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Irrational Fears...

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I hate Spiders, and what with the winter coming soon I just know that the nasty long legged beasties will be making a bolt for the nice warmth of my house, and I bet they will be huge after the mild summer :( *shudders*


Also a fear of suffocation (this is probably due to having asthma)

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I have an irrational fear of being homeless?? I also have a fear that I will go mad. Another fear is that I constantly worry about not having enough food in the house (so I end up buying things "incase I have no money" and run out of food) so I buy things like porridge, tins of chickepeas, rice and keep them in my cupbard "just incase"????WTF!!!


I have a fear of the stuff that wraps itself in plugholes, I cannot even look at a plug hole an my body shudders if any part of my body comes into contact - i have to get dissolver stuff to chuck down it as i would never be able to pick out the plug hole when it gets blocked, even writing this is makin me retch.


Have a fear of people shouting at me - it can reduce me to a jelly legged crying mess within seconds


Edited: I suppose that it is not irrational to fear being homeless as Im sure it could happen to anyone, maybe thats why its so scary?

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I hate Spiders, and what with the winter coming soon I just know that the nasty long legged beasties will be making a bolt for the nice warmth of my house, and I bet they will be huge after the mild summer :( *shudders*


They won't be coming in my house, can't afford to have the heating on this winter and I won't be able to see them because I can't afford to have the lighting on, so no fear there for me.


I have an irrational fear of drowning, which is bizzare considering I love to swim. Also not having enough headache tablets in the house and having the runs....its just not right having water coming out of my bum.

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This big beastie spider was in my bedroom a couple of nights ago. I nearly cried!! Luckily, my husband is far less of a cry baby than me when it comes to creepy crawlies (although with this fella, he came close!) and caught it in a bucket! It was huge and I swear it had fangs....


Ans, I also suffer from the irrational sarnie fear! I'm too polite sometimes to say anything though so I struggle to eat as much of the butter/marg smothered nastiness as I can, it brings tears to my eyes sometimes. It's also probably why my fear is so strong too because I never know when I might have to suffer the evil again *shudder*.

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If you fellow Sandwich-fearing Forumites need some help in conquering your fears, I'm available @ £ 40 per hour for counselling. Just bring some Rathbones Gold and a slab of Anchor. I'll do the rest:


"Look into my eyes, my eyes. Not around them, into them. Good. You're under"...



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Ans, I also suffer from the irrational sarnie fear! I'm too polite sometimes to say anything though so I struggle to eat as much of the butter/marg smothered nastiness as I can, it brings tears to my eyes sometimes. It's also probably why my fear is so strong too because I never know when I might have to suffer the evil again *shudder*.


I physically just can't do it. I retch when I even contemplate it.


Still, I'm printing off this thread to show my Mum who constantly mocks me for it. That'll learn her.

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I have a spider catcher which is like a tap door thing on a stick - I never kill them, always stick them in the garden humanely.


I wouldn't say I have a fear of them, just a healthy dislike.


I wrecked an expensive hoover once because I used it to vacuum up a massive spider in the bedroom that had woken me up by tickling my nostrils. However, in my half asleep state I got a bit paranoid about the spider crawling back out of the hose though so I rather foolishly stuck the end down the toilet and turned it on, figuring the water would drown him. I think it did, as I never saw him again, but it killed the hoover too (which wasn't mine anyway so feh)

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The hull of a big ship. Just looking at one gives me the creeps. Especially if it's rusty, which most of them are. I don't know why.


Heights. Not just being up them, but seeing someone on top of a height on TV. It makes my balls hurt. I don't know why.


Spiders. I do know why. They look like hands and can run really fast and they can walk on ceilings and they can set invisible traps for you and they can get you anywhere at any time.


Exactly what you said. I hate the bottom of boats, especially the thought of swimming around them. ARGH! They always remind me of that bit in Indiana Jones (although that isn't where the fear comes from).

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Years ago I was with my Dad in an esturary on the south cost. We were in a little rubber dingy with a 2hp outboard on it, pathetic little thing really.


We tootled round this bend to be confronted with this ocean liner that had parked there, god knows why. It was empty and REALLY high in the water.


Being in a really small boat with that thing in front of us was a real scare - it makes me feel a little jittery at the thought and it must have been 20 years ago.


Dont like hulls either.

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The hull of a big ship. Just looking at one gives me the creeps. Especially if it's rusty, which most of them are. I don't know why.


Heights. Not just being up them, but seeing someone on top of a height on TV. It makes my balls hurt. I don't know why.


Spiders. I do know why. They look like hands and can run really fast and they can walk on ceilings and they can set invisible traps for you and they can get you anywhere at any time.



The height thing - me too! Though as I don't have any balls to hurt, my feet just tingle. Yet when I'm up high, eg in a microlight I absolutely love it, and no tingling.



Plus, spider catchers rule - except when the stupid spider gets itself trapped in the trapdoor and I end up chucking the whole thing out of the window in case it runs up the stick bit and onto my hand. :unsure:

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