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Mr Helmut Fromage

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Everything posted by Mr Helmut Fromage

  1. This is a splendid post for many reasons - just not the ones you were thinking of.
  2. Genuine TT question - now that Shoprite is no more where will the riders shop ?
  3. Paul Fucking Philips probably - how’s the £100,000 bung to back marker Nathan Harrison looking now - crashed and didn’t race last year miles behind at the NW - Honda Hero
  4. Dohle Building on South Quay & Falcon Cliff Court Apartments on Victoria Road - plastic turrets / battlements on the roof- terrible design worse build.
  5. Not often I disagree with you mate but the Villiers was a dark mess of a building which over imposed on Victoria Street- think of the row of dank barely windowed shops where Conister / Lloyds now are - even the front of it was bleak - it’s an easy go to for “everything used to be great” but I’ve yet to see a photo of the Victorian lump of brick on the promenade that makes me want the Villiers back.
  6. @Bankerjust checking in - hope this hasn’t tipped you over the edge
  7. 29 - 33 Bucks Road - formerly the Louis Building and previous home of Alf’s recruitment business - a magnificent centre of excellence not 200 metres in either direction from the FSA, Tynwald or the AGs office - Where you can
  8. Did Andy Saunders & Sandrina think of updating their offerings that have changed in 25 years- The famous Creg etc I get it but ffs clean it and put a new carpet in bring out of the 90s - same with Quids Inn - have you moved on as a generation move with the times.
  9. The circus receives funding from Arts Council England and the IOM Today people wrongly reported it - which is why the story has been taken down.
  10. Not too difficult to narrow it down to the medal positions. Hungover Michael MacIntyre look alike Allen, man who stands at traffic lights in a shit tie looking angry whose wife called herself the Mayoress of Onchan - Turton or Quirk, FFS it’s David Fucking Quirk again - no extra words needed.
  11. It makes me feel non egg positive to be honest Glad
  12. Arfff - you’ll be joining Field Marshal Watterson for deep fried Siberian Hampster at the Cosy Nook?
  13. Discharged unfertilised eggs really
  14. Shall we move on to eating / cooking chicken periods next - sorry eggs I meant eggs 😄
  15. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/douglas-man-accused-of-fraud-appears-in-court/ Maybe (subject to court proceedings and JW shouting sub judice hence the maybe) the expansion of Tesco has had an adverse effect on head of the Co-Op & Mr Claire Christian MHK - slightly awkward if proven.
  16. Are pole dancing classes and photo shop requests still relevant - local pond life…….
  17. Bring a pen to sign the Direct Debit - roast beef dinner = pay monthly sinner.
  18. Nobody on here has alluded to the King Lord of Mann being a nonce only his associates who were latterly proven - but probably raced sidecars
  19. Wouldn’t have called him a mate but played golf 3 decades ago with this fella. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/douglas-man-admits-possessing-indecent-images-and-videos-of-children/ When I saw this it was surprisingly unsurprising, Would they be your mates if they were an average nonce and not a massive one ? ( don’t bite it’s a nudge at Max’s character judgement)
  20. In basic language: I said kids weren’t the best judge of character and joked about The Queens second husband being friends with a heinous individual. You said I must have known people who seemed alright but were latterly proven not. I agreed that I have known people who seemed alright but were latterly proven not - saying they raced sidecars.
  21. Wow - mocking someone for implying interviews with school children aren’t relevant leads to your your final sentence. I have met many people who have seemed ok been celebrities and hailed as some sort of local hero- strangely they all race sidecars and have violence convictions. I also despair at some people’s hard of thinking and blinkered processing
  22. That’s the spirit - I don’t think interviewing a 7 year old who has just met The Queen (Jimmy Saville’s best mates second wife) is a true barometer of public opinion.
  23. 7 minutes to reply - please step back Frank you don’t do yourself any favours. It appears that you’re following the @Rob Callister election text book. All the best….
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