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  1. My understanding is that from Monday, Regent St is re-opening on monday 11th Jan as self-service only.
  2. So you can't have principles about anything unless you are 100% correct in everything you do, at any time? It's very, very easy to belittle climate change activists by suggesting that they can never drive anywhere or they're hypocrites. Neatly sidesteps you from having to consider their message by just focusing on slating the message-bringer. Wood is a renewable resource and mahogany can be sustainable depending on where it is sourced, managed plantations do exist. However if there is a genuine concern about mahogany sourced from rainforests and other non-sustainable sources, it should be banned by Governments to import it. It should not be down to people making their own moral choices as one woman's morals are another woman's chains.
  3. I am hopeful the TT will return in 2021. We can't pause life forever. But IF it is cancelled it will return in 2022.
  4. I second it. Anecdotal as well I know, but not a dicky bird of any learning given from school to my kids. If the teachers or government really gave the smallest of fucks about the children or their parents they would cancel the summer holidays. How will any parent will manage to take yet more time off a few short weeks after going back to work?? The kids could make the learning theyve missed up if the holidays were cancelled. But we all know the teachers would never agree
  5. The amount of money I have saved by not going pubbing and clubbing. I don't think I'll go back to it. Much better having some pals in the yard and a night 'in" costs about 10 quid instead of 100 on a night "out". Dream on h&b. This is the new normal. People without yards are drinking in groups in parks, beaches etc. Its really nice, the place looks more alive than ever. People having fun outside everywhere
  6. That will be because we're allowed to have people round in the garden now. Although howard Quayle said "only 2 people" and "only from the same household" it seems that bit was guidance only as it is not mentioned in any of the legislation.
  7. For the Nation's station" to stop broadcasting half of the update (questions and answers) on FM beggars belief. Who has AM radio?? I have to use my phone which is crap and hard to hear. This stuff about him trying get extra listeners has a ring of truth, but his jovial manner is very off putting on the back of such a serious conference. The biggest and most important event in our lifetimes and our national broadcaster CBA giving it proper coverage!
  8. Al plastic Bags should be at least £1, still see far too many people getting bags at the shop. Most of my bags for life are all cotton or recycled
  9. I find it surprising that people describe "human life" almost in hushed tones, as if human life were somehow special or extraordinary. Have you noticed how many of us there are? We're like a bacteria on the world, multiplying and killing off our host and everything else. But that kind of killing is fine, billions and billions of other species killed every year because nothing else is "human life"? Not to me. Banning abortion also smacks a little of banning contraception when viewed as wasting "human life". The vast majority of terminations are not "human life" only the potential, just like every sperm or egg. The whole argument is like Trump's. He is anti-abortion because of his regard for "human life" but views the migrants in the caravan as practically worthless and has literally no compassion or concern for their lives. Same story for the hypocrites Maynragh identifies. Anti-abortion whilst giving zero concerns about the suffering and death around the world due to basic lack of food or clean water.
  10. This is very very stupid comment. Foot the bill? How do you think the costs for abortion (pills usually) compare to the cost of looking after pregnant women, medical staff for scans, midwives & doctors for birth, post-natal aftercare and then 18 years of schooling Abortion is by far the cheapest option. It's win win really.
  11. Do Onchan not like tourists or visitors then? It's not like there is FA else in Onchan to visit, is there? Onchan Park is about it. Unless you're a big fan of estates and boy racers, which Onchan residents sure seem to be. There is nothing there at all. Nada. Diddly squat. You'd think the rate payers would be keen for their money to go on something slightly interesting really.
  12. Who cares if something is "human" or not? Humans are not some kind of endangered species or something. They are animals like the others. A dog has a higher intelligence level than a 2 year old human. Pigs are even smarter. Most other animals are at least smart enough not to totally fuck up the world like we're doing. Whilst a pregnancy is inside a woman it is an extension of her. It is not a "life". It is part of her. And in a society as advanced as ours, no woman should be forced to carry a growth inside her for months on end if she doesn't want to. Oh and life does not begin at conception. What utter rubbish. No-one can agree when "life" begins so you cannot state that as a fact. In my opinion it is when a child is born and not before.
  13. Um. He's Manx born and raised, lives in the Island, committed a crime on Manx soil and was sentenced to prison in a Manx court. why would he be put anywhere else but a Manx prison?
  14. For me, when it comes to an abortion, the only person entitled to an opinion is the person who is pregnant.
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