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Everything posted by Tarne

  1. That reminds me of a gif with an elephant and ... oh god
  2. Ever closer? I guess I'm ever closer to being a millionaire when I find 10p on the floor too then
  3. He still hasn't got started on that wall either... Useless president!
  4. His tweets have definitely got better compared to back in December, which is a bonus.
  5. Now now, Richard already floated back there.
  6. http://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/inmate-admits-assault-on-prison-guard/ I see this fecker is up to no good again.
  7. It seems there's not actually a lot of investigating going on, but there is a lot of noise being made about the possibility of investigations.
  8. Well, in that he was actually elected then yes, he's still a giant bellend though.
  9. The Comey testimony is interesting! Should be some actionable things after it
  10. Can you not read the second link? "They were told a three day jury trial will start on April 24th 2017. The case has now been adjourned until a further pre-trial review on November 22nd although the pair are not required to attend. Both have been bailed. "
  11. http://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/husband-and-wife-facing-harassment-charge/ http://www.three.fm/news/isle-of-man-news/married-couples-harassment-trial-set-for-april/ A new Pre-trial review (rather than trial) is taken place, and has been pushed back to November. So it's now years after the events and they'll walk free
  12. You've got the answer right there haven't you? If you click on the formula in Wolfram, you can see more detail and change it around if you need to http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2+π+abs(x)+sqrt(1+%2B+sin^2(x))&lk=1&rawformassumption="ClashPrefs"+->+{"Math"}
  13. Well, good on Theresa May for not bothering tonight. You might as well have invited a bunch of random strangers that no one knows and creepy old uncle Jeremy around to your house tonight for chips.
  14. ROFLMAO, he's not actually said that has he? I'll just send him my address
  15. US is out of the Paris Climate Agreement though, which is fair enough. People are acting like it's a huge thing but it was only done last year for fucks sake.
  16. If you want to definitely faint with boredom, try the Tory manifesto.
  17. Awww, he's awake now. Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe" ??? Enjoy! 11:09 AM - 31 May 2017
  18. He's like the badguy from Die Hard: Die Manxer
  19. "Just cos I don't shout about it" - yes you do. You smug little condescending prick.
  20. Haha, maybe he died or had a stroke. Or Melania had a covfefe
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