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Homeless In The Isle Of Man


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I think if drop-in centres were created, it might encourage criminals who traffic through homeless people to come to the island. Is there any island enforcement that makes you leave after a certain amount of time?


I wonder how many homeless are actually out there and how many people reside here the Government no nothing about.

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Lets get real. Half of these people spend so much time pissed out of their skulls that they're homeless simply cos they can't find their way home.


There isn't a homeless problem here. The press need to stop inventing problems that don't exist, as well as giving a voice to a loser who has ruined his life through his own misdemeanours.


Harsh words perhaps, but that's how it is peeps.

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The other thing about this cider is the mixture of mind altering chemicals within the cider which seriously affects the blood sugar blood levels affecting not only insulin levels resulting in diabetes but also distruption of brain hormones ect resulting in severe mood swings ie aggression, deperession ect.

So the food industry is actually selling the stuff endorsed by goverment, which can cause these anti social behavours in people.

So its unfair + hypocritical 2 blame people for these behaviours ie cant get jobs ect when your actually providing this absoloute crap which is oftern causing there behaviours!


Just 2 mention also that saying no one is forcing anyone 2 drink this stuff, well it contains chemicalls which are HIGHLY addictive, so people beome physically + mentally addicted so they HAVE 2 continue 2 drink it intill they can get the help they need!


Some one really ought 2 bring these super markets 2 court over some of the stuff they sell as supermarkets are ultimatley responsible for causing some serious health problems within populations.

Unfortunaltey the legal system is flawed in itself as rich orginizations have money which buys, + they have power which oftern corrupts + so desicions are oftern wrongfully influenced, + so justice is rarely served!


But the other thing about the homeless is the cost of flats on the lsle of man, people are just totally ripped of over here by greedy landlords!!!

A flat in the uk is about 45 - 50 p/w over here there avegeraged about 100 p/w at least!


But what i post may be cobblers 2 some but 2 those with a bit of imagination + understanding it makes perfect sence!


I dont care that i may be an outsider of outsiders, i stand my ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


To, or possibly Too, is the word here FFS, try and use it.


Oh, and the other word is "and".


Leave the numerics for numericals.

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Its quite clear reading these posts that its more likely that the Island has a problem with alcoholism than a problem with homelessness. We all read this bullshit about the islands 'drugs and alcohol strategy' but it appears to me that the Island has not got one, probably never had one, and couldn't be bothered any way.


It does not take a genius to realise that the two issues are linked, but that does not stop the media trying to make the wrong story out of this. Yes some people are homeless but I wonder why? Maybe that is the question you should be asking before describing how shitty a squat is and saying how horrible it is people live like this.

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Homeless People To Be Taken Off The Streets

copycat Jun 2 2007, 01:43 PM Post #1


" Its likley that moves are afoot to ensure that people living rough and homeless will be rounded up and provided with secure night-time accommodation at the DHA's Victoria Road buildings when the current 'residents' are re-located to the new Jurby facility. Many will be single rooms but with shared facilities. "


Here's a thread that copycat posted on 2nd of June, so if the above is correct, the poor homeless people will be OK in due course. Can't quite work out why copycat hasn't reminded us!

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  • 7 months later...
Guest ravabelli

I would not trust faith groups to run hostels - they are full of bias and prejudice.


Only the other week David Gray house agreed to house two muslim men only on condition they attended daily (christian) prayers. Naturally they refused and are now banged up in prison for months instead.


Christian attitude to others? I don't think so - unless you are the same religion. They'll next insist you play in their bleeding brass band.


Wonder what the government make of this - suppose they will say nothing. HELLO?


They should lose their charitable status.

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I do not believe alcoholism sneaks up on people, unless they ignore the signs (like waking up with no knowledge of the night before, in some degraded state, lost a job, spouse or children).


Those aren't the signs of alcoholism "sneaking up", they're the signs of long established alcoholism in its fullest stage. Alcoholism actually tends to develop via routine drinking, often without an initial need to get blind or even moderately drunk. Like most addictions this dependency steadily gets worse, which is sometimes exacerbated by psychological and circumstantial factors until the person is no longer able to function, and is a process that usually starts in early to mid 20's, when their drinking habits are less noticeable as being "unusual" and progresses slowly. Certainly in some cases there can be some kind of emotional shock that triggers rapid acceleration sufficient for people to notice, but in many cases it can go largely unnoticed by even the closest of the person's acquaintences until the addiction is already at a chronic level.


By the time people reach the stage where signs such as the ones you mention begin to manifest, they're usually so far gone down the path of addiction that nothing short of a dramatic intervention stands much of a chance of breaking it, and even then such an act is only a starting point and requires a considerable period of work to overcome alcoholism in its entirity - especially if there are emotional factors at play such as clinical depression .

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  • 15 years later...

I am a 70 Yr old Manxman,  who at 6 months old was "illegally" sent away to Canada by my Paternal Grandmother,  at 1 year old I was taken into the USA "illegally",  then at 14 I was "sold" to a family to replace a boy that they had adopted who "had to go away" and I was given his identity.  Many more things went on in my life and it wasn't until 2018 when I was deported back to the UK.  Though I had my baptism certificate from a church in the Isle and many other documents,  my Birth wasn't Registered until 2022 on my 68th Birthday.  I have been on Manx Radio, and in the Manx Independent paper,  as well my story is told in the books - 34 Years in Hell   and Behind the Granite Walls. 

All I have wanted was to move back to my Homeland,  My Precious Isle,  I only gey Pension Credit,  I don't smoke, drink or do any drugs, only take the medication given to me by Drs for my diabetes,  thyroid, and anaemia issues.   I have basically been told that there are no services to help me come home,  so I am now thinking of coming over with my car this Summer and if necessary I will sleep in it. I was born in the Isle,  denied the right to live there, and want to die there.


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1 hour ago, Morgan Kane said:

I have basically been told that there are no services to help me come home,  so I am now thinking of coming over with my car this Summer and if necessary I will sleep in it. I was born in the Isle,  denied the right to live there, and want to die there.


There are no funds or schemes to repatriate people born on the Island, or with residency rights, to return from elsewhere. So you’re not being denied anything.

Pay, to get yourself here, like everyone else, and you should qualify for assistance with housing costs, through the social security system. You may even, eventually, qualify for assisted living/sheltered housing - but there is a long waiting list.

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2 hours ago, Morgan Kane said:

I am a 70 Yr old Manxman,  who at 6 months old was "illegally" sent away to Canada by my Paternal Grandmother,  at 1 year old I was taken into the USA "illegally",  then at 14 I was "sold" to a family to replace a boy that they had adopted who "had to go away" and I was given his identity.  Many more things went on in my life and it wasn't until 2018 when I was deported back to the UK.  Though I had my baptism certificate from a church in the Isle and many other documents,  my Birth wasn't Registered until 2022 on my 68th Birthday.  I have been on Manx Radio, and in the Manx Independent paper,  as well my story is told in the books - 34 Years in Hell   and Behind the Granite Walls. 

All I have wanted was to move back to my Homeland,  My Precious Isle,  I only gey Pension Credit,  I don't smoke, drink or do any drugs, only take the medication given to me by Drs for my diabetes,  thyroid, and anaemia issues.   I have basically been told that there are no services to help me come home,  so I am now thinking of coming over with my car this Summer and if necessary I will sleep in it. I was born in the Isle,  denied the right to live there, and want to die there.


How are the book sales going?

  • Haha 1
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