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Everything posted by P.K.

  1. SAS CQB room clearance perhaps. In a running battle - not a chance.
  2. They're a lot more believable than you are...
  3. On the Beeb they quoted a member of the (Hamas) medical services who said that a lot of those trying to steal from the aid convoy before it could get to the distribution point were shot in the head allegedly by the IDF. This struck me as odd so I did a quick google: "Dr. Husam Abu Safyia, director of Kamal Adwan Hospital, said the majority of the injured taken there had gunshot wounds in the upper part of their bodies, and many of the deaths were from gunshots to the head, neck or chest." Now the SOP for the British Army is "Two aimed rounds through the centre of the target" (you never shoot people just targets) the reason being if you aim for the head instead of the torso you're highly likely to miss. Add to that these targets would also be moving and the whole thing sounds highly suspect...
  4. However strange but true neither of them can explain how their precious "sovrinty" was never an issue in over forty years of EU membership in which the UK thrived...
  5. Having looked at the photo I'm forced to conclude it's fake. The cable tie is around a wrist is fully cinched up but not tied to anything. Also if you put it in perspective, adding the width of the tracks in the dirt to the width of the marks on the body the Merkava tracks would in that case have to be about 4 feet wide ie twice the width that they actually are.
  6. @The Voice of Reason I asked you if you agreed that leaving the single market and customs union was a very stupid thing to do? Being as it was just a sop to the ultra right wing tory grouping known as the ERG led by intellectual colossus Mark Francois. I'm very surprised you failed to answer. Especially because as you are a Guardian reader you would have been aware of this excellent piece of journalism: Boris Johnson’s biggest lie about Europe is finally coming home to roost https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/sep/06/boris-johnsons-biggest-lie-europe-coming-home-single-market An answer to my question would be appreciated. Thanks...
  7. @The Voice of Reason Don't think so. Pointing out that leaving the customs union and single market was quite simply beyond stupid is "just telling it like it is" - wouldn't you agree...?
  8. @The Voice of Reason Not a bad tactic I suppose. Admit you would have voted for brexit, as if we didn't already know, but not for the tory party. Then you can still claim to be a brexiteer but can absolve yourself from the appallingly thin Johnson "oven ready deal not" where leaving the customs union and single market was quite simply beyond stupid. Not a bad tactic at all...
  9. Just pointing out the gaps in your knowledge. Why is it that Egypt and Jordan do not have refugee camps...? After all those in the camps, like Gaza, are just going nowhere very very slowly...
  10. Don't be completely stupid. I'm simply pointing out that with a growing population, most of which are relying on handouts, Gaza as a Palestinian entity is simply unsustainable.
  11. A race to the bottom. Why am I not surprised... I guess because there's nothing in my post you can actually dispute. Like time and again I have pointed out that Gaza is a road to nowhere that will have to be dealt with eventually. Answer from you came there none. Anyway I suspect that the Hamas backer and arms supplier Iran prompted the attack to disrupt any further accord between Saudi Arabia and Israel. Interestingly there are only two Arab nations surrounding the territory who do not have Palestinian refugee camps - Egypt and Jordan. So why do the rest have them...?
  12. You're having a laugh... Hamas have already demonstrated how barbaric they are with all the footage they took of their October 7th assault ffs! This was greeted by Palestinians rejoicing in the streets not only in Gaza but around the world. If I was a member of the IDF having seen the deliberate brutality of Hamas and the celebrations that followed it never mind this totally unrealistic "turn the other cheek" nonsense I would want some payback as well.
  13. It's a given... Ignoring the facts because they don't suit your narrative is just a bit naive.
  14. I've certainly noticed frightened, hurt children being made to sit in line for the cameras. Plus lots more deliberately staged scenarios. Hamas don't miss a trick in the PR war...
  15. These issues always end up in the same place: Q: Who watches the watchers? A: Actually they have to watch themselves...
  16. What really pisses me off is that the GOP are playing politics with military aid to Ukraine. Add to that Trump's stupid announcements about NATO countries not paying their way and they're just encouraging the Russians. Add the fall-off in military aid (ammo) and the GOP are basically causing unnecessary Ukrainian casualties. It would also appear that the MAGA nutters are too stupid to realise it...
  17. It's nothing to do with greater principles and everything to do with greater firepower! Plus one round that hits is worth any number that miss. NATO technology in smart munitions is streets ahead of the Russians, their tactics are still stuck in WW2 and their Command and Control is still characteristically slow. As I've posted previously their human stockpile is enormous but as has been shown in Ukraine they are struggling against what's essentially a very small sample of what NATO has on offer. It will be interesting to see how the F16's perform against the more nimble MiG-29's.
  18. Steve Kirsch is the subject of this Massachusett Institute of Technology Tech Review. You will note most of his stuff is totally debunked and all the members of his Scientific Advisory Board resigned citing his dangerous (false) claims and erratic behaviour. I wouldn't believe a word he said on anything but especially covid. You're a mug if you do... https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/10/05/1036408/silicon-valley-millionaire-steve-kirsch-covid-vaccine-misinformation/
  19. I guess we'll find out... But I can assure you that 44% of those in the Six Counties will NOT want to lose their British citizenship. With memories of the murderous thugs of the IRA and "Bloody Saturday" I've no doubt some will react violently and the 6,000 or so troops of the Irish Army will be unable to cope. Mind you, they'll be back in the EU so not all bad I suppose...
  20. I hope not. It will be worse than "The Troubles" by a very large margin and will probably go on indefinitely...
  21. The Russians have been taking a beating, no question. Not only in equipment and inevitably in badly trained conscripts but also in their "professional" units. It will take them some time to re-build. Especially in terms of morale. However there are some massive differences between taking on NATO compared to Ukraine. The two key areas are in air power, which has taken some two years for just small elements to reach the Ukraine battlefield, and the NATO doctrine of deploying tactical battlefield nuclear capability in the event of an invasion from the East. Goodnight Vienna...!
  22. The real tragedy of brexit is that voters didn't have the faintest idea what they were voting for. They didn't find out what it was until four years later when Johnson's hard brexit received Royal Assent and was implemented in 2020 by which time it was too late to do anything about it. I can't help thinking that had it been known that the UK would be diminished by going from a top player in the best trading block on the planet straight down to Third Country trading status and desperate for trade deals the result could have been different. Add to that a lowering of living standards and a large influx of non-EU migrants who want to settle here permanently and bring over the extended family etc etc and I can absolutely ruckin' guarantee it would have been different! Fools...
  23. For all those anti-vaxxers out there a massive global study reveals what sensible people have known since the start of putting covid back in it's box and saving untold lives: Two very rare Covid vaccine side-effects detected in global study of 99 million Results confirm how uncommon known complications are as researchers confirm benefits from vaccines still ‘vastly outweigh the risks’ https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/feb/23/two-very-rare-covid-vaccine-side-effects-detected-in-global-study-of-99-million
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