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So the UK is finished says Theresa Mayhem


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I totally agree, Pongo, but just look at the list of countries who sell us more than we sell them. Apart from Ireland and a few minor players, it's everybody, and by a huge margin. Pragmatically they don't want to walk away from that or make life difficult for themselves. As far as tariffs are concerned, obviously, although nobody wants them, we would collect more than we paid and the surplus could be used for incentives to industry. Of course, if the decline in sterling to date is maintained for the next few years, the competitive effect on our fully originated exports and the value added component of all our exports after an allowance for raw marterial inflation, would more than cancel any tariffs that are likely to arise.

Edited by woolley
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As far as tariffs are concerned, obviously, although nobody wants them, we would collect more than we paid and the surplus could be used for incentives to industry.

I may be wrong but my understanding is that WTO rules allow countries to apply additional tariffs to sectors which are in receipt of state subsidies.


I wonder how long it will be before the Brexit mentality ends up with UKIP types calling for Britain to also reject the WTO.

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And with Australia and India wanting freedom of movement and work for their citizens as part of the negotiations, you have to ask...


Are we taking control of our borders or are we being dictated to by some bureaucracy far away?

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you need to dig a little deeper, a vast majority are cars which are owned by germany. if we go wto and the germans eu face import duty we will be better off

How are we going to be better off if the cars we want to buy cost more?


The administration of tariffs and other artifical bureacratic controls would represent a very significant business overhead - especially for small businesses and independent service providers. Britain is very much more dependent on trade with the EU than the EU is dependent on trade with the UK.


at the very worst it will be 10%, the uk can manipulate the vat so you pay no more


75% of eu financial trade goes through london, to say we are more dependent on them is rubbish

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Tariffs collected on services potentially represent a bureaucratic nightmare for small businesses and independents needing to invoice EU customers? It would be an added cost and complication - a barrier to doing simple business. The current arrangements typically mean trading with an EU client as if they were in the same street - nothing to think about. That's a sensible system. People doing business with each other want fewer rules not more. Increased paperwork and bureaucracy seems likely to be one of the outcomes of the Brexit.

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Tariffs collected on services potentially represent a bureaucratic nightmare for small businesses and independents needing to invoice EU customers? It would be an added cost and complication - a barrier to doing simple business. The current arrangements typically mean trading with an EU client as if they were in the same street - nothing to think about. That's a sensible system. People doing business with each other want fewer rules not more. Increased paperwork and bureaucracy seems likely to be one of the outcomes of the Brexit.

i understand it is going to be done by vat, nothing will change

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Tariffs collected on services potentially represent a bureaucratic nightmare for small businesses and independents needing to invoice EU customers? It would be an added cost and complication - a barrier to doing simple business. The current arrangements typically mean trading with an EU client as if they were in the same street - nothing to think about. That's a sensible system. People doing business with each other want fewer rules not more. Increased paperwork and bureaucracy seems likely to be one of the outcomes of the Brexit.

And that is exactly why not much will change in that respect Pongo. It is in nobody's interest to make trade more difficult, particularly seeing as the continent takes the better side of the balance of trade. I know they will want to punish the UK but if they do so they will punish themselves more so we have to see how pragmatic they are going to be. But whatever comes out of it will not be the end of the world and trade, whilst important, is not the only thing to consider.

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