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Brit held on Spying charges in UAE

RIchard Britten

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Why would a 31 year old British PhD student be doing "research on the UAE's security strategy"?

Aren't you kind of asking for trouble doing that? - think he's been caught bang to rights.

At least his PhD will be able to state that "Yes, UAE's security strategy in dealing with espionage seems to be pretty effective"



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Why do people visit these places?  Time and time again we hear of people locked up in Dubai for holding hands, or 'spying' in Abu Dhabi, or wanting to drive a car in Saudi, or not wearing a headscarf in Iran...

Something about this case doesn't ring true though.  The news keeps saying how he was interrogated in Arabic, a language he doesn't understand.  Yet in the next paragraph it tells of how he lived in the UAE on and off since he was 7, and is doing a PhD in middle eastern studies.  Doesn't understand Arabic? I don't buy it.

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1 hour ago, Freggyragh said:

Credit where it’s due - Jeremy Hunt sorted that pretty fast. If fatty was still FS Hedges would have got his sentence doubled. 

did he???????????????????????????????????

he hasn't done very well with the other case either........

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