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Funeral For A Friend


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As the title suggests, Funeral For A Friend are playing at the Villa on October 10th. It is nice to see that the organisers/promoters are getting some non mainstream acts over. I am definitely looking forwards to this one (even if my 12 year old daughter has demanded to come with me!)


Anyone else remotely pleased with this one?


FFAF MySpace (media player launches automatically)


Villa what's on guide


I am just hoping that the "Special Guests" are the Cancer Bats as they are touring with them, but I doubt it will happen.

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As the title suggests, Funeral For A Friend are playing at the Villa on October 10th. It is nice to see that the organisers/promoters are getting some non mainstream acts over. I am definitely looking forwards to this one (even if my 12 year old daughter has demanded to come with me!)


Anyone else remotely pleased with this one?


FFAF MySpace (media player launches automatically)


Villa what's on guide


I am just hoping that the "Special Guests" are the Cancer Bats as they are touring with them, but I doubt it will happen.


Special guest are supposed to be 'On A Friday' accroding to the topic on manxbands.

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Nah, thats not emo, that is black metal as fuck, the old school cradle of filth t-shirt, face made up like he is in ChthoniC, posing with knives.... Emo's are pussies. Black metal kids knife each other and burn down churches.



It is nice to see that the organisers/promoters are getting some non mainstream acts over.


I am pretty certain that FFAF are mainstream, but yeah, you're right, it's nice to see them start branching out to bands who aren't fucking pop tribute acts or rock n'rollers that remember the dinosaurs.


I am just hoping that the "Special Guests" are the Cancer Bats as they are touring with them, but I doubt it will happen.


Nah, Static is right there, it's On A Friday, I think... The singer is in Liverpool at LIPA.

Cancer Bats are fantastic, saw them at Reading and on the Never Say Die tour last year.

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Pig Destroyer, I am not going to get into the semantics over whether or not FFAF are mainstream or not. Seeing as they have toured on TOC, Warped and GIAN, and are headlining their "Memory And Humanity" tour I am sticking with my initial statement :P . Snow Patrol they most certainly are not.


I do have to agree with you about Cancer Bats though, I am pretty gutted that they are not supporting as they really are superb live.

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I am looking forward to this, i expect there will be loads of youngsters jumping around so i might have to hide at the back although i am sure i could pass for 15 if i shaved and wore some baggy jeans... well maybe not!


I have seen these as support acts a few times and was lucky enough to see them at a small venue in Wales which was great and the crowd were mental.


I went to see MCR in Manchester a while back and it was the same sort of crowd, loads of kids but when they started the set the kids started to move to the back to avoid the mosh pits (although the pits were some of the poorest i have ever seen!)

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