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6 minutes ago, llap said:

Nigel Farage takes phone calls on his radio show to discuss Donald Trump's presidency after one year. (For the record, my own rating for Donald Trump's performance is 10/10, or A*).

You are a Grade A nut job.

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If you relied entirely on the mainstream media for your information about Trump's successes, you'd think he hadn't done anything. But I actually do my own research. Even though Trump is demonised daily and can do no good (even if he invented a cure to cancer they'd moan), behind the scenes he's accomplished an amazing amount for the United States, especially for the economy. You can call me a nut all you want, but the fact is you're an idiot.

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38 minutes ago, llap said:

If you relied entirely on the mainstream media for your information about Trump's successes, you'd think he hadn't done anything. But I actually do my own research. Even though Trump is demonised daily and can do no good (even if he invented a cure to cancer they'd moan), behind the scenes he's accomplished an amazing amount for the United States, especially for the economy. You can call me a nut all you want, but the fact is you're an idiot.

"Thousands of medical professionals out of work!" "Hospital wards shut all over the country!" - Yeah, I could imagine that

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Despite, as Jimmy Carter (a liberal Democrat) said, being the most unfairly treated (by the media) president in modern history, and despite being being an independent candidate (albeit, running via the Republican Party):

- Massive increase in stock market value

- Reduction in unemployment to pre-2000 levels (i.e. over 8 years before the 2008 economic crash)

- Ended the Trans-Pacific Partnership (pretty much setting back the New World Order by decades)

- Forced China to take takes to rein in North Korea

- ISIS is being defeated instead of supported like under Obama

- Increased home ownership

- Wall with Mexico currently ongoing

-  Major and lobbying and election finance reform

- Reduction in taxes and regulations

Pretty amazing considering he's an outsider who is trying to drain the swamp, has only been in a short time, and is universally being demonised by the media and the many hundreds of millions of brainwashed simpleton retards who believe media lies.

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1 hour ago, llap said:

If you relied entirely on the mainstream media for your information about Trump's successes, you'd think he hadn't done anything. But I actually do my own research. Even though Trump is demonised daily and can do no good (even if he invented a cure to cancer they'd moan), behind the scenes he's accomplished an amazing amount for the United States, especially for the economy. You can call me a nut all you want, but the fact is you're an idiot.

I wouldn't call you a nut as such, as you are obviously very intelligent. But quite often you come out with the most outlandish crap imaginable

Shame you cant put your intelligence to better use.

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7 minutes ago, Jasper said:

Trump has ended the scapegoating of Russia that the Dems invented in order to try to turn the electorate against an enemy that ceased to exist years past. He is very popular in the civilised parts of the world plus he is an antidote to snowflakes.

You believe that, right ?

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