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Everything posted by Vulgarian

  1. That is very cool! But how were the "creatures" constructed? They all seem to be a made from cubiods. Are these randomly put together and tested? In what way are they evolved? It's amusing and wonderous to us to see cuboids moving and behaving like living things, but the really interesting bit is in the construction and evolution. Do you happen to know?
  2. It depends who you ask in former Soviet states as to what answer you get about Russia. The divisions of opinion can be along generational, economic, or geographic lines.They can also swing quite quickly. This is the problem in Ukraine where broadly speaking the eastern half of the country is pro Russia and the western half pro EU. And, as Chinahand said, there are many other people and groups with different interests one way or the other. This is why this has the potential to be such an awful conflict.
  3. There are plenty of references in native popular music going back many centuries, of course. However, it's understood (though not explicitly stated) that OP means references from outside of the Island. Referencing oneself is just sad, isn't it? We desperately need other people to acknowledge us and affirm our existence. It's a strange phenomenon. In my house this always happened when we were mentioned on border news: "...history of drug and alcohol problems..." "Come quick! Isle o' Man's on the telly!" "...before turning the gun on himself." "Woo! Isle o' Man!"
  4. You should definitely get in touch with that Davina. She sounds really nice.

  5. Fucking magnets. How do they work?
  6. OP seems to be confusing Nationalism with total and complete economic dissociation and independence from all other political entities. Nationalism can cover a wide range of political ideas. The people who are responsible for the recent graffiti around the Island have not stated any objectives at all so far. Their slogans give us little insight into their thinking, so we can't really say what aims they have in mind. It is a bit of jump then to say that their aim is the severance of all ties with any other union of any sort. In fact, the labelling of the graffiti as Nationalist by the media is presumptuous as no explicitly nationalist ideas have been expressed, and i suspect that labelling has behind it a will to associate it with the less appealing connotations that nationalism has.
  7. Not really Youtube, but never mind. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/516819 Hope someone enjoys it as much as i did.
  8. Lol. Well found. I saw James Earl Jones on House the other day, he was supposed to be some despotic african ruler on his death bed, but it was impossible not to laugh, especially as his son also featured in the episode.
  9. I think a contrived "town square" is doomed to failure. Towns that have these nuclear centres have usually developed them organically over a period of time because they have, or have had, a function as a place of commerce and general gatherings. Just choosing an arbitrary place as and calling it the centre of the town doesn't mean that will actually be that in reality. If you look at these "organic" town squares you see that they meet a number of factors which are the key to their success, like being at the convergence of transport routes. To construct an artificial square without taking into account these factors would be folly. You can attempt to give it a purpose by holding a market once a week, but what will its function be the rest of the time? Town planning is a really very complex art - it attempts to replicate the organic development of a settlement. There's more to what makes a town centre than a nice cobbled piazza and a fountain.
  10. I'd say that there is some reasoning behind the provision of healthcare, education, security, transport, and justice. I would reason that if the government makes provisions for people's physical health, transport needs, and education, then it should also be concerned with the mental wellbeing and quality of life of its citizens, but for some reason it does not consider this a very high priority. Ideally the government would not be responsible for these things, but considering the nature of our current system it seems odd to me that it should not be.
  11. I think someone else brought this point up earlier on in the thread, and that is whether it is the government's responsibility to provide leisure and entertainment facilities for its citizens. Do we want a government run ice rink? We already have, ludicrously to my mind, two government run theatres which bleed money, and which people seem to do nothing but complain about. I can only begin to imagine how the poor management and disregard for public money that are the hallmarks of government would transfer to the setting of a giant indoor ice rink, or a "megaplex". But then with all the taxes we pay people expect something back. I think that with the 'big government' system that we have, and the amount of taxes we pay, the state ought to be providing something for the enjoyment and fulfillment of its people. They already control healthcare, education, security, transport, and justice, and reach far beyond what it necessary to the practical running of a country, so it seems odd that they should not be concerned with the emotional wellbeing of the people.
  12. There's a car park round the back which is a lot bigger than the lay-by that serves as a bus station now.
  13. There were plans to move the bus station to the Sea Terminal, which i think would be an ideal place - sheltered waiting area, shop units, cafe, taxi rank, ferry terminal, welcome centre.
  14. Hmm, i was reading about these parasitic isopods the other day actually. Apparently they eat the tongue of the host fish and then sit in its place. I bet if you looked inside the heads of some MF members you'd find a little dude just like that sat in there in place of a brain. ...and why is that fish wearing dentures?
  15. You can kiss all that goodbye if we don't take steps to limit our impact on the planet.
  16. The objections to the proposed legislation were solely related to its possible detrimental effects on the economy. Such is the power of human greed that in the face of a global environmental crisis people are still trying to protect their petty economic interests. Fuck the economy.
  17. "Kseniya Simonova is a Ukrainian artist who just won Ukraine's version of "America's Got Talent." She uses a giant light box, dramatic music, imagination and "sand painting" skills to interpret Germany's invasion and occupation of Ukraine during WWII." I thought it was a joke to begin with but it is actually quite good.
  18. But you might be fugly. Your avatar definitely is. And by the way, your tail is on fire. Uh, yeah, what is that?
  19. Yeah, thanks for that... With our small, mostly captive population there are only going to be so many available people. In the past that was less of a problem - you'd most likely end up marrying someone in your circle of friends, or one of their friends because there was nobody else - but now people's requirements of their partners are becoming more specific and their expectation are getting higher, in other words they're more picky. Everyone is looking for their perfect person, whether it's realistic or not. These sites enable them to be as picky as they like about partners, and filter out "undesirables", but ultimately it leaves a lot of people lonely because they have not found someone who meets their unrealistic expectations.
  20. As delapidated as it was it still had large indoor spaces that could have been used for a variety of things. I suppose the problem was the cost of maintaining, staffing, heating the place.
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