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Black Lives Matter


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3 hours ago, Rog said:

What kind interesting is that a drugged up individual engaged in committing a crime threw a wobbly and had to restrained.  He then calmed down and was escorted to the side of the street.  When he was helped to his feet but fought against being placed in a police car and once again had to be restrained and sadly died because illegal practices were employed by a very probably racist policeman acting contrary to published procedure it somehow morphed into a "black lives matter" thing when the only possible racist component was the individual whose actions may have been the cause of his death though the proof of that has yet to emerge in court.  (Probably were but innocent etc.)

But out of that comes the demand for "justice" which would have become clear in the inevitable inquest and trials.

These rioters don't want justice.  They want revenge.

But those are just facts. What has that got to do with the rant on here by people who know it all because it was on Facebook ?

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And those black people are usually so law abiding..The bank robber and thief must have been a one off.If I was a policeman in difficult circumstances in the US I would phone in sick with the rest of my colleagues and let the liberals police themselves.Absolutely disgusting how they riot again and again..Even under that waste of space Obama..

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2 minutes ago, SJR said:

And those black people are usually so law abiding..The bank robber and thief must have been a one off.If I was a policeman in difficult circumstances in the US I would phone in sick with the rest of my colleagues and let the liberals police themselves.Absolutely disgusting how they riot again and again..Even under that waste of space Obama..


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If you do not understand the meaning behind the Black Lives Matter movement then you are either thick; deliberately obtuse or racist. Probably a mix of all three. 

The  movement is not stating that black lives matter more than any other lives but that they matter just as much and can the Police please stop killing us?

Years ago I would probably have been one of the “all lives matter” wankers; yes; if you’ve stated that you are a wanker! But one of my oldest friends married a woman of colour; the stories he tells me of the prejudice that his wife and children have to deal with every single day is terrifying. 

I would have scoffed at the concept of white privilege but I now understand that simply walking down the high street of the city I was born in without receiving side ways looks; without people crossing the street and without receiving verbal and physical abuse is a privilege many Black British people never get to enjoy. 

I know the situation this side of the Atlantic is nothing like as bad as in the US but it is still bad and many people want to show their support for a global movement that came into existence to tackle a global problem. There are only so many times that peaceful protest can be ignored before people will turn to more radical and destructive methods to make their point. 

I am a middle-aged, heterosexual white man and I support #blacklivesmatter because I understand the fear in which so many of our fellow humans live on a daily basis. 

Part of the solution or part of the problem; there is no middle ground on this one. 

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9 minutes ago, SJR said:

And those black people are usually so law abiding..The bank robber and thief must have been a one off.If I was a policeman in difficult circumstances in the US I would phone in sick with the rest of my colleagues and let the liberals police themselves.Absolutely disgusting how they riot again and again..Even under that waste of space Obama..

It might be a good time to reveal your true identity - so everyone can avoid you in real life.

SJR you are a painful infected boil on the arse of this Forum.

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33 minutes ago, HeliX said:

I'm not sure why you're trying to twist George Floyd's death into evidence that there isn't systemic racism in the US police force.

There's systemic being a complete bastard in the US police force too, while I'm at it.

I'm not trying to deny that racism runs through the USA and most police services like the lettering. In a stick of Blackpool rock, simply commenting on how the arrest of a crim with a pretty awful record and the awful mistreatment he received was leapt on by the black caucus. There's racism taking affect in all races.  There's bound to be - it's human nature.

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32 minutes ago, HeliX said:

No you're right Rog, it's absolutely fine to kneel on a man's neck for 7minutes until he dies just because he didn't want to get into your police car.

Now where did I ever even hint that?

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1 minute ago, Rog said:

I'm not trying to deny that racism runs through the USA and most police services like the lettering. In a stick of Blackpool rock, simply commenting on how the arrest of a crim with a pretty awful record and the awful mistreatment he received was leapt on by the black caucus. There's racism taking affect in all races.  There's bound to be - it's human nature.

A "pretty awful record"? He served time over a decade ago for aggravated robbery. Since then, he became a father of two, worked two jobs to make ends meet, and above all else was a human being.

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1 minute ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

It might be a good time to reveal your true identity - so everyone can avoid you in real life.

SJR you are a painful infected boil on the arse of this Forum.

Oh Dear I am offended and will not sleep tonite.Honestly.The average black person in the USA commits many more crimes than the average Mexican Asian or White person.Fact.I would never defend the killing of anyone by the police and what happened was disgusting but the outrage is well over the top.You would think that the killer had run amok and blasted The Pope The Queen Terry Wogan and Alan Titsmarsh..Get a grip.In the meantime today many black police officers have been shot dead by people of all races...

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44 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

It's Rog, just ignore him, he's a massive rascist. His response in the Trump thread is ridiculous.

When you learn to spell the word you might start to learn what a real racist is but be prepared for a surprise because then you'll soon learn that I'm not one.

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3 minutes ago, HeliX said:

A "pretty awful record"? He served time over a decade ago for aggravated robbery. Since then, he became a father of two, worked two jobs to make ends meet, and above all else was a human being.

You are a complete wanker ..The fella held up a bank and served five years...

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Regardless of the arguing over the all lives matter / black lives matter nonsense, we can generally all agree that kneeling upon a mans neck until death is wrong and that they should be punished. Great, they've been arrested. The riots can stop now. Oh wait no... 

Now what I see is liberals destroying city centers, looting, burning and causing chaos. The media, celebrities and corporations are cucked into posting blm material. Constant flooding of material across social media to easily led sheep. 

I think Napoleon said it best when he said words to the effect of "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake"

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2 minutes ago, SJR said:

Oh Dear I am offended and will not sleep tonite.Honestly.The average black person in the USA commits many more crimes than the average Mexican Asian or White person.Fact.I would never defend the killing of anyone by the police and what happened was disgusting but the outrage is well over the top.You would think that the killer had run amok and blasted The Pope The Queen Terry Wogan and Alan Titsmarsh..Get a grip.In the meantime today many black police officers have been shot dead by people of all races...

And why is the crime rate higher among black communities? Is it perhaps that centuries of systemic racism has made black communities poorer than other communities? There's already a very well evidenced link between poverty and crime.

Terry Wogan's dead by the way.

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1 minute ago, Rog said:

When you learn to spell the word you might start to learn what a real racist is but be prepared for a surprise because then you'll soon learn that I'm not one.

Anyone that has run out of an arguement calls you a racist...

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