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Everything posted by Cambon

  1. You accuse me of making things up. 1. Nobody is trapped here. You can leave any time you like 2. There is no economic reason to spend more or test more than is already allocated for at this time.
  2. You really are a most objectionable troll, aren't you. Maybe you should shop your mates who are breaking the rules. Besides, you still cannot put forward any positive economic reason to move to test on arrival.
  3. Who challenged me? I never saw it. The answer is simple, and if you had read my posts properly, you would have seen that the only safe way we can go to test on arrival is to also adapt the rest of Jersey's restrictions, which include shutting down clubs, night clubs, cinemas, theatres, swimming pools, many hymns and associated businesses. We would also have to reduce the number of tables in restaurants and pubs. Pubs do table service only which limits the number of punters, all of which reduce staff requirements. A mere thousand is conservative. Guernsey will have to do the same thing. The only jobs Jersey has saved are a few in the tourism sector, which will go at the end of this month.
  4. Really? When are you going to put your case forward as to how test on arrival and partial lockdown, which will cost a very good number of jobs, will have a positive effect on th economy. I have told you how it will negatively affect it. In Jersey, you wear masks in shops. One metre social distancing is WHO standard. Besides, that is a small part of their current measures. You are one telling half truths to suit your agenda, which can only be that you want to go on holiday!
  5. Problem is, that 8 - 10% is brought in by the best part of half the working population. Finance brings in the majority, employs a minority. As for whomever commented about HNWs choosing Jersey over IOM, Jersey only take in a handful a year. You cannot just walk in and buy, like here.
  6. Actually, in winter when they get an easterly breeze, which is quite often, you really would rather be here! The tourism season in Jersey ends at the end of September. Most hotels close down.
  7. Because Jersey is still in partial lockdown with social distancing and masks, etc. Guernsey had better do the same if they copy Jersey.
  8. Because, like the Isle of Man, they get bugger all tourists from October to March. It is likely the uk areas you mention will be red soon in the traffic lights system, meaning 14 days isolation anyway.
  9. You really don't know what is going on in jersey, do you? I have never said the local economy is booming. However, I suggest it will be worse if we go to test on arrival, mainly because of the local spend that will go off Island. also, in a month or twos time, it would not surprise me if Jersey went to seven days and test so they can become Covid free. It would allow them to drop social distancing and gathering limits, and get cinemas, nightclubs open, and get restaurants and pubs up to speed. It would also allow them to open air corridores to Guernsey and Iom.
  10. Problem is, that would cost us another 1000 or so jobs. Our tourist season is over. We may benefit from 1000 or so visitors a week coming here and spending. Would those visitors be enough to offset the increase in unemployed? Additionally, those 1000 or so unemployed would be from the entertainment sector. Less entertainment, less tourists. The flip side of this to the economy is that the ease of return to the island means more locals travelling and spending off island, myself included. I would be gone like a shot for some new clothes. 85,000 people spending locally versus 1000 tourists and reduced local spending? It is a no brainier! We would be mad to follow jersey's lead.
  11. Jersey cannot process any in a day. They are processed in the uk. However, I understand they are building their own labs to cut testing time. Guernsey are increasing their ability, but delivery of the equipment has been delayed until end of September, according to your own link last week. Isle of Man more than doubled its testing ability during July / August according to Howie last Thursday. Wrighty even mentioned it a while ago on this thread. A link to Jersey's other restrictions was posted two pages ago. I suggest you actually look at what else is in place rather than stick you fingers in your ears and say test on arrival. You also said earlier that Jersey's pubs and restaurants were very busy. You are correct, in a social distancing, table service only kind of way
  12. Look at Jersey's restrictions! They are still in semi lock down with social distancing. I don't know about you, but I don't want that here so that a couple of thousand relatives can visit here and 85,000 residents can go away to spend money they could be and are spending here.
  13. Firstly, Jersey are spending on testing infrastructure. Right now, all there tests are processed in the uk. Guernsey and Iom already have that infrastructure. secondly, how many new active cases have they had since July when they started testing in arrival? Thirdly, how much would it cost us to close all those businesses (nightclubs, etc). You want to make those people unemployed, so you can have a holibob!
  14. Actually, my suggestion is seven days and test, as we are now, allow approved family and friends in, also allow limited business trips, with test on arrival and allow back to work on negative test with same restrictions as seven days and test. No more yet. Guernsey and jersey will be demanding 14 days isolation for all North West arrivals within a week, so we will then be ahead of them anyway. It actually would not surprise me if Jersey went to 7 days and test at the end of September.
  15. Yes. His suggestion is test on arrival, bring back social distancing, limit the size of gatherings indoors and out, close all night clubs, cinemas and similar venues, wearing of masks in retail outlets, and live on a wing and a prayer that the virus does not get back into the community, which will happen because it is uncontrollable, according to nom de plume.
  16. So, let's say we go to Jersey's testing system and allow family and friends in. Easy enough to do. You could apply to the government for some sort of permit, get them in, test and hopefully after 24 hours you can go for walks, etc. Remember, Jersey still has loads of other restrictions. Do you suggest they are reapplied here too? With regard to the economy, for every person visiting here, there will be two heading to Liverpool and Manchester to spend money off island. This will pretty much nett off any advantage to the economy. the other issue is the uk infection rate. It is currently something like 1:2000. However, the majority of the country is virtually Covid free. Certain cities are hotspots, including Manchester. Also, Liverpool is on the amber list. The likelihood of someone bringing the disease into the community is high.
  17. As I asked Banker pages ago, show me how it will improve the economy?
  18. Funny you say that. A friends daughter has just gone back and told her parents she will see them next summer unless a miracle happens. The parents were shocked. Daughter said she and her mates who cannot get home already have Christmas planned.
  19. Seven days and test starts today. I guess anyone who has been back for seven days or more can be tested today and then end isolating tomorrow if negative. May explain the queue
  20. Did you listen to the briefing? You do realise the new rules have not started yet? This was a key worker who travels to the uk regularly, isolates and test after 7 days, which for key workers has been going on since March.
  21. Scared? No! Timid! No, What the heck are you trying to say? Here is my position from day one. Shield the elderly and vunerable from day one, and let us get on with it. This is basically a bad cold. There will not be a reliable. vaccine. There never has been one for any coronavirus ever. In 50 years time, the world will read how the wealth of the world was stolen by the 1% by the treat of a bad cold! However, lockdown happened. We have to open up, but how? So far, so good. IOM is in the lucky position to have reserves. This is exactly the sort of reason we have them. The money does not have to be repaid. If there is a second lock down, Cannan has already said he will borrow it. This cannot happen. It will bankrupt the Island. Tell me different? I am correct. We now have to control the borders very carefully. Jersey has no choice but to allow tourists. They have no reserves. Guernsey is not far behind. You, Banker and your mates need to have a real self check on what you believe and think, quite simply because you are spectacularly wrong!
  22. Like I said yeterday, you are happy to believe the Jerey government figures, but cat Iom government liars. Jersey government have a massive, vested interest in tourism, and the figures being low. THEY UPDATE WORLDOMETERS.
  23. Absolutely, I have no clue. Just like I had no clue when I told you that the Iom was increasing testing ability and going to seven days and test. You called me a liar and clueless. Well, guess what, you were wrong. Again! I have laid out a case for why the island will not be in as bad a state as you suspect, if re remain strict on borders. I challenge you to show how opening the borders will make a vast improvement. Because so far all you have done is moaned and bleated.
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