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Everything posted by rmanx

  1. So you can't. You'd save us both time just typing that rather than ducking and diving the fact that there have been no real positives yet.
  2. Well as soon as some concrete positives come out if... Typical razor sharp intellect as usual... Well maybe if you list some of the verified postivies rather than the stock answer of "we'll have to see wont we"...
  3. Well as soon as some concrete positives come out if...
  4. Yes they did! What about the extra hundreds of millions that flowed into government coffers and were spent on infrastructure, keeping taxes lower, enabling reserve funds to be estanblished? Infrastructure? Have you driven down the prom recently? Even with the work on the steam racket terminal round about, they still managed to make it wonky...
  5. Yes that well know liberal George Bush...smh.
  6. Maybe Bees nest is a better analogy
  7. Because his comments (and subsequent right wing "told ya so") had absolutely had no affect on the events that followed... I have a feeling that the right wing will be saying "told ya so" for a very long time indeed, but it won't give them any satisfaction under the circumstances. The right wing have been poking a wasps nest...and when the wasps come out and sting the right wing...they can stand there and tell themselves "I told myself!!!"
  8. Because his comments (and subsequent right wing "told ya so") had absolutely had no affect on the events that followed...
  9. A country born from immigrants, which grew from immigration...now bullied into believing that immigration is a bad thing.
  10. I mean mutli-millionaires/billionaries, corporate interests, lobbyists, big petro-chem, military industrial complex, etc? Not sure what you mean by the "establishment"
  11. Oh please... He is the establishment and he is cosying up to the establishment. To think otherwise is intentional blindness to the fact.
  12. More likely they are the ones poking him, saying "Hey Donnie, have you heard about X? You should totally let the people know what you think about X". Drumpf is a Trojan horse to get Pence/Bannon into the hot seat.
  13. I notice he repeatedly "tweets" about the "failing NYT"...would that be the NYT that has doubled its subscription in recent times (thanks in no small part to the Tangerine Divider)
  14. Maybe all that leaning to the "far" right is starting to back fire on them...
  15. Yet Faux news were his biggest "supporters" in terms of "news" networks. Go figure...
  16. Watched the Netanyahu/Trump statement... Trump really has no idea how to answer the big important questions...and then goes on to "big up" his "victory" with inaccurate numbers and claims. Factcheck sites are rubbing their hands together now that Chump is in the spotlight.
  17. Yes. He can't lose really. Win in the Supreme Court - He's taken on the establishment and won. Lose in the Supreme Court - He blames the judiciary for whatever happens in the future and absolves his administration. "Well. I tried." He's won. Meanwhile it's all good publicity for his "people against the establishment" narrative, and his public backing on the matter is growing all the time. You have to be very shortsighted to see it just as "3 - 0. Chortle". Taking on the establishment...all while cementing the establishments hold...
  18. 3-0... Chortle... "SEE YOU IN COURT!!!" "LAWFARE..." Reminds of a less than kindly mad old "billionaire" that lived here until not so long ago...
  19. Maybe if you looked it up rather having a ham fisted "pop" at me.. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/bbc/11367282/People-diary-the-BBC-attacked-over-Europe-editor-bias.html https://biasedbbc.org/blog/2015/07/01/katya-adler-the-peoples-reporter/
  20. Apparently she isn't as popular with the Euro sceptics as you are making out...
  21. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2017/feb/07/donald-trump/donald-trump-wrong-say-kuwait-followed-his-lead-vi/
  22. TL:DR "I'm right about everything and anyone who disagrees with me is a leftie loony" Ironic really....
  23. Destroying the media and reducing its ability to hold government to task? Sounds like Fascism to me...
  24. Trump = obnoxious..... the words pot, kettle and black spring to mind with Boyle as the author. Difference being that one is a comedian (irrelevant of whether he is to your taste or not) and one is occupying the highest office in the land (of the US)...
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