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Everything posted by NoTailT

  1. He looks like a bit of a plonker.
  2. Apparently they found some beautiful women in the containers on Victoria Road. Some sort of scam thing, search the term 'pig butchering'.
  3. NoTailT


    Sounds like a shitshow.
  4. NoTailT


    Your sole existence on ManxForums has been this thread and bashing the defendant, so I get why you don't like it.
  5. NoTailT


    Like I said earlier in the thread... put the names Lewin, Greenhow, Skelly and Attorney Generals in the mix and I wouldn't trust anything.
  6. NoTailT


    The report said he had begun to give evidence. Clearly something went astray from that point.
  7. Its a real shame because I used to really enjoy the Laxey Glen. But you're right, the food has been absolutely abysmal for certainly the last 12 months anyway.
  8. NoTailT

    Firm closing

    EVF selling Perfect Draft kegs is probably a more appropriate comparison.
  9. NoTailT


    Sorry for so many questions but you seem to obviously know the courts world. Thanks.
  10. NoTailT


    Why doesn't everyone just ditch their advocate then during a trial?
  11. NoTailT


    But surely the AGs and other witnesses in the case have already heard everything? Seems like a bit of a farce.
  12. NoTailT


    Sorry I dont follow court stuff. Why would this all come about only after the subject had started giving evidence?
  13. NoTailT


    From what I've seen in the press, the only part of the defence I've seen reported is his advocate saying "it was accepted that the documents were forgeries" or something like that? I've read a few articles and the rest of it has just been 'Prosecutor James Robinson said XYZ'.
  14. NoTailT


    But if the defendant (Scales) had started to give his evidence, surely the trial is basically almost over at that point?
  15. NoTailT


    Frankly speaking, I don't trust anything that involves these words and phrases; Greenhow, Lewin, Skelly, Attorney Generals. Was Lewin not the one pretty instrumental to the SLAPP on Moulton as part of that 'senior officers' nonsense?
  16. NoTailT


    It's as crystal clear as a roundel.
  17. NoTailT


    I don't get aborting a trial though. Just vacate and continue after a brief break?
  18. NoTailT


    You either did something or you didnt, right?
  19. I need 12 shags a week, doesn't happen either.
  20. NoTailT


    Since when have the AGs ever cared?
  21. NoTailT


    Wonder if it'll cost them £3.2m again
  22. NoTailT


    I don't really see how that alone would cause the jury to be booted. Adjourned? Maybe.
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