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No Further Action


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The Police are to take no further action againsts the youths that shot the girl in the chest with a BB gun or any action on the youths for using the gun In Castletown centre. is this because of who the are related to, Grandson of ---------------------- and the son of------------------------ :angry:


Is this another Cover up

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The Police are to take no further action againsts the youths that shot the girl in the chest with a BB gun or any action on the youths for using the gun In Castletown centre. is this because of who the are related to, Grandson of ---------------------- and the son of------------------------ :angry:


Is this another Cover up


Is this Have I Got News For You. I'll go for Rolf Harris and Wayne Rooney


Alternatively without knowing the reasons perhaps it was their first offence and they were cautioned. Perhaps they should be prosecuted purely because of their famous family?

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The Police are to take no further action againsts the youths that shot the girl in the chest with a BB gun or any action on the youths for using the gun In Castletown centre. is this because of who the are related to, Grandson of ---------------------- and the son of------------------------ :angry:


Is this another Cover up


Is this Have I Got News For You. I'll go for Rolf Harris and Wayne Rooney


Alternatively without knowing the reasons perhaps it was their first offence and they were cautioned. Perhaps they should be prosecuted purely because of their famous family?



Should all gunslingers just get cautioned for their first offence. kids in other countries have been shot dead by the police for the same offence. At the end of the day its a criminal offence

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I would say I'm probably on FCMR's side on this one, after the supposed "drive by" in Ballasalla and all the media attention that gained, - the Police talking about it being very serious, then why would anyone committing a very similiar "crime" just get a warning??



Not much of a deterrent a "warning" is it???


Sends out a "message" implying it's fine for kids to play with "real" looking weapons, and they'll just get a warning if they're caught.

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Should all gunslingers just get cautioned for their first offence. kids in other countries have been shot dead by the police for the same offence. At the end of the day its a criminal offence



Before criminalising some kid shouldnt you be in receipt of the facts before making a judgement. I dont know what happened but before saying sending them to court i would want to know -


What exactly happened,

Where and when did it actually happen

was there a complaint from the person who was shot ?

what relationship is the 'victim' to the offender ?

was there any injury?

was the bb gun powerful enough to cause an injury ?

was it done maliciously or funning around ?

has the offender done this kind of thing before ?

Whatever else may be relevant


When i was a kid i had a rifle that fired plastic pellets. we used to chase the cat around and shoot each other with it, never did i think what we were doing was criminal. Just because its now a political issue dont expect kids to be tuned into that way of thinking.


There again you may be completely right, but we'll never know. demanding your pound of flesh every time someone isnt dealt with the way you would like on the facts as you understand them isnt a way forward.

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Its against the law to carry a rep gun in the street, do the crime then do the time. A strong lesson has to be sent out to these kids but the Police are to soft or just take orders from the Ministers when family is involved.

If some kid fired a BB pellets at any kid of mine it would be the last time he held a gun :angry:

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I suppose malicious acts such as this will go unpunished until someone gets really hurt. Well, that's the time to put a stop to it, isn't it?


Doing nothing sends out the wrong message. Just how obvious is that?




Also a certain CM made a great deal of capital out of "threats on teh interweb" so yes, it can be "a serious business" when it suits. As I am sure Slim would agree.

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Its against the law to carry a rep gun in the street,


No it's not.


If you have one exposed in public then there are laws that can very quickly and easily get you prosecuted for numerous reasons but if you have one in a bag and have a reasonal excuse for having it with you that is perfectly accptable in the eyes of the law.


Of course proving what is an acceptable reason for having it with you is another thing entirely, and having it in a bag with the mag empty and out of the gun is entirely different from waving it around trying to be Tupac or whatever. People doing that once over the age where they should have some commons sense deserve everything they get if they get in trouble!

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