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David's story: Road safety campaign


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I think we're just a tad more civilised than a lot of people! If you look at the number of hits the footage of Bob Price's fatal accident in this year's TT has attracted on the media tubes you'll see there is a voracious appetite for this kind of thing.

I don't think this is the same thing at all (unless you're a Racing Motorcyclist). I would say most people who use the road don't really understand the risk both for them and other road users. Footage like this shows what can happen through a small lapse in concentration. This is exactly the kid of video that should be viewed by everyone so they understand they're operating a vehicle that can and does kill, and that appropriate care should be taken.


Very powerful video, thanks for sharing.

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It's amazing just how many motorists fail to even see bikes, let alone even within normal speed limits adequately judge a bikes speed and distance. I think part of the driving test and driving lessons should include a simulator. The technology is certainly easily available. Most drivers only become aware of possibilities as they happen to them.

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TSM do you really "take appropriate care"? You assume you do but I doubt that you are regularly tested to confirm that is the case.


We take a test and in many cases that is the last time we will be tested until we are OAP's and need to be tested to see if we are fit to drive. During that time we presume we are good drivers etc but are we really? Time and again I hear people say they drive fast when it is safe to do so or that they drive well within their abilities etc but these in virtually all cases are totally subjective. I have no idea what my abilities as I driver are, how good by judgement is because they have never been tested. I think they are reasonable as in the last 25 years I have only been involved in one accident and that was when some idiot ran into the back of me at a Zebra crossing. My wife has a similar record but I would reckon I am a better driver than her, but am I really?

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The accident to me as ample demonstration that the argument that many make that they are safe to drive very fast and should be allowed to etc as they have the skills, ride to the conditions etc is bollocks as it basically presumes that whilst they may be perfect when driving most of us are not and we make mistakes, can be momentarily distracted. If a vehicle is going slower there is more chance that us who are less than perfect may spot and it also gives more chance that both parties can take avoiding action.


Sorry, but thats bollocks.


I drive fast when I think its safe to do so. I wouldn't include approaching a junction in that, especially when decent observation would mean you spotting the car that's sitting waiting to turn right across your path. You would have to be pretty special to put all your faith in the driver seeing and not cutting across your path.

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on the other foot i too have been going a bit quick and had things pull out on me, first instinct is blame them but second thought is that if i was going at the speed i ought to be, they'd have had plenty of time to pull out.



Pretty much every day I have to deal with someone pulling out from a junction/driveway or cutting across a roundabout as I'm already on it, they either think 'fuck it' or just don't bother looking full stop. When you're on a bike its not as easy to stop as a car no matter what the speed is.

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He was doing close to 100mph at the time according to the Police report.....so rather than "think bike"...the message should perhaps be "slow down"....


I agree. I think there is a strong message to be learned from this video. The rider unloads the front if not actually wheelies under acceleration, and then carries out a very bold overtake of three vehicles, both of which demonstrate his attitude towards speed. In the final sequence, I can see the car turning in to David's path half a second before he yells, and he strikes the offside front corner of the car. He is still carrying the speed from his last overtake, and probably he feels too pumped and exhilarated to really focus on what's happening in front of him. With less speed, and more focus, I honestly think he would have avoided the accident altogether.


I think this is one of those tough things that one should watch, especially as a biker.

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I can see the car turning in to David's path half a second before he yells, and he strikes the offside front corner of the car. He is still carrying the speed from his last overtake, and probably he feels too pumped and exhilarated to really focus on what's happening in front of him. With less speed, and more focus, I honestly think he would have avoided the accident altogether.


It was a lack of concentration that caused this for both parties, there was a similar fatal accident in Douglas a few years ago but that happened in a 30mph zone, the car driver simply said he didn't see the bike and pulled straight across his path. IMO its important as a biker to make yourself as visible as possible, headlight on, day glo hi-vis and preferably a white helmet (guilty of that one, mine is black/green......) and the most important thing is to ride defensively. This accident could have been prevented as could most accidents, hopefully it'll prevent a similar one happening in future.

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I played the video to my 3 young children as there was no blood and gore and explained to them the whole situation; the biker going too fast and the driver not observing the road before turning, in the hope that they will have an understanding of being responsible come the time they ride or drive.

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