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Another Defeat For The Clarksons


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F/me, another weni who cannot speak manx.





Ballagh biker, have you had your bike tested yet, DOI Phil says it is illegal, to ride on old English number plates after 6 months.

No yorkshireman tells us manx where we can walk, on land we have walked for 1000s of years, get a grip, or hit the m62 mother fokker.



Basically it is a manx twist on enoch powells # paki go home # message, Sod off you Brit.


I have heard worse advice on here, but she gave it for free.


Shithouse trick doctoring a quote, I never said any such thing and well you know it.

Maybe you should try quoting the person that ACTUALLY makes the quotes you quote, then you will maybe come-over as slightly less of a prick than you already do.


I didn't doctor your quote. Here I even highlighted exactly what you said, exactly as you typed it.



Full quote arse-wipe.



b biker have got your bike tested yet doi phil ses its not legal to run on ye olde weni plates forever no white rose tells us manx were we can walk were we have walked for thousands of years get a grip or hit the 62


Nope, I've read and re-read that several times, can I have a translation please?



F/me, another weni who cannot speak manx.





Ballagh biker, have you had your bike tested yet, DOI Phil says it is illegal, to ride on old English number plates after 6 months.

No yorkshireman tells us manx where we can walk, on land we have walked for 1000s of years, get a grip, or hit the m62 mother fokker.



Basically it is a manx twist on enoch powells # paki go home # message, Sod off you Brit.


I have heard worse advice on here, but she gave it for free.

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I'm going to avoid quoting your quote of a quoted quote.


I didn't need to re-quote your entire load of dribble to show you were talking in your usual foamy mouthed, raged filled, little man syndrome manner.


I quoted the bit that showed my point. You were talking rubbish and now you're talking rubbish to defend your talking rubbish.

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MDO, he was simply translating sunset's gibberish so people could fully understand his/her inane rants; he was providing a babelfish service if you will.


As much as I never thought I would be on Pauld's side, you owe him an apology on this matter.


You are both mentals mind.

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i might be bad at spelling gibberish you said but i can make more than u clever arses like you can as long as you have a hole in your eye socket skull head u try to act manx but i know u come from the dales




Sorry that fried all circuits, no idea, temporarily out of order, its some kind of ancient ronage,best i can tell.

However i will bet my house on the gist of it being piss-off back where you came from if you dont like the ways we do things here, cant say i disagree.

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MDO, he was simply translating sunset's gibberish so people could fully understand his/her inane rants; he was providing a babelfish service if you will.


As much as I never thought I would be on Pauld's side, you owe him an apology on this matter.


You are both mentals mind.


Apologise to the greatest source of hate and bile on the forum? Yeah, you'll be waiting for that I'm afraid.

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MDO, he was simply translating sunset's gibberish so people could fully understand his/her inane rants; he was providing a babelfish service if you will.


As much as I never thought I would be on Pauld's side, you owe him an apology on this matter.


You are both mentals mind.


Apologise to the greatest source of hate and bile on the forum? Not a problem. I apologise unreservedly for my stupid and inane comments




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b biker have got your bike tested yet doi phil ses its not legal to run on ye olde weni plates forever no white rose tells us manx were we can walk were we have walked for thousands of years get a grip or hit the 62


A yorkshireman??? 'kinell you know how to insult someone! :)

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b biker have got your bike tested yet doi phil ses its not legal to run on ye olde weni plates forever no white rose tells us manx were we can walk were we have walked for thousands of years get a grip or hit the 62


A yorkshireman??? 'kinell you know how to insult someone! :)

Fuck me are the kids still in school? Must be the Ballaughhangeron is posting..Pray tell us about your extensive holdays we do like to listen.....

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.... He actually, really wanted to be left alone.


I was not planning to go past the cottages, I just wanted to walk the dogs over the spit of land that looks onto Castletown. He on the other hand, wanted to be able to walk on his land and, at that time, seemed reasonably OK for others to do the same providing they allowed him to quietly enjoy his house. What this battle seems to have done, as legal wrangles will inevitably do, is polarise and entrench.


I agree with your post Gladys, in that if he had been left alone none of this might have happened.


But I think it was the way he eventually closed the footpath that got peoples backs up. I remember walking down there before this kicked off, and I was shocked at the number of signs and the boldness of them. " Private land : keep out" plastered all over the fence overy 20 meters or so.


It really did look awful. And I remember my immediate reaction was "WTF".

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They now have 6 weeks to appeal against this latest judgement that has gone against them. Should they do so that will mean more expense to them(unfortunately expense is not a problem to them) and a further delay before the paths can be opened. It is now 6 years since the closure, common justice should ensure that after a lenghty inquiry and 3 court defeats, the paths could be opened whilst the appeal is being carried out.

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Meanwhile, I haven't seen much of a fuss about a complete (physical) closure of the footpath from Middle Farm to the EFW plant. It is clearly on the walking map as a route but when I tried the route a couple of years ago the path was blocked with orange mesh; no diversion, just blocked. But I guess that is OK as it will be a local who done it rather than one of them jumped up, fancy comeovers with more money than sense.

Are you talking about the path from just above the Fairy Bridge (Kewaigue) to Richmond Hill? This was closed for them to do that work on Richmond Hill.

Though if a path is on the walking map it will be an established right of way. If it has been blocked by orange mesh, just climb over it or (better) remove it.

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I liked this:


"The reason I bring this to your attention is the government's plan to raise the motorway speed limit to 80mph, which is misguided for two reasons. Firstly because it'll make Jeremy Clarkson smile, which is always a reliable barometer for bad policies. But mostly because it's just not necessary."


Charlie Brooker says his bit almost as if he knows about Langness...

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