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Happier diner

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Everything posted by Happier diner

  1. I genuinely don't think they are. They keep the traffic flowing quite well. It's a bit hairy I agree but what's better, that or mike long queues for traffic lights. Broadway is better than it's ever been during TT
  2. Do they have standards for horse drawn trams?
  3. Correct. And we all know that the last section of horse tramway was kicked into the long grass and everyone knows it will never be done
  4. Perhaps. But you are conflating what I said a bit and perhaps you are both reading into my post something that is not there. The prom was a disaster from start to finish. I think they 'postponed' the full horse trams route as a desperate measure to escape from the hell they were in. I agree, if they had done a less ambitious project from the start they could have had the full horse trams route.
  5. Maybe we have just been lucky that the expected death rate and forecast carnage from the roundels and crossings has not materialised ..... yet?
  6. Yes agreed. That's a different point completely though. The question was why did they leave the job incomplete. Not why did they do it all all.
  7. I think it's blatantly obvious. They had run out of time and money. Something had to give. If they had continued with the original plan for the horse trams they would have probably still been at it now.
  8. Today was a fantastic day. A few delays but great weather and the TT back to its best. I seem to have fallen in love with it again.
  9. £500 is not a slap on the wrist.
  10. Adopted makes them DOIs. They are already DOIs so they can't become theirs twice.
  11. Yes indeed. I note that the statement says "May issue Fixed Penalty" it should say "Will issue...." We are miles too soft wrt parking infringements here and everyone knows it.... and a good minority abuse it.
  12. More like more time for the advocates to make more money.
  13. You didn't dream it. It was happening as recently as a few weeks ago. Seems very suspicious that it stopped dead a few weeks ago and then the issue really became apparent. This is now justified (to someone) the new change. Like I said some posts back, the obvious solution was to make it drop of only-and enforce it. There would have been no issue. All drop offs and pick ups via the short stay? Ridiculous. I predict gridlock.
  14. Surely a jungle has more than 4 trees. As Jim Royle would say. "Jungle my arse"
  15. If only they could sequest it from the higher atmosphere and if only we could plant a few zillion extra ones on the spaces we don't have.
  16. I guess in which case they could apply for exemption based upon "You can prove that the supplier offers the best value"
  17. I think its the full value of the contract over 5 years so a tender would be required .Only if its only £25,000 in total (over 5 years) then the DOI would not have to go to tender but would still have to go to quotation on the Government portal. There are many other providers
  18. One way or another they are paying Ringgo unless the only transfer of monies is between the parkers of the vehicles and Ringgo It would sound very dodgy
  19. Oh no there are not. There are only very defined reasons and an exemption has to be obtained and sign off by the Chief Financial officer. To lie would be a crime As far as I know they are 1. You can prove that the supplier offers the best value 2. Its an emergency 3. There is only one supplier 4. There are intellectual property rights that prevent tendering I cant see how it would meet any of these conditions
  20. I should have said it can't all be put back in the ground. Yes there are some technologies for CO2 capture but they wont come cheap.
  21. Surely,in order to comply with the financial regulations the DOI must have gone to tender for the service provision.
  22. Solid sunshine. Cool temperature. Mist on the mountain?
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