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Bazza Smurf

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Everything posted by Bazza Smurf

  1. Thanks. I am boring Barry. Must try harder. Regulations have been brought in, possibly forever because I cannot see any reason to think differently in anything I've read and you think it's boring that with the prospect that I might have to wear a mask by law for the next 20 years it's boring to raise a question when emailing political representatives gets me nowhere? This mask mandate effects everyone that uses public transport. I mean everyone. The mandate itself was silently hushed in, no consultation, no information to the trade about what the regulations were, let alone regarding exemptions. The Police have stopped taxis, they are watching the ranks. I am trying to make a living whilst at the same time am pretty pissed that I am now legally obliged to wear a mask as are the passengers, as opposed to advised. The same passengers that have mostly been in the bars and partying all night. You don't think that infringement on my freedom or indeed the passengers that they NOW must wear a mask is worth bringing to the attention of the nation. Good Lord, I thought this was a forum of people who were not Government ass lickers. Same old thing isn't it! Nobody gives a damn until it affects them. PS I'm far from boring...if you know me (which you likely don't)!.
  2. Goes back to the promise that both sides made to consumers following the hoohaa and eventually the failure to sign another voluntary deal in 2020 following the expiration of the 2015 gas agreement. Both sides offered money. The MUA money is a reduction from 6% to 2% on the interest charged to Manx Gas for the network extension loan for years 2020 and 2021 passed through from Treasury. Thank our lucky stars I say another "deal" was not signed. At least now we have some long term regulation on the way for the gas company. Manx Gas have since refused to repay anything because the powers of a regulator have been imposed on them. I have submitted a petition to request the Government to examine why MG did not repay its share of money, if indeed money was owed and why if it was owed terms and conditions were set on the repayment.
  3. Hopefully it will be a case of once bitten twice shy. Another rise would be cruel to so many. https://gef.im/2021/12/11/manx-gas-seeks-second-tariff-review/
  4. There's a question lined up next week in the Keys. It's still a hot topic. Gotta keep trying. Gov made the promise. They should really fulfill it. 😊
  5. I would like to get this petition presented to the relevant people in Government over the next few days. The target was 1,000 signatures. I have struggled which is understandable after nearly six years of arguing. Can any of you please help me get it over the line? https://www.change.org/iomgascustomers
  6. I am posting this from a guesthouse in NI. I flew to NI from IOM on Monday and travelled straight down to the ROI. When I left the IOM departures there was no check on paperwork. There was no check for paperwork in NI arrivals either. There is a notice in NI arrivals stating that onward passengers to ROI need to fill out a locator form. There are spaces to add for different airlines and airports on the form. On the UK GOV information site it is clear on two things. Passengers departing from NI to ROI do not need a locator form, 2+2 or PCR. Any passengers arriving to the ROI from any other country within the common travel area do and it also mentions travel through NI. Just to finish, at no point in the ROI was I stopped and asked for paperwork. Only you can make the choice but I suggest you are supposed to fill the locator form and show 2+2 or PCR within 72 hours. Hope that helps.
  7. They sell at cost I was told once. That said I don't know who to believe anymore. There are several charges and costs however that MG must pay. Check NERA REPORT 2018. The figures might be outdated now but you will get the idea.
  8. I was quite shocked when I heard him say that. Very dangerous thing to say.
  9. You do of course realise that banding up was stopped at a very early stage due to campaigning. Would you have stayed at the same rate if Manx Gas hadn't agreed not to band up till after the results of NERA? I don't know. One thing is for sure though is that it could have been highly likely and if it did happen it might have cost you more than £250 a year. The only other thing I can say is that it isn't my fault you haven't had the rebate that was promised. That would have been close to £250 alone, we have been in a price freeze till very recently, the future ROCE will be only 60% of what is was up to 2021, but I have learned many don't like to look at the small print.
  10. Hi I am the Barry. There has always sadly been VAT added but from my memory, on the previous tariff sheet, SC was shown exclusive of VAT, now it's inclusive. It was an error on my part. I wholeheartedly apologise for any inconvenience.
  11. I am catching up with family next week. I am gutted I am not sitting in the Tynwald gallery for the debate. It would have been interesting to watch the elected leaders considering a 27.5% increase on the very people that put them in that position.
  12. That's not what was explained to me. 27.5% is needed just for a break even point. Strangely enough however that an increase of 27.5% is calculated as far as I know for wholesale prices to be costing approximately 250p per therm. Days after the 27.5% increase was drafted up, wholesale price went up over 400p per therm. Luckily however the price has come down now to approximately 250p and is expected to stay about there for the short/mid term future. The 27.5% increase is provisional. Provisional is a great word. It has so many possible meanings. I could argue it means the first of many more. Anything can happen to be honest. There are no winners here..
  13. Gone easy? Is this a trick question? I've just started another petition to push for an investigation into promised refunds/rebates. Regarding the second part. Truthfully I don't know if it's actually possible or that easy. It would make sense in many ways to do that though considering the Government (us) own the greater and more technical part of the infrastructure. I don't share the same anger and resentment that many do. I sit in the middle, stir shit, wait for fallout and repeat. Only the Government hold the answer here. I just hope they do their homework.
  14. The refunds paid to customers were a regulatory adjustment on overpayment on ROCE since 01/01/21. They were nothing to do with the promise of a refund/repayment for 2020/2021.
  15. No. Not at all. I'm pushing for a refund, a reduction of the interest for the MUA loan and the Government to pay much more for its gas. I'm pushing for that whether Tynwald vote in favour of a price hike or not. I'm not sure that allowing MG to fail is wise. Only the Treasury and the MUA know that I think. Perhaps not even they know.
  16. It is out of their control. You are correct I think. Thank you Sir for your kind words. Bashing them will not help. I see this as the perfect opportunity to push change for the long-term good. I've been trying for nearly six years. I might as well keep going. 😃
  17. I admin a Facebook group for gas customers. This is a copy of what I put on today(or will when Facebook is live again. Apparently there is a bug in the machine. It's purely my opinion. You might not necessarily agree. Good evening. 😊 By now you have likely heard the news that Tynwald is to vote on a tariff increase later this month. I have actually known about this proposed rise for a little longer than the news media. I'm most likely slightly more over the disappointment at this stage than many of the members are. I always hope that members of this group are better able to hold things together than many others might that are not in the group. Panicking will not help the situation. Putting the clock back a bit, we know the following. Treasury has previously promised to repay/refund its share of the rebate promised for 2020/2021. That amount is/was expected to amount to approximately £100 (give or take) for the two year total. Manx Gas had promised to repay/refund if another voluntary deal was signed. It wasn't signed and Manx Gas have said that they won't be making any refunds/repayments for their share. The purpose of this post is to stick to the facts. Again frustration will not help. It is likely to be the case that the ROCE/WACC will be greatly reduced in the not too distant future. THAT IS VERY GOOD NEWS FOR THE FUTURE, but, ROCE/WACC however is only important if the price of wholesale gas is at a level where making a profit is possible. At the moment wholesale prices are near on 500%, or more than they were this time last year. From my understanding the gas company will not be making any money right now at all due to the astronomical wholesale cost of buying gas. We are also aware that for a period of time the Government itself has been on a very favourable rate with MG. I have said on too many occasions that this practice is unfair, especially considering the sky-high cost of gas before the proposed increase. I have requested already and will continue to request the following. I will number the three points. 1) The Government immediately move to repay the £100, (approximately) for 2020 and 2021. 2)The Government immediately agree to pay Manx Gas more for its gas and recoup that cost, if necessary, back through direct taxation. Certainly in the case of Nobles at 2.80p per KWH, it can no longer be accepted by domestic customers that this is fair, let alone just. 3) Extend the period on the reduced loan rate for the gas network extension for a temporary period of another two years or more. It was because of this interest rate reduction that the promised rebates for 2020 and 2021 become possible. This is a bad situation members. It needs to be dealt with urgently. I like you have little or no sympathy for IEG/MG, but do appreciate that at this moment in time they are in a tough situation. It's not up to me to speculate what Tynwald will do. The regulator has recommended a price rise and that's exactly what Tynwald has to decide upon. If it decides not too, the question is what happens then? I think over the next few days there will be more fallout from this story. If I see, hear, or read anything interesting I will immediately link. Hope this was helpful. Stay strong. This is an unexpected twist in the road ~~ we must manoeuvre.
  18. Same could be said as to why gas consumers cross-subsidise the Government gas bill at Nobles. Just short of 18,000,000 kWh of gas was consumed there in 2020. Why is it only has consumers cross-subsidising the hospital when the services are used by all?
  19. I guess it's simply a case of why it wasn't and which party dragged heals more. I have been quite involved in the gas debate over the years and truthfully I always hoped for proper and fair regulation to be implemented as I like many others believe that the 2015 Gas Agreement allowed domestic gas consumers to be unfairly exposed for 6 years. The "Heads of Terms" for a new agreement were much better for the consumer. That's a fact, because I read them. I think however that they were not so good for the gas company. From memory, the letter you, I and hundreds others received, was before the 'HOT' were presented to Tynwald. MG (in my opinion) had every chance. They dithered, they delayed and the mandate that was 31/12/20 passed. Now we must move on. It's just a damned nightmare that wholesale prices have risen so high.
  20. There were two options always on the table. A voluntary deal, with the terms you mention was only possible if agreed and signed of by Tynwald by end of Dec 2020. That never happened. There's probably likely several reasons why, but none are important now. Earlier this year the 'Communications Commission' became the regulator and is currently in the consultation stage of introducing new regulation. Please have a look at their website for details. Manx Gas only agreed to pay back their part of what a new agreement could or would be, if it were signed. It wasn't. Essentially now their half will never be paid. I have been to their offices and requested it to be paid, gave several reasons why I felt it should be paid, but the answer was no. At this time, about 3 months or so ago, wholesale prices had already started to rocket. Treasury has agreed to pay its share of the rebate. I think that will be later this year or early next year. The rebate will likely be paid through CURA. I think it will be about £45 for 2020 and hopefully the same for 2021. Essentially it is about half of the amount promised on the letter. Hope that helps a bit. I intend to chase whoever the Treasury and also the Policy Minister after the election. Hope that helps a bit. The new WACC/ROCE is expected to be about 4.65% and the retail margin about 2% with other improvements also. Please look at the CURA website for more information. I can post a link if you are interested. Regarding the likely increase, the roots of it are on the attached picture.
  21. Bazza Smurf


    Lonan worked hard in his healthy days for the good of the taxi trade. Not that the majority of the new people in the trade would even think about that, never mind know it or appreciate it. Suffice to say if it wasn't for people like him the job would have been completely destroyed by the Government years ago. Sadly and very sorely missed he will be. A proper oldskool hero and a very bright one at that. The Taxi Trade is weaker without him that's for sure.
  22. Bazza Smurf


    A true gentleman. One of the few guys in my line of work I had total and utmost respect for. RIP M. x
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