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Everything posted by HeteroErectus

  1. I was told by an SA national recently: "It's not that we don't have the capacity. It's the gangs that run the gas power stations that sabotage the oil companies, that sabotage the renewable and on and on. They're all ran by competing gangs trying to get more of the market". You'd probably expect that in 3rd world countries tbh. SA though, masquerades as a 1st world country.
  2. We have 8000 government employees, to cook the books. If the government didn't create those otherwise unnecessary jobs, a good portion of those 8000 people would be unemployed. Imagine a government existing that decides to address that, rather than pass the burden onto the next cohort. Successive government's policies have slowly dulled the attraction to SME and big business here. There simply aren't enough REAL jobs here. Having interacted with the DfE, that is where the majority of the chaff is. Lots of jollys to conventions and luvvy duvvy stuff on LinkedIn, but no actual tangible output, or contribution to the island. Until the government policy prioritises job creation/attraction to sustainable business (not the gambling industry), this place is going to keep slowly drying up. Sorry to sound so negative.
  3. People can say (or speculate) whatever the fuck they want. Our forefathers fought and paid the ultimate price for us to enjoy that particular right. I can assure everyone here, if a tragedy strikes a loved one down, the last thing you'll be doing is scrolling comments on iom today FB, to see what Debbie from Ballasalla thinks. The "think of the families" point is a fallacy, that only allows the police to take actions with no accountability, or public scrutiny. They work for us!
  4. Sure. I think we talked through this point a while back. Even P.Kleinbergstein agreed there has to be a statute of limitations, of sorts, for how retrospectively we can reclaim land as our own. In 2024, Could Italy retake Londinium? Spain retake the cities it built around South America etc. I suppose this a central point of this whole thread. If jews can reclaim the land now. What's to stop the Muslims attempting the same for the next century too? At some point, everyone needs to chil tf out.
  5. Imagine a drunk guy guy is removed from a bar, turns up a few hours later, gives the whole "you're sat in my fucking table". Starts throwing punchs at the women sat there. As a side, parts of England used to 99% white. Now some are comprised almost entirely of foreigners. Tower Hamlets, Newham etc. Would people support a bloody reconquista in these places too? Or is it only OK when jews do it?
  6. I didn't say anything contrary? Or regarding his environmental impact at all? You said there was a status quo. That those evil billionaires want us all to keep using fossil fuels or that we are all victims of their propaganda. That's not true. The billionaires make their money delivering what we as a collective want now and in the future, which has been becoming more and more "green" for years.
  7. Do you think billionaires investments are set in stone? They move their money into whatever is the flavour of the month with the masses. You mention Musk, he couldn't be a better example. For the last decade, he's benefited (understatement) from people around the world becoming more "green".
  8. Yes. Also much more extreme than a natural storm. Of course the news says its a myth. The alternative would obviously be very overwhelming to some people. (Governments have blood on their hands). This guy succintly summarises the medias attitude to stories like this: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6AHABIty0z/?igsh=MW1kZnJtNDRpczkwNA==
  9. Dubai uses cloud seeding. Many states in America are openly using cloud seeding. As are many other places. America was using this technology in war, atleast 50 years ago. God knows what else they are doing. This is man made climate change. The governments are rapidly developing more and more (supposed) well-intentioned authoritarianism, while up to all these climate modifying shenanigans. This was all a conspiracy theory a few years ago... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-68839043
  10. Don't be salty because I said it before you.
  11. This could go in the Israel vs the rest of the world thread..
  12. Went past on the bus. Definitely a "local scrote" Looks like they pulled him off a push bike
  13. You forgot one.. Derek Flint telling us we are stupid, as he quotes a nothing sandwich of police jargon
  14. Walked in there the other afternoon. Hadn't been in for a while. The smell of armpit hit like an airbag, walked straight out
  15. And there we have it. He's finally said it.
  16. Good luck to you @RecklessAbandon I feel you aren't far off reaching the relationship I had with @P.K. (Just so you know, he'll say something about playing with your balls, then never reply to your messages.. 💔)
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