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Everything posted by JessTickle

  1. The 2024 annual return was due on 10 March and has been filed. There has been a NO-CSP form filed on 30 April 2024 Presumably this is documenting the resignation of the nominated officer without the appointment of another. This would put the company in default
  2. If I was a betting woman I would say it has come to an end in some way shape or form - he has announced his new position on LinkedIn today .....
  3. Announced about an hour ago that they were going to cut speed considerably to try and make it a more pleasant crossing. It has had some effect but its mighty wild out there
  4. The Manannan did go this morning, and the crossing was not too bad at all. However, once we got to Liverpool it deteriorated significantly. The boat was only partly disembarked before they had to stop as it was just too dangerous to continue. It is becoming worse and We are likely to be kept here for a couple of hours at least now, but the crew have been absolutely fantastic and beyond accommodating
  5. Most recently that building was part occupied by Wilko, and that has been shut for years now too. They shut that and small Castletown factory when they moved a substantial part of the manufacturing abroad back in the 90's
  6. But its going to be paid off in 30 years, so what does it matter!! Braddan Commissioners are a not for profit organisation! What was staggering was that it was repeatedly pointed out to them that any business plan should have the building at least breaking even. This was apparently never the case - it always was that the rate payer was going to pick up the short fall It was admitted that a short fall of circa £500k is expected each year. AJ said they had no idea when the building would cover its costs. He smirked and deflected for 2 3/4 hours. There is no way in hell they will come up with a detailed plan to sort this mess out.
  7. Or that for their next costly trick they are considering taking legal action against the Gov. Buckle up Braddan, it's going to be an expensive ride!
  8. I am a bit tired to give a full de brief as it went on for 2 3/4 hours. John Quay was most definitely not there - they gave his apologies. Andrew Jessop did not seem to grasp (care?) that they should have reconsidered or stopped once the project costings had started spiral. He smirked repeatedly and this was commented on from the floor quite a bit. He came across as rather arrogant and superior. The business plan had been obtained via FOI and remained unchanged between planning (?) applications despite a price rise of £1M He advised the cost to run the place for 12 months is £1M which includes interest of around £380k. Income (when fully operational) will not cover anywhere near the cost to run - but AJ repeatedly said that this was ok as they were a not for profit organisation The difference between income and expenditure and the fact the costs to run it weren't event being met were repeatedly pointed out, but fell on deaf ears. It was confirmed that the 37% raise in rates related solely to the interest that was due on the loan. The accounts for last year have not been signed off by the auditor - AJ stated this was due to a going concern issue. There was much blame shifting regarding valuations and that no local estate agent was insured to value anything over £4m so they were having to find someone from across to do it. He stated that they had only found out the auditor wouldn't sign off in the last couple of weeks. He then confirmed that the accounts should have been filed by 31 October so were considerably late. They have an extension till 2 April to submit - he didn't seem confident that this deadline would be met or have an answer as to what their plan was if they didn't. Much talk about the building not being worth what it had cost, but this was the same with some flats they had built.............
  9. Jessop wanting land provided and a new road built and paid for. Has anyone been up there today?
  10. Thanks for the tip 🙂 It is lovely bread and is proper door step toast
  11. Spar sell Roberts bread and there is an extra thick loaf in that range. Scrummy but a bit pricey at £2.20
  12. This isn't strictly true. There is a good percentage of these contractors that were required to provide their services via a personal service company as a condition of their employment, the NHS being one such organisation that stipulated this. They even provided the names of service providers, to help them, which in turn were in effect UK "sales offices" for IOM / CI CSP's. There are a significant number of ordinary people that have been or are continuing to be pursued by HMRC and have lost everything, purely because they did what they were told and in good faith.
  13. https://motorsport.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/committal-for-woman-accused-of-perverting-course-of-justice/
  14. Certainly seems to be a connection, they have the same surname and live in the same estate
  15. Not sure. I booked a couple of days IOM / LPL / IOM. What I did notice that the alternative sailing to Heysham and the standard fare price did not include this narrative
  16. Slightly off topic ........... but when making a booking now it is being flagged on some fares that luggage is included. Not sure how long this has been the case (wasn't in August) so could the SPC be moving towards a charging for checked luggage model? UGH - will nobody think of the shoes !🤣
  17. Agreed. And you are charged a service charge for this. I used to really like the place, now I choose not to go
  18. Prospect Hill on the Victory House side is still free all day though ...................
  19. Agreed. Presumably the 60 people (13 immediately) made redundant are irrelevant.
  20. Yes There is also Cafe Bar 26 if you are in that area, though not sure what it is like these days.
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