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Everything posted by rmanx

  1. To be fair eyebrows cant get much higher before they rip themselves free of the forehead when it comes to Dumbf... ETA Nordstrom stock saw a rise after dumping Trump's offspring...
  2. The was a UK House of Cards series based on the same book in 1990 The US Netflix show is loosely based on the UK Version.
  3. He is just the puppet signing his name (and going down as one of the least popular Presidents in American history). Pence and Bannon are the real "brain trust". I really suggest watching House of Cards on Netflix. Its almost as if the writers could see into the future...
  4. TRIPLE SCORE......TRIPLE SCORE!!!!! Reading your posts is like playing word yahtzee...
  5. Which is my point entirely. Its all well and good those with financial stability saying "fuck it, lets see what happens", but for those with out financial stability, surely its a bit foolish to gamble on the unknown?
  6. Yet some (and would be willing to say the minority) are better placed to weather the "guess" storm of taking the leap into the "Leave" realm.
  7. So it should be a simple answer...Do you think you would be detrimentally affected by either result? I don't have a crystal ball, no-one does, whether they voted to leave or remain. As I've said, your question is asking for an as yet unknown, I can't give you the simplistic answer you hope for. Slip and slide, dodge and weave. Do you feel you are financially "well off" that you would not be too adversely affect by either result? Come on Lxx its a relatively simple question to answer... I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that (given your previous claims to be a "successful" business type) regardless of either outcome, you would suffer any real detrimental change in your lifestyle or finances.
  8. http://www.nationaldebtclocks.org/debtclock/france Two trillion... So you heard wrong... that does not include the unfunded pension debt...... Maybe you should set the goal posts to begin with rather than shifting them...
  9. http://www.nationaldebtclocks.org/debtclock/france Two trillion... So you heard wrong...
  10. So it should be a simple answer...Do you think you would be detrimentally affected by either result? I don't have a crystal ball, no-one does, whether they voted to leave or remain. As I've said, your question is asking for an as yet unknown, I can't give you the simplistic answer you hope for. Slip and slide, dodge and weave. Do you feel you are financially "well off" that you would not be too adversely affect by either result?
  11. So it should be a simple answer...Do you think you would be detrimentally affected by either result?
  12. Would you say from your personal circumstance, that you would not be detrimentally affected either way, leave or remain?
  13. The odds of that are crazy high, although saying that I used to work with a fella who was a male breast cancer survivor.
  14. OK. But there are issues where women's health receives far more attention and resource than men's health, for example the concentration of effort on breast cancer. All very laudable and exactly as it should be, but what about prostate cancer? I think that has more to do with the likelihood of women developing breast cancer is something like 1 in 8 as opposed to 1 in 14 (lifetime rates after a quick google). It also probably does help that prostate cancer involves a gents rear end, something that carries some stigma to it. As a result, men are less likely to get checked and following on from that less likely to be diagnosed.
  15. The people were right to protest Bush Junior. He destroyed the deficit that Clinton left and took his country in to an on going global conflict that will most likely never end (and all on the credit card).
  16. He isn't the brains of the outfit. That "accolade" belongs to Pence and Bannon. He is just the "popular", loud, demagogue, figurehead.
  17. I haven't heard it used anywhere, I just thought it was an appropriate label for the most divisive element of the modern age.
  18. You know wrong. I am old enough to remember the Bush Senior days. That describes the Trump administration to a tee.
  19. Should men have an opinion on abortion..absolutely. Should they have a hand in deciding what ultimately affects women infinitely more than men....not so sure on that one. When it comes to women' health issues, I don't think any group making policy on the matter should be more than a third made up of men. I am sure men would be upset if all men's health issues were decreed by groups made entirely of women.
  20. I wonder what gems the Great Divider has produced over night... Oh he has taken to Twitter (surprise surprise) threatening to remove funding from UC Berkley because there were protests against him there. The fascist movement moves forward...
  21. In that case,get the clump to wear a condom Condoms are not 100% effective. Anyone who paid attention in Sexual Health classes would know that.
  22. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-destroy-johnson-amendment-religious-freedom-separation-church-state-a7559421.html Hooray...the Christian Taliban have won a new victory!!!!
  23. And now the Great Divider is threatening to send troops in to Mexico, and has a shitty phone call with Australia. The man is a loon. I genuinely think the man is a moron and he is being steered by the like of Bannon and Pence.
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