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COVID-19 UK & Beyond


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9 hours ago, Manxberry said:

How's Canada?

A lot better than the USA from what I have been hearing.

USA has record number of Cases but it has been reported that Italy has had the Most Fatalities.

I have yet to personally know of someone who has actually had it.  That is why I was inquiring about what has been going on there on IoM.



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6 minutes ago, TheDruid-3X3 said:

A lot better than the USA from what I have been hearing.

USA has record number of Cases but it has been reported that Italy has had the Most Fatalities.

I have yet to personally know of someone who has actually had it.  That is why I was inquiring about what has been going on there on IoM.



You have to hand it to Trump.


He said he would make America Number 1!

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Just been shouting at Johnson on the TV where he was banging on about how important testing is. That is when he and his administration had weeks to prep the UK for this and obviously did nothing about making sure testing would be available just for starters. Compared to Germany's 500,000 tests a week their efforts have been derisory.

They have completely failed in their duty to care for their citizens. Now oxygen seems to be running short as well.

Not fit for office...

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14 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Just been shouting at Johnson on the TV where he was banging on about how important testing is. That is when he and his administration had weeks to prep the UK for this and obviously did nothing about making sure testing would be available just for starters. Compared to Germany's 500,000 tests a week their efforts have been derisory.

They have completely failed in their duty to care for their citizens. Now oxygen seems to be running short as well.

Not fit for office...

Why didn't you say?

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4 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Even the tory press had a go today. Underneath his hysteria, PK does have a point.

You funny.

Somebody sent me this the other day. I admit it's in VERY bad taste so share with caution. But every day that passes just seems to make it appear more and more like the reality...



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4 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Even the tory press had a go today. Underneath his hysteria, PK does have a point.

No he doesn't. Well, he does, but not in the way that he means by blaming it all on Johnson. It wouldn't have been any different under any alternative government because underneath it all, the organisational skills at the top level of the public sector are simply abysmal and they are being found out. Take the PPE for instance. They had a warehouse full of the stuff and hospitals screaming out for it. Could they move it fast from A to B? Not a chance, so they have to draft the army in. It's always the same. They are fine pushing bits of paper around in normal times, but when the heat is on and push comes to shove they aren't up to it.

Incidentally, I've no particular brief for Johnson whatsoever apart from the fact that he got Brexit done, which he doesn't particularly believe in anyway. If Corbyn was in power and somebody was giving him personal grief in the same way that PK is giving it to Johnson, I would point out exactly the same flaws in the argument, i.e, the amount of direct control that politicians have in these matters is extremely limited.

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I wonder what different steps Blair or Brown would have taken under the circumstances? Neither of them knew Jack about virology or the spread of highly infectious and novel diseases. Having what we're supposed to be world leaders on hand advising on the best way to manage the situation and with no evidence that what other countries were doing made any real difference to what was taking place.

Let's face it no matter what BoJo did was going to be used against him. If he had ignored government expert's advice and put the country under "lockdown" then those clowns who hate him as matter of faith would be whinging that he should have listened.  If he did listen in the hope that his expert's were right, which is what he did, then he is seen by the same Boris haters as having done wrong.

Underfunding of the NHS?  Having to implement a get well austerity program after the profligacy of the Blair & Brown disaster trying to minimise the increase in National debt made all government expenditure more than problematic, not to mention the Blair open border policy and the huge draw on our taxes.

As for the intensely judenhaas Corbyn cabal, the pride of Momentum-Labour lot --- thankfully the indigenous British saw through them so they were emasculated hopefully for decades to come.

So before ranting on about someone described (wrongly) as a "totally amoral narcissistic serial philanderer and inveterate liar" it might be worth asking if, given the totality of this global plague, anyone could have done better especially considering the awful prime minister's we have had to endure from since Mrs Thatcher stood down having been stabbed in the front by that horrible little weasel Geoffrey Howe.



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25 minutes ago, woolley said:

Yes. And?

And it's blindingly obvious that the Minister is right on top of the situation to wit:

"We are not distributing that at the moment because we have to distribute it at the right time."

Very reassuring wouldn't you say...?

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