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Thomas Jefferson

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Everything posted by Thomas Jefferson

  1. They were foolish to devise a tax which affects everyone. They should have found another way to tax the poor more, because they don't vote.
  2. The solution to our economic woes is not more taxation [1], but less SPENDING. Let's get rid of some civil servants and stop giving them percentage pay rises before we resort to taxing people to take a dump. [1] The best way to stifle prosperity is to raise taxes, because what you're doing is taking money away from the wealth/job creators and funneling it to a bureaucracy of administrators who create nothing. I'm sure we'll all be very proud of our well-maintained golden sewer pipes when we're all out of a job because the people who create the jobs fled to greener pastures. P.S. This tax has nothing to do with sewer pipes and everything to do with maintaining the civil service salaries and pensions. That's where any new taxes will ultimately be going.
  3. Because not all of us are into the whole UN Agenda 21 thing. What next -- tracking devices in all the cars to measure carbon emissions? No thanks!!!!
  4. Unless they're being replaced from a multipack.
  5. Such as.....? Not a problem for me as I don't eat meat.
  6. He's lucky they didn't take revenge by telling the police he raped them.
  7. Just been to Tesco. Which knob head bought up all the iceberg lettuce???? I can't have my old el paso taco shells and bbq fajitas mix without it.
  8. I suppose the rain would have washed away any skid marks.
  9. I like how you assume someone on here will know the answer, lol
  10. I like the "There's a boat in the morning" Christmas card on the fireplace!
  11. I believe it is necessary to reply to his rambling idiocy if only to protect some tiny element of integrity for these forums. The kind of rubbish he produces is exactly what local politicians are able to point to as examples of 'ill-informed' ignorance and to ignore the genuine points made by some of the more intelligent, knowledgeable and insightful posters1 who frequently expose their blundering spendthrift, self-serving actions.There was a time when intelligent debate was enabled on these forums and I'm extremely disappointed to find an experienced poster such as yourself seeking to protect those whose actions would damage them, Ms bees. 1I do not make any personal claim to be 'intelligent, knowledgeable or insightful.' Lonan, this forum is hardly Wikileaks or Occupy Wall Street. You take yourself too seriously. This forum for the most part is just an anti-government propaganda mill. Badmouthing the government seems to be a hobby for some people yet when push comes to shove they express hostility to anyone who genuinely speaks up against corruption and inequality. Again, lighten up - it's not as if anyone but a small number bother to read the forums anyway.
  12. The thread had pretty much gone stale and ended by the time I committed the crime of the century by moaning about gaol vs jail. Lighten up, people!
  13. "Incomprehensibly stupid" lol.
  14. "Lack of insight and intelligence" lol.
  15. "To be fair," Matt, I don't hijack anything. Any time I post something anywhere on any subject, a handful of vulgar cyber-stalkers (perhaps even one person) and their sock puppets make a point of responding with ridicule and insults. But then the very same people twist it to make it out as if I was the one who started it. My only vice is that I respond to their trolling so in future I will try to ignore their taunts.
  16. I think it's much more likely that the no-personality, self-righteous, humourless, geriatric "Let's keep everything serious and on-topic and talk down to other posters who don't adhere to our anal-retentive notion of how-things-should-be" hallway monitors / bullies put people off the forum. It is unkind and spineless of you to make such a personal comment about me publicly on the forum.
  17. Actually your questioning of gaol was directed at my usage, not that of anyone else I have no problem with you using "gaol" to refer to General Gaol. I couldn't care less that you couldn't care less; although the fact that you took the time and effort to write two sentences about not caring less would certainly seem to be a contradiction in terms. Tosser!
  18. I've still never played this game. The only knowledge of it I have is from South Park episodes. Is it actually any good? How much does it cost? And can you play it locally on your own computer without having to do multiplayer stuff on the internet? I read a news article not long ago which said the game was losing a lot of players.
  19. I wasn't whinging about your usage. It was aimed more at the entire population.
  20. Yeh, or take an extended break and bring in a temp from an agency as temporary cover so we can set them up and blame our negligence on them and the guilty party can return completely absolved of any responsibility. Never seen that happen before.
  21. It's a common noun, though, isn't it? I'd be happy for it to be used as a proper noun to refer to General Gaol, but I really can't abide it when people use it to refer to prison. It's one of those words that irritates me, like bespoke. I hate the word bespoke, especially since it got handed down in a memo from on high and is being used by all the wannabes on the island.
  22. What's with all this fancy "gaol" stuff, Mr Wright? "Jail" is one Americanism I'm quite happy to take on board.
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