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Everything posted by mojomonkey

  1. Trump's parting gift may well be civil war.
  2. The UK Government's apparent policy of just creating tier after tier would be amusing if it weren't so tragic. https://youtu.be/R7uC5m-IRns
  3. Unfortunately the UK has it very bad, the infection rates and death numbers simply do not lie. They need the vaccine as quick as possible if they want to get any sort of control back over the situation. That article doesn't appear to mention the UK's strategy of delaying the 2nd injection way beyond the manufacturer's recommendation, I'm no viroligist but that smacks of desperation. I am reasonably confident that the western world will get the vaccine rolled out pretty quickly, the bigger issue is what happens to the rest of the world. I believe that this is a situation where the world has to help each other, it is a bigger issue than political borders, colour of skin, religion, etc.
  4. What on earth would be the point of that? Is Chris Thomas so deluded that actually thinks the IoM has any influence in this whole shit show.
  5. I see Trump is steadily pardoning all his associates. I assume this will slowly ramp up to his close friends and family. He is a total mobster.
  6. The second wave does seem to be hitting here quite hard. Still not as bad a many other places but I think familiarity has bred complacency and diligence has dropped. Its going to be a quiet Christmas and a very quiet New Year here. The Germans love their fireworks at New Years but this year sales are banned (they don't want the hospitals having to deal with the usual amount of burnt idiots) and there is an 8:00pm curfew. A bit of relaxation of rules for Christmas but unless things drastically improve I cannot see them dropping this current lockdown on the 10th January as planned. The UK really seems to lost control of everything, I have absolutely no idea when I will see my parents, brother, sister or UK friends next.
  7. Nigel Farage is currently getting very angry about EU countries closing their borders to the UK. I presume he cannot see the massive hypocrisy in his anger. This is a man who has spent years harping on about the sovereign right to close the UK borders (nb. the UK always could) yet is up in arms when others countries decide to close their own. https://www.thelondoneconomic.com/politics/nigel-farage-is-angry-that-the-eu-has-taken-control-of-its-own-borders/21/12/?fbclid=IwAR3AlH_vzsgXJ1MOTZ7di1MFp_8s05YoCVEJL38-xJzUtblbvRNvvzWSre0
  8. Maximus - fair enough if you think Brexit is a good thing but do you think no deal is a good thing?
  9. Thanksgiving tomorrow, looks like this turkey's days are numbered.
  10. Gladiator ready, Contestant ready...
  11. Pretty much of the states allow a recount if the result is within 0.5% of each other. A recount was always on, but it is very unlikely to change the result, historically recounts have only found minor differences and not the thousands that would be needed. Of course, it is all a fraud and Trump won really.
  12. Pretty much all US politicians appear to have supported the IRA at some point, presumably going after the American Irish vote or something.
  13. Probably not, but a lot less mental.
  14. I hope you didn't have any money on it.
  15. AP just announced they consider Biden the winner after getting Pennsylvania.
  16. Donald isn't taking this very well. Chin up Donald, more time for golf.
  17. Last one for a while (so many doing the rounds)
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