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Everything posted by Rhumsaa

  1. Probably still turns over as it's a Volvo Amazing cars
  2. Quite right and it's absolutely worth the risk Coco Pops are tasty AF
  3. Unless you have industry agreement on criteria as well it becomes a competition matter as well with this woolly stance. Some businesses employ additional staff or use PPE at additional cost, or maybe have a premises that allows one way systems or social distancing. Others will not be able to or will choose not to. Also some people will only want to go places that have strict rules and others won't want to frequent anywhere forcing them to do something not supported by "government orders". It's going to create a lot more controversy and angst between people with quite polarised views.
  4. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/villagers-air-concerns-over-management-of-psm/
  5. what are the rules on MLC's standing for MHK? Do they have to resign as an MLC before campaigning or can they stay in post if they lose?
  6. I've been thinking the same thing, what difference is it from last week when they were stalling lockdown ending due to one case they couldn't trace
  7. We're not locking down but the health services are operating in the same manner as they did in lockdown due to there being a small number of cases. Well...... if we're moving to living with it then surely this is going to be the way the healthcare services operate going forward? because if we're not eliminating then we will have covid cases in the community on an ongoing basis?
  8. enjoyed this post Unsure if the Information Commissioner is the right person to bang £20 to "SLAP THE HAM ON THE BUTTERY YEAST AND GOBBLE THAT BUTTY" is possibly the best phrase I've read on MF for years
  9. is that perhaps taking the 2 and the 5 and adding them together?
  10. it's not a go at you, I just see that statement a lot and I was wondering. I suppose there might be some archives in the depth of somewhere. I just wondered if the previous generations buildings were poorly built and in need of replacement. Victorian architecture seems to be held in high regard, above most other eras.... they seem to have really over engineered things and spent a lot of money doing it. But the Victorian era was also during the tourist boom years and I would imagine money was flowing in and the idea of spending money to make money made a lot of sense. Who's got deep pockets to create architectural wonders here for no benefit?
  11. This statement/comparison is often used when discussing this sort of thing.... The buildings the Victorians got rid of - were they any good?
  12. The same people who stand for MHK thinking they can do it having never been to a sitting at HoK or had any involvement in politics on the IOM are the exact same people who will think they can get into the DOI and make a difference And they might I guess because getting institutionalised also doesn't seem to be helping either
  13. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/friction-over-cosy-nook-cafe-resurfaces/
  14. I'm not sure what RG has to do with the difference between locking down immediately and locking down 2 weeks later You're creating a hypothetical situation
  15. It's a hell of a claim to suggest that RG could have stopped the last two lockdowns I'm not saying the IOM Gov is right in all of this but also I don't think RG's services are that powerful?
  16. To build upwards in Ramsey town centre on brownfield sites will always produce parking issues to overcome Demand will fluctuate but at present there is very little supply of industrial space
  17. I thought this last year when I was avidly watching the briefings, I thought it odd that considering they were living the issues every minute of every day they could just talk naturally and do a better job - the poor script reading did them no favours
  18. I don't disagree that getting to the bottom of it is important. More just musing that the government can wait it out and bury it in chip paper if they are minded to. Twitter & MF don't seem great litmus test for public opinion even if they feel more on the nose at times
  19. I noticed a lot of people on FB yesterday celebrating and congratulating HQ and the Government for coming out of lockdown. I wonder sometimes if the majority of the population even know or care about Dr Glover's PAC evidence. Hard to tell what the majority feeling is.
  20. don't sugar coat it there Piebaps - say it how you really feel it!
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