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Jarndyce last won the day on March 27

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  1. I’m afraid that I’m with your friend on this one…
  2. Seriously though: tell us what you really think…
  3. Thanks, will put that on my list. Won't tell you which list, but it will be on it! …or there’s this… https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0074rxx
  4. I can recommend ‘Fermat’s Last Theorem’ by Simon Singh - a great read!
  5. You seem to have avoided the question - fair enough. We’ll have to draw our own conclusion…🙂
  6. If you’re taking the moral high ground in such a conspicuous and definitive way, we have to assume that you have never - that’s never - broken your own moral code in such a way that your conscience was pricked… Can you confirm, Kopek? Thanks.
  7. DHSC/Manx Care senior management. I thank you! (I’m here all week…)
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