity Unit couple of weeks ago. Not sure if he was breeding or visiting.
  12. Yes you do. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/driver-kaushal-gandhi-car-stuck-cruise-control-decapitated-119-mph-crash-a7438451.html
  13. Is the TT different from anything else though? http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/730932/Croydon-tram-crash-killed-victim-decapitated-head-derail
  14. I'm registering as many 'Isle of Man Cruise --------' domains and trademarks now in preparation. ££££££££££££££££
  15. I didn't say that we did. What I meant was you seem to get a lot more for your £50 million with all of the infrastructure of a hospital, than what really amounts to with this berth being a load of concrete in the sea. I'm questioning the £50 million.
  16. Or just under half a new hospital.
  17. You can have half of your website and brochure materials paid for if you apply for the right grant through DED. Even a florist or hairdresser.
  18. This is the orkney berth on google maps: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Orkney,+UK/@58.9986789,-2.982207,1195m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x489b9f93ef41121f:0x30c681a0642b050!8m2!3d58.9809401!4d-2.9605206 Street View: https://www.google.com/maps/@58.9991483,-2.9719445,3a,75y,305.47h,75.39t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sxdV-X4MH_GTPQNBkK5j76g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
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