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Another Defeat For The Clarksons


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yawn. Change the record will ya? It's boring

Well go and read something else then...


I don't want that oversized schoolboy associated at all with this Island if I'm honest, and when he goes it will be good riddance

That says a lot more about you than him. And shouldn't that be IF he goes?


It's posts like this that makes me wonder what the real general objective of this action has been. Would you have said the same if he had been manx? Y'know 'get lost' and good riddance? Then you say who cares if he's a comeover! It just doesn't add up.


You just dont get it do you BB, fuukim, manx, english, martian, fuukim the jumped up cunt.

what cotribution did he ever make to castletown, above and beyond living there, did he do anything for local charitie/s etc.


Sweet F.A. thats what h done, fuukim.

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Meanwhile, I haven't seen much of a fuss about a complete (physical) closure of the footpath from Middle Farm to the EFW plant. It is clearly on the walking map as a route but when I tried the route a couple of years ago the path was blocked with orange mesh; no diversion, just blocked. But I guess that is OK as it will be a local who done it rather than one of them jumped up, fancy comeovers with more money than sense.


Dear me, "a couple of years ago" - so what did you do about it concerned citizen?


Oh dear, sweet FA. But you still think you can criticise those who do actually stand up for your rights, despite the fact you couldn't be arsed yourself. Well, here's an idea to get hold of. You don't actually deserve their efforts, because you've demonstrated you're simply not worth it...

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Steady on pauld, watch that blood pressure! I'm not sure what you expected him to do for Castletown/the island but I well remember him singing its praises when TG started coming over and borrowing the mountain road to test expensive cars. He had nothing bad to say about the place but I doubt that is the case now. It made a change for someone in the public eye to say something positive about the island. That's a rare event these days.


I've never met him and watch TG about once a year so I can't pretend to even know what he's really doing on the island but what if he just wants peace and quiet? What's wrong with that? Hardly a crime is it?

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Well I have to agree with that. However in the days when I used to work at the airport, I used to walk down there a lot (few times a week) and can't ever remember seeing anyone else. Now everyone wants to walk past his house.

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Meanwhile, I haven't seen much of a fuss about a complete (physical) closure of the footpath from Middle Farm to the EFW plant. It is clearly on the walking map as a route but when I tried the route a couple of years ago the path was blocked with orange mesh; no diversion, just blocked. But I guess that is OK as it will be a local who done it rather than one of them jumped up, fancy comeovers with more money than sense.


Dear me, "a couple of years ago" - so what did you do about it concerned citizen?


Oh dear, sweet FA. But you still think you can criticise those who do actually stand up for your rights, despite the fact you couldn't be arsed yourself. Well, here's an idea to get hold of. You don't actually deserve their efforts, because you've demonstrated you're simply not worth it...

I am neither a concerned citizen on this point, nor do I expect anyone else to stand up for my rights. Merely pointing out that there is a degree of selectivity going on here.

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Well I have to agree with that. However in the days when I used to work at the airport, I used to walk down there a lot (few times a week) and can't ever remember seeing anyone else. Now everyone wants to walk past his house.

But where else can some minority stalkers/walkers stare at a celebrity through a window?

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No not a crime at all, should have bought a house without a footpath going past his kitchen window though.

Tbf there wasn't a path going past his kitchen window when he bought it. There was a 7 foot wall running along that edge. The previous occupants never had any trouble.

He moved his kitchen to that building and then dropped the wall to about 3 foot.


At the end of the day though, the "people are looking into my window cus I'm a celebrity" boohoo is a sympathy move to try and get the less educated on side. Just like the oh no "some sheep have been scared off a cliff" by dogs rubbish and the "vandals have attacked my fence" line as well.

Classic PR spin attempts and its worked quite nicely on a lot of people amazingly.

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Well I have to agree with that. However in the days when I used to work at the airport, I used to walk down there a lot (few times a week) and can't ever remember seeing anyone else. Now everyone wants to walk past his house.

Were you walking at Langness or have got confused with Scarlett or something ? :blink:

Langness is probably the most walked countryside area in the whole of the Isle of Man. That would also account for why there are so many upset people who have been brave enough to fight for something instead of sitting back and muttering to themselves.

Nice to see for once on this island as nowadays it seems to be getting full of selfish self-absorbed people who are outnumbering the nice friendly helpful people. :angry:

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No not confused spanna, well not on my geography of the island at any rate. However it was over 10 years ago and always at lunchtime. Maybe it's different now...


I don't agree that the island is getting full of selfish self absorbed people though. The vast majority of us get on fine and always will, it's small percentage who don't that are the ones you (unfortunately) remember.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Are the rumours true that Mr Costain (one of the PROWL founders) who lives on the footpath that runs from Fistard Road to the Glen Chass Road is wanting the footpath moved because people are walking past the front of his property and having a skeet in through his windows?

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Are the rumours true that Mr Costain (one of the PROWL founders) who lives on the footpath that runs from Fistard Road to the Glen Chass Road is wanting the footpath moved because people are walking past the front of his property and having a skeet in through his windows?



Sounds about right, cheeky bastards.

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