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Everything posted by LightBulb

  1. The original carrot was white, it is only orange due to evolution.
  2. If we get snow whilst the outer south bound lane is closed off, then that is going to bring all of the traffic heading south to a complete standstill ( including 4 x 4`s ).
  3. Why did we go from a round "Stop Sign" to a Hexagonal one ?
  4. Was it the DOI, Colas, or the lads cowboys on the "Friary Park job" who did the Richmond Hill job ?
  5. https://www.facebook.com/IOMpolicemedia/?__tn__=kC-R&eid=ARDiXgJu7rfSYB_5ffOr70OCCrtM_lVPiK9bPPgenW4biQT-u5BM3cPq0xt9a9PErbf0bxKNZDNHWv3z&hc_ref=ARSfWA5-EkNNVuUr187sISMI2dcdcRXopSgDX1b6gGf4E2wQRxuLhujQXj7c9B11obo&fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARC0o_a3efVJ6knhVPhAZ2ZnIoH-0vyD64zNG-myqb9uCrLps8xBR1T7fp3a2Br3P-P2OpUSfLxLrDoW2Yn91AR4oc6AX1upfWfziNEa23PyLS9VG-gv7kFVeSsFY3j6avF-N-IUc8Br5-1wcuMRMjfTF9RD_AQZnjczWzdK28gOI62ClxNG6o5ePwreh7QYYotF67VEFXwbXUvDdwkjQPKfWzXIcgEWD0YdxDxZFse-SNeju41z1DdMKTMnb-LXN5IbIlVfQ0y3Rxq4ctwbygHgH5GzQxwIzFfh0PdnPU-DgT_k4yByDoDTdK2pVf52j7GBzoYppNHPi2ll5UetRe5AkikIRlibt_GuZK6UFV7Y_CoVXWc It does day that the work will be carried out when the weather is warmer, so i read from that, it won`t be any time soon, maybe mid may / early June, ( if this was the TT course it would be a main priority, and done next week ). Who is covering the cost of this mess ?
  6. That sort of reminds me of the number that Treadmill used to do at the Tholt Y Will many years ago: COAL-HOLE CAVALRY^^ Ted Edwards 1. Early morning, dreaming is shattered One clitter-clatter on t'flags outside Old Knocker-Upper rat-tatting on t'window Making sure nobody's overlied. CHORUS: Clittering, clattering, coal-hole cavalry Galloping, rain or fine Clittering, clattering, coal-hole cavalry Galloping down to t'mine. 2. Father yawning, drizzle on t'window More clitter-clattering coming down t'hill Stairs are creaking, oven door banging Father waiting for Uncle Bill. 3. Mam is filling 'is bottle wi' water Clatter-clitter-clatter and a rattle on t'latch Clogs in t'lobby an' talking quiet Arguing t' toss about Sunday's match. 4. Come on, Billy lad, best get goin' Clatter-clitter-clatter an' t'front door bang!! Going down to t'mucky old coal-pit Hear pit hat and snap-tin clang! 5. Colliers riding a million horses Clatter-clitter-clatter all over t'world "Look-out! Injuns, Cavalry's coming!" Picks and shovels and banners unfurled. 6. Hooter's blowin' a sound of vict'ry Clatter-clitter-clattering's over an' done All t'world's quiet an' sleep is coming Wish I were a collier - collier - collier Wish I were a collier, it must be fun!
  7. Why is the hill called Richmond Hill", or should we rename it as Chipping Hill / Clopping Hill ?
  8. I can`t find a deffinition on google for the word "cloppings" is this a manx word ?
  9. I don`t think it is loose chippings that are coming off now, it is lumps of tarmac complete with chippings that are coming off, went up there last week, and a car over took the car in front of me and was sending bite sized bits of tarmac on to us all, but then i suppose as it is not the TT course it is not really a priority, to those of us who pay road tax.
  10. Presumably the same mystery as the B&Q job ?
  11. What ever happended about that, not ever seen anything in the news about arrests / convictions for those ?
  12. Is he rerfering to "Santa Clause" coming down the chimney uninvited and delivering his parcels / christmas presents, or does "Santa Clause" have an open invitation as it is him ( the man himself ), and do his elves have the same legal clause as santa ?
  13. Are the 30mph speed limit signs just advisory, or compulsary ?, as i havent seen anthing in the paper to say there was an order in place for a speed restriction.
  14. How about manx radio just stop doing adverts, if it is a national radion station, funded by the tax payers, ?
  15. Great untill they get to the "quarter bridge roundabout" and the mexican stand off, how can they program a driverless car to cope with that ?
  16. Do you mean this one ? ----------------------------------------- I would not recommend purchasing a car through this company at all. I bought a VW Golf from them at the start of the year that is still under manufacturer's warranty. I was told at the time I purchased the car that MotorMall are the IOM VW dealer. On 27th June, over two weeks ago, my car's waterpump failed and the engine warning light came on and told me to not to drive the car as it was overheating. I pulled over and called MotorMall - I was told to call VW. My reply was that I was told that MotorMall was a VW dealership!? This was the first time I was fobbed off and had to find a person at VW to speak with who informed us that as the car was still under warranty, it was covered and that we were entitled to a courtesy car. That was two weeks ago! Since then, they have ordered the wrong parts, had to order the right tools and still not provided us with a courtesy car - but the worst part of all of this is their customer service!! We have had to constantly chase for updates, to the point where my boyfriend has just been up to see them! Still no courtesy car, still no decent apology for the inconvenience. I am absolutely furious and I will never, ever buy another car from them!!! I will also be taking my VW to the UK for servicing. The service has been absolutely shocking. I will be contacting someone at VW to let them know how bad this experience has been. --------------------------------------- Or this one ? Bekki Killey I had similar to, my car broke down after 6 weeks and when I took keys in so they can recover car the lad told me I wasn’t entitled to a courtesy car but Steve the only helpful one there said I can have a courtesy car, I also had to chase for updates to the point where I had to go in and see them, they are horrible and rude when you have a problem but lovely when taking money! I now have car back but it sound absolutely shit! I will never buy anything from them again and would strongly suggest people go elsewhere ----------------------------------- Or even this one ? Worst garage I've ever dealt with in the Isle of Man. A level of incompetence I've never seen before. Booked in 3 times to have work done on my car and twice it was forgotten about. Even managed to lose the car at one point. The other time (the second time) I was told the work was done and I could come and pick it up, only to find it hadn't been done, they had just ordered parts and would need booking in again. 3rd time I booked it in they forgot about it again. I woudn't recommend this garage to anyone! -------------------------------- It dosen`t sound great, given the amount they have just invested here does it ?
  17. Isn`t womans hour being a bit" sextest" ?
  18. Do you think it would be an idea to tell them we are the "Isle of Man" not the Isle of White ( or Monaco ), as they seem to have the impession, we are all driving around in "Porche`s", and multi millionaires , i just dont understand why they have built that place, the POR ( Profit on Return ) for that must be huge, ( even without the fecking firework display ), i wonder just how much discount they would really go down desperate they are to secure a sale ?
  19. I think the "Womens Hour" program which always seems to be about saddness, in some shape or form should be dropped, it is depressing.
  20. Should we not have the "manx gales" named in manx ?
  21. Phoned them up yesterday looking for a part number, to be told "we aren`t allowed to give out part numbers anymore", but could book my car in for repair, the rate would be £150 per hour, + vat.
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