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I guess ManxTaxPayer's point is that 40% having made political bids is proof of bias, but I'd say even 0% would come with the same level of bias. If you take even a completely random sample of five or ten or a hundred people then you'll have political bias. It's human nature.

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I guess ManxTaxPayer's point is that 40% having made political bids is proof of bias, but I'd say even 0% would come with the same level of bias. If you take even a completely random sample of five or ten or a hundred people then you'll have political bias. It's human nature.

I think for someone who seems frightened of being exposed for what he posts on here and who claims to be persistently victimized by the mods the sender of that PM certainly has no qualms about trying to expose (in an indirect way) the identify of people who are mods on here. Therefore, that person is clearly a complete fucking idiot. Would you agree llap that someone who operates in such an illogical and inconsistent way whilst claiming they are being persecuted is obviously a complete fucking idiot when the mods have access to his email and IP details?

Edited by Manxcrabbe
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BTW if you didn't get 'the PM' here it is:


Curious Thought

Started by ManxTaxPayer, sent to slinkydevil


Sent 09 October 2016 - 09:54 AM

Here's a curious thought. With WildDog now expunged from the moderator list, 40% of Manx Forums moderators have had a failed bid for a seat in the House of Keys.

Jeez, is that all this is about? Look at another way, 60% have no political aspirations. Or, perhaps I am lying, again.

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I guess ManxTaxPayer's point is that 40% having made political bids is proof of bias, but I'd say even 0% would come with the same level of bias. If you take even a completely random sample of five or ten or a hundred people then you'll have political bias. It's human nature.

I think for someone who seems frightened of being exposed for what he posts on here and who claims to be persistently victimized by the mods the sender of that PM certainly has no qualms about trying to expose (in an indirect way) the identify of people who are mods on here. Therefore, that person is clearly a complete fucking idiot. Would you agree llap that someone who operates in such an illogical and inconsistent way whilst claiming they are being persecuted is obviously a complete fucking idiot when the mods have access to his email and IP details?



Are you trying to insinuate something? I have nothing to do with ManxTaxPayer. Believe it or not but not everyone here is the same person FFS.

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Also, anyone who has posted here for a while knows both moderators have never made any secret of having previously sought public office. Both moderators are fairly open about who they are as well, with one even using his real name as his username. So there's hardly a big revelation occurring in this thread. The whole thread is a bit of a melodrama. We all know two of them have run for public office, we've all known this for years. It's no big revelation.

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I guess ManxTaxPayer's point is that 40% having made political bids is proof of bias, but I'd say even 0% would come with the same level of bias. If you take even a completely random sample of five or ten or a hundred people then you'll have political bias. It's human nature.


I think for someone who seems frightened of being exposed for what he posts on here and who claims to be persistently victimized by the mods the sender of that PM certainly has no qualms about trying to expose (in an indirect way) the identify of people who are mods on here. Therefore, that person is clearly a complete fucking idiot. Would you agree llap that someone who operates in such an illogical and inconsistent way whilst claiming they are being persecuted is obviously a complete fucking idiot when the mods have access to his email and IP details?

Are you trying to insinuate something? I have nothing to do with ManxTaxPayer. Believe it or not but not everyone here is the same person FFS.

I was asking if you thought that someone who did that was a fucking idiot. Obviously for whatever reason you dont want to answer the question. Why are you so paranoid? It was a very straightforward question. I think that that sort of action proves they are indeed a fucking idiot and I was asking if you agreed that the sort of paranoid conflicted behaviour being demonstrated was that of a "fucking idiot".

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Sigh. Drama queens. The forum has been taken over by the Facebook drama queen squad.

It was a pretty straight forward question as clearly only a complete idiot would try and do something like a campaign like that covertly by PM, and then try to start a some weird thread about it when the mods know their email and IP details. So I wondered whether you thought that such a person was clearly a massive idiot too? I mean he'd have to be a real shit for brains really wouldn't he?

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Maybe I am! But why might Manx Forums suppress the observation I made and shared? Why would it want to? Why might Gladys lie about it? It's intriguing. In an unimportant Manx Forums sort of intriguing way.

What have I lied about?



Sorry, that came across as a bit strong, may I emphasise the word "might'? I don't actually think you did at all.

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