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Everything posted by foxdaleliberationfront

  1. Big HQ has called a crisis meeting later this week to bang heads together. He is apparently most displeased!
  2. Thanks for the updates Numbnuts. I had a source who was involved with the Promenade work, but quit late in the summer due to the stress of dealing with the sheer incompetence of the DOI and Government in general - his words were along the lines of good money to be had but not worth the stress. Essentially he said the DOI Overlords would show up one morning with some bits of paper and ask for X, Y, and Z to be done according to their plans. They would then come back in the following days and ask why it had been done that way and then demand that X, Y, and Z be redone in a different way. They really should just abandon the trams for now. Several people have commented that from a civil engineering / town planning point of view the tram tracks should be the very last thing to be done so that all the groundwork and foundations for the highway, sewers and drains could be done before the final road surface / rails are put down. The whole thing is out of control and will end up being a very, very expensive mistake.
  3. Also, when did the walkway become part of the scheme? We were all told it wasn't being done when the plans were first announced, now they seem to have a 6ft trench dug along it!
  4. Everything that Numbnuts has posted above seems to agree with things I've been told. NoTail seems to agree as well. It needs some brave action, but sadly I don't think COMIN or the back benchers have the balls to do it. 1. Call and immediate halt to all work on the Promenade. 2. Appoint a UK contractor before the end of January 2020 with a set timescale working from one end to the other 3. The horse trams get binned off indefinitely until the scheme is fully complete - I don't care what anyone else says, they were an unnecessary complication to the work this summer and caused a loss of parking
  5. One would think that for the £1m per annum they would be able to find journalists who have a basic grasp of English?
  6. On a serious note. Why can't this statue be located in the new 'Cultural Quarter' when that part of the Promenade vanity project is complete (currently estimated for completion C.2032 - 2045AD) - if we really even need this statue at all.
  7. It's a serious subject. We're talking about Stayin' Alive. Personally I think it would be a Tragedy if the shelter were to be demolished. Perhaps someone needs to have Words with the Corpy and get them to ask the public How Deep is Your Love for this public amenity?
  8. I disagree. A statue won't be much use when it's blowing a gale in November.
  9. What's their reason for demolishing the shelter? It's fine as it is, this sounds very much like DBC just wanting to piss ratepayers money up the wall as usual.
  10. Is there a way that the voters of Peel could re-call Minister Harmer? There surely must be a way of removing an MHK?
  11. It looks like the Corpy want permission to demolish one of the shelters on Douglas Promenade (something useful) with an expensive statue (something not useful). https://services.gov.im/planningapplication/services/planning/planningapplicationdetails.iom?ApplicationReferenceNumber=19/01166/B It's not quite clear what the statue will be - perhaps it will be a larger than life statue of Sir David Christian MBE, OBE, MNH, DBC to celebrate his seemingly endless reign over the island's capital. Or perhaps it will be a 12ft high sculpture of a steaming pile of horse turd to celebrate the unique feature of the promenade?
  12. This is where www.avherald.com is your friend. You can search by airline and it will bring up a whole list of incidents and accidents. Although for Flybe it includes Blue Islands and Stobarts.
  13. They really should have just got a big UK firm in to do the job. It would have been done by now!
  14. It looks like the MyProm website has had an expensive makeover... mind you it's previous guise was pretty shite anyway... https://www.myprom.im/ They also seem to have engaged some marketing consultants - https://www.boldconsultancy.com/myprom/ Because if the holy clusterfuck of MyProm needed one thing it was definitely more consultants!
  15. I'm starting to think it would have been quicker, cheaper, and easier to reclaim a 25 metre wide stretch of land from the beach the whole way along Douglas Bay . It would mean all the ancient services and shitting horse trams could have been left to rot in aspic so as not to upset all the history buffs and anoraks. Meanwhile the public would have got a brand new road that was fit for purpose and probably decent parking too!
  16. I had to check that link wasn't a satirical news site! That actually completely takes the piss. The whole scheme is somewhere between 20 and 25 weeks behind at present, and seemingly continues to fall further and further behind with each passing week. There are promenade businesses that are on the verge of collapse. Promenade businesses that pay thousands of pounds each year in extortionate rates to Douglas Borough Council and provide jobs to people, Businesses that have had their trade decimated by the fuckwits running the scheme and who seemingly don't care about the impact of their work. There are local residents that have had to put up with a recreation of the internment camp all along Queens Promenade all summer while these people blunder along, seemingly not knowing their arse from their elbow. Meanwhile a glorified fairground attraction that is being propped up to the tune of £600k+ each year has all the stops pulled out so it can come out and shit all over the Promenade for one final weekend this year. Maybe it's just so they can round up the losses? Chris Robertshaw was spot on when he said they must not be allowed to run until the whole scheme is finished - I hope he holds DOI to account.
  17. How much more money is this glorified hospital radio station going to consume?!
  18. My money will be on the 'Courthouse' being considered the centre!
  19. No idea, possiibly just the cogs of bureacracy straining under the weight of sheer BS. This one is eye-opening - according to the minutes Longworth was (is?) dreaming up (a no doubt expensive) scheme to extend the MER into central Ramsey... WHY?. Club Tynwald need to kick that one right into touch before it goes any further.
  20. The inner thoughts and workings of this almighty clusterfuck have finally been published... https://www.myprom.im/plans/strategic-board-minutes-#cont
  21. Great news for 3FM! The latest figures show that Manx Radio lost over 3% of it listeners from Q3 2018 and Q3 2019. The downward spiral continues.
  22. With the Public Sector Pensions Crisis soon to be upon us, can the Government really justify the millions they spend on the MER each year?
  23. It sounds like the idea has been dropped for now, but it will no doubt come back in the future. Mr Shimmins in place of Ray Harmful as DOI Minister wouldn't be a bad thing, he would at least have the balls to rein in the spending on naff things like heritage railways, he would promote more cycle lanes and he may even get the Highways Division whipped in to shape - the latter being unlikely but certainly worth a try. He can be no worse than the current muppet in charge.
  24. There's zero chance of a modern tram service - one like they have in Birmingham or Croydon. the route is too twisty and too many little road crossings.
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