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Everything posted by prism10

  1. So many adult dating services here. All the Westminster MPs will be joining this forum soon!
  2. Someone once asked what did they think of OJ as an actor. The reply was his acting was like his murdering. He just about gets away with it!
  3. Some of the families of the bereaved have been to Hull and back!
  4. There is the Co-op but really Tesco have acquired a monopoly on the island.
  5. It is good there are Coop branches but it would be good that one of the major supermarkets from the mainland open up.
  6. You obviously never had free range Staveley Eggs. Even if they are free, I would think twice!
  7. I do remember the bookshop in the Strand. I think I also met the owner back in 1993/4. They had a chain of bookshops in the midlands, he visited the Island and liked it, hence why he opened the shop.
  8. Not brilliant when I too the bus last month to Port Erin, it did sort of work.
  9. Same here. Better to enjoy Paris and take a train to Disneyland to spend a day or two.
  10. Pretty soon those nostalgic social media sites will be waxing lyrically about Harris. A proper entertainer unlike the foul mouthed woke ones of today!
  11. All I got watching it with my wife. Where is this? Where is that? I replied they never came to the Isle of Man. Even Fairy Bridge is just a bridge over any old stream or river.
  12. I guess this time no black legislators in Kentucky will take part in any anti gun protests or else they will get kicked out!
  13. It is the sort of thing I have noted for some years. Islamophobic, it was never hidden.
  14. Freedom of speech only applies, if it is in aid of the right wing cause. Asylum seekers are the sort of dark skinned types. So let them rot. Yet the same people would go and watch Schindler's List and mutter to themselves. If the situation arose, I'll act just like he did. Knowing in reality, they will never have the balls for the fight and capitulate. I rather liked Albert Tatlock in Coronation Street. It pains me that his image is used by someone with dickish views.
  15. He potentially might have given up £1.5 million to stand up for people more unfortunate. I thought for a moderator, you might want to use some other word than Dick for that type of scenario.
  16. That would amount to torture.
  17. So let the Scots have another referendum then!
  18. Yet in the social media world. Some people are still seeing a conspiracy.
  19. The case has aroused all sorts of speculation and armchair detectives formulating all kinds of theories. It has led to a distraught family in further anguish. I am sure the police did not want to release this information but under the circumstances, they tried to dampen down further all the speculation. Probably not successfully though.
  20. It is an error anyone could have made!
  21. First question does not even make sense. The questionnaire looks like it was compiled by someone with an anti Covid agenda. Just my opinion.
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