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  1. Its a strange set up where they use ratepayers funding to compete with the private sector for commercial. Added bonus is If you know that lads at the site and drive an unmarked van in at the weekend then commercial goes in for free.
  2. That’s a fair summary. The whole event seemed to be very poorly organised, if it was meant to show off a strong and united leadership message, it failed miserably.
  3. The finger points back to the Tynwald Auditor General. It’s not just a Ramsey Issue.
  4. I imagine that the Manx Co-Op might soon be taking a new strategic direction. 😬
  5. The problem is here it’s such a clusterfuck no one wants to take it, almost better to let Alf muddle along until the GE then swoop in. The latest Ranson drama might yet open up another front. The whole mob need voting out, how the hell Manx Labour can have any credibility after this budget is beyond me. Have to keep the Cretney dynasty in clover ☘️
  6. Smart motorways are widely regarded to be a disaster, so he sounds ideal.
  7. Are you bottle monkey in disguise 🤔
  8. I wish Tony Brown would follow his lead. How do Manx Radio think he is still relevant to comment on everything?
  9. Civil service chat GPT in action
  10. Refuse charges are a product of central government’s reluctance to introduce a user pays model. If it’s on rateable value you get cheaper refuse collection for living in an old house which is a load of bollocks. It still costs the same to empty a bin if you live in a corpy house or a mansion.
  11. No more than cpi would be a good one, unfortunately half the costs are from government and their mad increases so they have a hand tied. The same crowd getting angry about rate rises would be equally mad about services being cut. Things like Libraries would be cut straight away.
  12. That is not rate payers money. They are effectively two businesses - look at any local authority accounts. If the housing doesn’t wash its face you pay for it through central taxation, not rates.
  13. Not to say it’s not a priority, but you don’t use rate payers money for housing and have to build what the DOI say you can.
  14. It’s absolutely bonkers. Statement basically says we are penalising commercial rate payers and the refuse rate obviously isn’t t connected to refuse as they have reduced that when the costs have gone up. Very curious.
  15. Bizarrely so. I wonder if they have special dispensation to delay ?
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