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Everything posted by Rhumsaa

  1. I tried it with my phone, it produced only a marginally clearer image that the papers ran with
  2. sounds like fancy technology that I wanted to hire an artist
  3. I am pretty confident that the Newspaper is incorrect.
  4. Yes, that is pretty much what I said Although I am only speaking for myself and my memory - I am not part of a borg collective
  5. I've not read the article but I don't believe RTC have been employing drone pilots in this capacity, I don't recall it having been mentioned, have not seen any reference to the end result and see no reason why RTC would be doing that
  6. How many of your fellow residents share that view do you think? or does he still hold up as having done a great job fighting off covid and worthy of his MBE? (not my view, just wondering what the public consensus is outside MF)
  7. Couldn't PAC have done that the first time round? They had the opportunity as they had Dr G's statement and had Ashy's claim of a point by point rebuttal
  8. I expect it from Nick Crowe yeah
  9. no idea, viewed that on Nick Crowe's Facebook
  10. was that a PDA? ETA - I was late to this joke, soz!
  11. well..... it could be lost on Manx Forums
  12. you know it's 23rd May, right?
  13. Love a bit of modesty in a candidate
  14. will the replacement have all ports under their belt like Reynolds did?
  15. You can't have a CoMin cabal elect a CM
  16. Allinson (like Baker to a certain extent) has only been minister for a year and has inherited the final year of a 5 year tenure by previous non stellar incumbent Also the whole year has been chaos due to covid It's hard to really make any judgement on his achievements tbh from that sample The other 4 years though is a different matter
  17. Will Young & Gareth Gates were the big hitters that year I believe
  18. A DOI Minister putting new tarmac down on a road close to his abode just before an election? Glad we've seen the back of those crazy days
  19. You can apply this logic to everything and create an Island with healthcare and education and infrastructure and no arts and no history and no sports beyond functional health exercise
  20. I don't blame you tbf Only so many times you can look at a bee hive and some old tables and chairs before you start questioning the value of the experience
  21. I think I went down there on a school trip but I might be confusing it with the school down there? Either way it didn't stick in my mind if I have been told about it
  22. Chernobyl isn't as interesting to visit now that hanger is over the top of the reactor building a lot safer though
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