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Fred the shred

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Everything posted by Fred the shred

  1. I am sure super cars do more damage than cruise ships.
  2. Over 2000 on the boat according to MR the largest number of passengers on one ship we have ever had.
  3. There are still charity community busses around, blind centre, live at home etc. and there is a lot of use with patient transport, I had to use that service when I couldn’t drive to get to RCH and they were really busy and they do patient transfer to and fro the Airport great service very well run.
  4. She was on MR this morning now delighted that she is being called Trish the Bish she is certainly trying to reach out to whom I cannot guess 😂 she is even mentioning a T shirt with it on. She is certainly the absolute opposite from the last Bishop, Paterson had a good sense of humour and was very easy to get on with. It will be interesting to say the least seeing how far she will go to secure a vote in our hallowed halls.
  5. Well who else can they compare us with and when I sent my income tax return in I noticed Government Office has UK in their address.
  6. They melted and greeted but did not give interviews on MR or to the press as I remember.
  7. I don’t remember any of our previous Bishops coming to the Island six months before they took the post up on a charm offensive which this obviously is to try and swing votes.
  8. The horse trams are great the Bishop and Newsons not so much.
  9. As you say she gets paid by the church via York so surely she should be attending to church business ? And if as someone else says she need not hang around when bills are discussed just turn up to vote she will not have the knowledge to give her support or otherwise. We have all seen the damage Justin Welby has done with his constant interfering .
  10. The lady in question is still a lady in waiting until October but she was on MR this morning touting for a vote in Tynwald. It was done with charm but would she not be better employed getting some punters in the churches she will be taking responsibility for which are really depleted and those attending are elderly there are very few young people interested. She will also be responsible for the maintenance of the churches and cathedral which are fine buildings in their own right but not easy or cheap to run, heating and repairs must be a nightmare. With all this to manage how has she got the time to sit in Tynwald ? This is the job she is paid for she should concentrate on that.
  11. He is looking good for his age and obviously enjoying life good luck to him.
  12. If there is a referendum on this I would say it will sail through this is just by comments I have heard and seen by the general public. If this goes through before the next election it will be a surprise at least people will have a clear view by then on each MHK s views and I foresee a big shake up in the Keys . The two new ladies who I did not really think were up to scratch have proved me wrong (Joney and Sarah) and they seemed to have grown into the job and I think will go far in their political life. We shall see.
  13. No doubt the new Bishop will be sticking her beak into this as soon as she is in office.
  14. They always get let go in the winter it is seasonal work the media as usual are stirring.
  15. Why should an unelected person bring a new dimension to Manx Politics? And what traditional values and standards is she going to return ? We are going forward not backward and religion has no place in a political arena, ever.
  16. Not another idiot waving half a bottle of vodka, I wonder if this one gets tasered.
  17. That is the very reason that this was the ideal time to deal with the matter of the Bishop being in Tynwald and having a vote as the matter was raised between Bishops being in residence so it was not personal. The Bishop should not be in Tynwald, the Bishop should not have a vote politics and religion do not mix.
  18. So a business has been sold on that is all it happens.
  19. How can she identify as someone that should have had a vote ? What a strange remark.
  20. It is going to happen there is no doubt about that , the question is when , do we leave it for a few years and then when England passes the act paper and post it blindly following them as we usually do when we perhaps could have done better ? Keir Starmer has looked favourably on it so it has been reported and there is little doubt Labour will be in power very soon if Reform do not join with the Conservatives but that is another story. Young people are on the whole are very much for it from conversations I have had with them but religion seems to have passed them by and large by so no outer influences.
  21. It is not a recent thing I went with the family 13 years ago, enjoyed it but it was really slippy.
  22. I am surprised there hasn’t been more accidents concerning the lack of noise from electric cars .
  23. Mikimoto I agree but if you look into how qualified the average MHK is to comment on anything you would despair.
  24. So is Thomas’s move to delay until 2027 which is so transparent, yes let us get in for another term without making an unpopular decision and then we can kick the can again. All these MHKs are worried about are the own skins. Perhaps Alfie has had a word in Lord Brennan’s shell like. The perception these people have of the public and their level of intelligence is unbelievable they are so very arrogant they think they fooling us , well they are absolutely not.
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