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Thomas Jefferson

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Everything posted by Thomas Jefferson

  1. It's a common noun, though, isn't it? I'd be happy for it to be used as a proper noun to refer to General Gaol, but I really can't abide it when people use it to refer to prison. It's one of those words that irritates me, like bespoke. I hate the word bespoke, especially since it got handed down in a memo from on high and is being used by all the wannabes on the island.
  2. What's with all this fancy "gaol" stuff, Mr Wright? "Jail" is one Americanism I'm quite happy to take on board.
  3. no, but the paper does come pre shite covered. What do you expect when it's edited by a Butt?
  4. Inspector Flint, Are these telephone calls with the press recorded and will we get to listen when we get a FOI Act so we can hear them? Thanks
  5. It wasn't a joke. Thank you, Trueblood, now I know where the Whitestone is. It was only last month I finally figured out where Richmond Hill is. (I know all these places inside out, but just don't know the names).
  6. Where's the Whitestone??? No joke. I seem to have vague memories of going to a place called Ballabeg yet it never seemed to be quite in the same place each time. Surely there can't be that many places called Ballabeg? Where are the others?
  7. Where is Ballabeg, anyway?
  8. Impressive http://www.classicfm.com/composers/puccini/news/amira-wilighagen-hollands-got-talent-video/
  9. Hey, check this out. Vangelis' Blade Runner Love Theme slowed down x8. It sounds incredible.
  10. 05:20, he put post-it notes on their hire car which read what ...... ? Sounds like I have a fan.
  11. He starts crying between 2:00 and 2:25 lol
  12. He doesn't need to answer it -- he's Noam Chomsky! He's got queues of young sapiosexual women trying to throw themselves at him.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-96ioKzDZd8
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PfQ2ilEJFg Something to look forward to.
  15. Hideous. At least they write and compose their own songs. That puts them light years ahead of most music celebrities (I won't dignify them by calling them musicians) these days.
  16. Brilliant! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2PwS8FCfxo
  17. Huh? No, just suggesting a disguise. If you don't like that image, how about this one:
  18. Have been in hiding - can't handle the fame Thinking of buying a fake beard as a disguise You'd be better off buying a harley and a bandana.
  19. I watched this on youtube earlier; it's absolutely hilarious.
  20. It's the fact that he's dead serious and not spoofing which makes it such a classic video. He's a very well known Young Earth Creationist (those idiots who think the world is 6,000 yrs old and deny evolution). P.S. In addition to the video, the comments on the youtube page are absolutely hysterical.
  21. This is still the greatest video ever uploaded to the internet:
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