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Beltane Celebrations


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 I went to the Delta Heritage Fair which turned out to be a Historical Arts Exhibition of Displays made by Elementary School Children at the Harris Barn. There was nothing there for Adults.

But they had some interesting Displays on various subjects of Canadian History. There were Displays on Native History, the early Pioneers such as Jacques Cartier and about Freedom Fighters like Louis Riel.

Here is the Displays:




And here is one about our Minister of Defense who used to be in command of the Military Regiment that I used to be a member of - The British Columbia Regiment:

After seeing the Displays in Harris Barn, I went for a walkabout and found the Children's Garden:


And here is a Closeup of the Garden Boxes:


When I was walking around the Barn, I came upon a Cement Garden Planter that had a Barrier around it:


And here is the Mother Duck sitting on her Nest:


That was a Good Way to start Beltane Celebrations by going to a Historical Arts Display at the Harris Barn.



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Awens to All:

Thin on the First Weekend after Beltane, I did the First Camp Out to Celebrate a Celtic Sacred Sabbath since 2016's Autumnal Equinox by going to my Favorite Camp Site which is in the middle of the Hemlock Valley.

I packed Canadamobile for a week and then after Friday's Work, got a 15 Pack of Beer and took off.

When I got there, I set up the Tent and had a Dinner with a few Beers and then went straight to Sleep.

The next morning, I got up and had a Breakfast of Hot Dogs simmered in Chilli Con Carne:


Then I went about taking a few Pictures of the Camp Site:

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The thing I really liked is the area where I camped out in was almost totally surrounded by Mounds of Dirt. Made me feel like I was in the center of one of those Neolithic Circle Forts that dot the Landscapes of the Wiltshire Plains.

And here is a Picture of the Surrounding Valley Road:


Then I got out the Box of my New Portable BarBQ that I picked up for the Camping Trip since my Old BarBQ's Fire Element had Rusted Out so it was needing to be Replaced.



Here is my New Portable BarBQ still in its Box:


And here it is after I got it Assembled:


The rest of the day, it got used preparing Delicious Beef Sausages that I had brought along.

Then I went about gathering Fire Wood and Splitting It Up. Here is my Beltane Wood Pile:

Then I made my Camp Fire Ring:


And then I put together a Pile of Wood into the Fire Ring:

Spent the rest of the day doing a lot of Lounging about Sleeping in my Tent enjoying the absence of other Annoying Humans as my Favorite Camp Spot where I tend to get a lot of Solitude.

When the Sun went down, I Sparked Off the Camp Fire:


And here is my YouTube Video of my Beltane Campfire:


Now I am back getting this Unloaded and Cleaned Up for my next Camping Trip.


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  • 10 months later...

There used to be a huge celebration in the fields of Sulby valley but it got a bit too big for its own good. This year there’s a much smaller celebration being held in an adjoining field. A lot of people do celebrate  and have continued to do so for many years. What do you plan to do this year Druid? 

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