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NoTailT last won the day on February 11 2023

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  1. I think it’s clear to anyone that the Airport is inline to become the new Liverpool landing stage in years to come. The fix to the mess will be a major redevelopment which has been touted for years and to cost significant amounts of money they don’t have.
  2. I cringe at the thought of a certain ED doctor already in the £200k+ bracket earning any more. I guess he could buy some more bandanas though. ED in particular has some really very good medical Doctors like Gareth. We also benefit from some great specialists. I absolutely see why we should. This is about skills retention. The problem for Manx Care and the public looking in is that, just like many other parts of Govt, there’s a lot of dead weight. Old contracts, perceived to be overpaid etc. There’s stories I’ve heard of doctors taking AL only to re-cover themselves through bank, in essence for a double pay. I’m not sure if the budgetary restraints imposed on bank work will have now stopped this from happening. I think most public respect and support our healthcare professionals. But there’s no one size fits all and, frankly, there’s a number of people you’d say just simply don’t deserve a pay increase.
  3. https://worldwide.easyjet.com/ Is your friend for easyJet in these circumstances.
  4. NoTailT


    Rumoured more to join their ownership too.
  5. NoTailT

    Firm closing

    A property developer going bust in the Isle of Man is pretty wild.
  6. Reading the cuts. They’re all just kicking it in to next year. When the problem will be even bigger. The entire list of cuts looks like a disaster waiting to happen. I actually don’t see the point in the Ramsey MIU. Have been there three times in last twelve months either for myself or with someone else and each time sent to Noble's because other than checking blood pressure and giving paracetamol, it seems they can’t do much. It is certainly time to think that Manx Care is nothing more than a failure now.
  7. They should do this https://evieondemand.com/blog/evie-and-guernsey-post-collaborate-to-launch-shared-electric-van-fleet/ cough @Stu Peters
  8. Don't forget the other 40 days holiday going to conferences in far flung places of the world.
  9. We underpay for prescriptions vs England. Some get free prescriptions. There is such a thing as prescription poverty which is a major issue in England. Not eligible for free prescriptions but also struggling to pay for prescriptions (but no issue paying Netflix subscriptions). It's a major funding gap vs income and nobody likes things like this. Of all things to pick, it's just typical that they pick something which will make life more difficult for those worse off.
  10. Whatever happened to the super expensive masterplan Jezza had drawn up for redevelopment of the airport? Attached for those who forget..
  11. Apparently the new PO deal is damaging the private firms that otherwise did delivery for Amazon to the Island. I have to admit delivery has been better since the change but it does stink of usual Manx Government Cartel.
  12. And not long after it disappeared Page announced he had a new job.
  13. Too full. The temporary huts don't even have utilities yet.
  14. Didn’t Cobb say this was all due to be sorted by now?
  15. NoTailT

    Firm closing

    How did you get that picture of Howard?
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