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Thomas Jefferson

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Everything posted by Thomas Jefferson

  1. Witch (You actually expect people to read this retarded thread more than one post further back? lol)
  2. It's opposite Clintons. Never been in there.
  3. Same bloke that did the Tower of Refuge invasion? Rhumsaa's got some beardy funny man competition for sure. Yes. I literally keep seeing him EVERYWHERE. It's as if he's deliberately trying to be seen by people.
  4. Just seen Rhumsaa's doppelganger at the Mountain Warehouse. Tell us the truth, Rhumsaa - you're from the mirror universe, aren't you? I'm betting 80% of that beard is fake, hiding a mirror universe Spock-style goatie!
  5. Bring back the Mannin Line !!!!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zombie Dave

      Zombie Dave

      Rrrrv rrrtrrrn hrrrr brrrrrrnrnnzz

    3. carbon selector

      carbon selector

      Bring back the multiple exclamations marks !!!!!!!!!!!

    4. John



  6. I think John Kerry is one of those people who, while ostensibly defending the party line, is sneakily letting out bits of information and trying to do the right thing.
  7. How do you know it was for 10-15 minutes? did it take you that long to choose between red top and green top? I like to do my civic duty by keeping an eye out for potential shoplifters.
  8. "You make babies like aunt Jemima makes biscuits!!!" "Michelle Obama looks like King Kong's baby sister!!!" "If Whoopi Goldberg and Michelle Obama were in a beauty contest, Whoopi would win!!!" "If my wife ever greeted me with a fist bump, I'd give her a left hook!!!" "Barack Hussein Obama is white trash!!! You pimp, you!!!" "Obama is a McDaddy!!! Obama pimps white women and black women. Obama is a long legged McDaddy!!!" "And I don't have to compromise with not one of you nappy head people!!!" Funniest thing I've seen in a long time. The best of Pastor Manning...
  9. Not the same as standing around talking for 10-15 minutes in the M&S milk aisle.
  10. Is Manx Forums accessible from the prison library?
  11. I'm always spotting Rhumsaa. He's one of those trendy people who like to stop and "chat" with other trendy people while blocking shop entrances and food aisles.
  12. Or so they'd like us to believe. It's classic divide and conquer. Russia, China, the EU, America -- all controlled by the same globalist oligarchy. They put on a big show of being rivals, and there may be some rivalry, but ultimately the ones at the top are playing for the same team.
  13. Mr Houghton has said no prison for non-payment. It'll probably be a fine.
  14. Can you believe this? Free of charge? So I take this to mean that the Government, in its magnanimous, gracious and charitable spirit, has been providing taxpayers with a "free" water service for all these years. Does he not understand where government gets its spending money from? I can't tell whether Mr Bell is deliberately spinning away, if he's just unwittingly reading from a script written for him by some civil servant, or if he genuinely believes what he's saying. To quote Mrs Thatcher: "There is no such thing as public money; there is only taxpayers' money." Mr Bell, may I humbly propose that you take your "No-one wants to pay for things they have previously had free of charge but we have to do it" mantra and speak those EXACT same words to your buddies in the government who get their pension contributions paid for by the Isle of Man taxpayer. Mr Houghton, please can you come on here and tell us who poor pensioners and minimum wage workers are supposed to contact to advise you that they will have difficulty paying the tax? Do you need bank statements or a wage slip? Please explain the exact procedure involved for people on low incomes. Thanks in advance.
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