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Castle Rushen High School Teachers . . .


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Didn't Alan Pickard marry one of his pupils too?


Wally retired from actual teaching a year or two before he retired, some classes were just left to teach themselves.


Alans first wife Virginia was not a pupil, don't think Rosemary his second wife was a pupil, after that I wouldn't know.


Had a chat with Wally in PE shoprite a few months back, still going strong.

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I haven't seen Miss Taylor, history mentioned and there was Cheryl Wilde, art before she married Brian Cousins.


You must be the same era as me, as I was about to mention them after reading this great thread.


Also Mr Ian (English) Stuart, and there was an English-teaching Mrs Teare who was married to Mr Peter (woodwork) Teare.


Harry Taverner, of course, who was Head when the wonderful Wally Callister was deputy.


Yes same era ( class? )


There was the R.E. teacher who taught everything apart from R.E. I think she married a pupil in the end and becames Mrs Epplestone, I can't remember her original married name.


Then there were the teachers that didn't quite have full control of their pupils, was it Miss/Ms Josiah-? and Blakey - french.


They were all good looking back but Geoff Corke - Physics was the best. There's only Peter Teare I don't have fond memories of.

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I haven't seen Miss Taylor, history mentioned and there was Cheryl Wilde, art before she married Brian Cousins.


You must be the same era as me, as I was about to mention them after reading this great thread.


Also Mr Ian (English) Stuart, and there was an English-teaching Mrs Teare who was married to Mr Peter (woodwork) Teare.


Harry Taverner, of course, who was Head when the wonderful Wally Callister was deputy.


Yes same era ( class? )


There was the R.E. teacher who taught everything apart from R.E. I think she married a pupil in the end and becames Mrs Epplestone, I can't remember her original married name.


Then there were the teachers that didn't quite have full control of their pupils, was it Miss/Ms Josiah-? and Blakey - french.


They were all good looking back but Geoff Corke - Physics was the best. There's only Peter Teare I don't have fond memories of.

That would be Miss Jones. Unofficial sex ed was the R.E. classes she used to take. Geoff Cork was my form teacher 2nd year, 1980, he was great, ever had the slipper from Ma Robberts?

Frank Moretta was dead on too. Helped get me out of some sticky situations.

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I haven't seen Miss Taylor, history mentioned and there was Cheryl Wilde, art before she married Brian Cousins.


You must be the same era as me, as I was about to mention them after reading this great thread.


Also Mr Ian (English) Stuart, and there was an English-teaching Mrs Teare who was married to Mr Peter (woodwork) Teare.


Harry Taverner, of course, who was Head when the wonderful Wally Callister was deputy.


Yes same era ( class? )


There was the R.E. teacher who taught everything apart from R.E. I think she married a pupil in the end and becames Mrs Epplestone, I can't remember her original married name.


Then there were the teachers that didn't quite have full control of their pupils, was it Miss/Ms Josiah-? and Blakey - french.


They were all good looking back but Geoff Corke - Physics was the best. There's only Peter Teare I don't have fond memories of.

That would be Miss Jones. Unofficial sex ed was the R.E. classes she used to take. Geoff Cork was my form teacher 2nd year, 1980, he was great, ever had the slipper from Ma Robberts?

Frank Moretta was dead on too. Helped get me out of some sticky situations.

Just thought of Topper Teare, chemistry. Made me laugh how he used to bounce round the lab.

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Most Memorable - not in any particular order...


Slipper Smith - Geography - locked us all in the Geography classroom one year on the School 'Summer Fayre' day for not volunteering to participate in something or other - against many H&S regulations I reckon - but we overcame by dangling string out of the window and hauled up ice creams et al in a carrier bag!.

GEG Gale - Maths - reminded me of my grandad...lovely guy.

Sexy Smith - Biology - need I say more.

Mr Edwards - Art - heart thumpingly gorgeous blonde.

Miss Taylor - History and Headmistress - flat heeled, tweed wearing 'scary' person.

Alison Taylor - History - inspired me to have an interest in Egyptology - think that was her forte..dont remember much else except she had a passing resemblance to Cleopatra!!

Mr Fennimore (could be spelled wrongly) - Physics - used to have endearing habit of picking nose and flicking the 'debris'!!

Wally Callister - form teacher and Chemistry - a legend he was/is. He nearly dropped his Bunsen burner when I got 91% in a test, he insisted on re-marking it in front of the class such was his disbelief!

Mrs Collister (wife of above) - Algebra - no good memories there - who cares how many apples make 'x'!!

Carter Johnson - General Studies - Ripping good chap with handlebar moustache.

Miss Barton became Mrs Jones - P.E. - just plain scary

Miss.........? became Mrs Moyle - P.E. - remember her gushing over her engagement to 'the' Mr Moyle - jolly hockeysticks and all that.

There was an 'eccentric' Domestic Science person (can't remember her name) but she told us how to wash our bras in cold water so they would last 20 years!!!!!!!

Mrs Morton - Needlework - one very cold winter I remember her cranking up the ovens and opening all the doors we were so cold...

Betty Kissack - Form Teacher and French - unfeasibly black hair - the white roots made me suspect it may not be natural...but what a lovely lady.

Loopy Lawrence (English), Ma Josiah (Music) and Skinny Minny (can't remember her name - French) were all young teachers that struggled dreadfully...

Mrs Clayton - English - Mad eye make up, ladders in her tights and breakfast down her shiny blouse - she defected to the Buchan. She was replaced by Ian Stewart for the remainder of our A Levels and he was not a patch on her.

Elsie Pickard - Biology - refused to teach our 'O' Level class we were so bad.

BUT the best of all the a huge inspiration to me Roger Kent - Art - seriously best memories of my life at school were Art/History of Art lessons his enthusiasm and character were inspirational to me.


Enough .................it feels like yesterday....bah a look in the mirror says otherwise!!





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In no particular order...& some have already been mentioned, but these are the ones I remember. They all taught me / took lessons which I was in at some stage during my time at CRHS.


Mrs Peters - Form & Chemistry

Mr Ivan Lawrence - Form & English ("Loopy Lawrence")

Mr Richard Miller - Form & English ("Windy Miller")

Mr Phil Gale - Form & Maths/Physics (?)

Mr Arthur Fife - Form & RE

Mrs Roberts - Form & Geography

Mr GEG Gale - Geography ("Gegga Gale")

Mr Bloxham - Chemistry

Miss Josiah - Music (Didn't she 'get together' with Mr Lawrence?) ("Josie")

Mrs Kay(e) - Biology

Miss Taylor - History ("Scary"!)

Mrs Ellis - Cookery / Home Ec.

Chick Kneen - PE

Whizz Price - PE

Mr Alex Carter-Johnson - PE ("Handlebars")

Mr Phil Smith - Biology (2nd hand Smith)

Mr Smith ("Slipper Smith")

Mr Henry Teare - Chemistry ("Chemistry Teare")

Mr Pete Teare - Woodwork ("Woodwork Teare")

Mr Moretta - Metalwork

Mr Collister - Tech. Drawing / Woodwork

Mr Trevor Cubbon - Economics ("Trendy Trev")

Mrs Ulrika Kermode - German, but taught French

Mr Taverner - Head

Mrs Taverner - French

Mr Wally Callister - Deputy Head ("Wally")

Mrs Callister - Maths ("Mrs Wally")

Miss Kissack - French & German ("White Stripe")

Mr Roger Kent - Art

Mr Ian Stuart - English

Mr Arthur Biddulph - Maths & Physics

Mr Porter - Music

Mr Dunderdale- Music

Mr Pickard - Music

Miss Jones (Epplestone) - RE

Mr Cousins - Geology / Gardening (?)

Miss Cheryl Wild - Art

Miss Cath Quirk -

Miss Lynne Plevin - Art (?)

Mr Geoff Corke - Chemistry

Mrs Jones - PE

Mr Booth - Geography

Mr King - Maths



The ones I have forgotten either didn't leave a lasting impression...or I have forgotten them for a very good reason...!

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  • 1 month later...

Certainly maths anyway. 3B form teacher in my day.


A wonderful chap who could tell wonderful stories. He used to play a good game of golf with left handed golf clubs. He wasn't left handed it was just that such a set was being sold by someone so he learnt to play with them! One of his sons became Island golf champion.


He would tell us loads of stuff about all sorts of things not directly related to maths, such as how to draw house plans properly (his daughter became an architect, not surprisingly).


I'm not sure about some of the teachers in this thread but Ken Sutton was certainly a good bloke.

I was sent this clipping from a 1972 newspaper. Ken Sutton wasn't a loud in-your-face type of teacher and so not as prominent as many mentioned in this thread.



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Yep, Ken Sutton could tell some great stories. Who needs to do maths when you could hear about the war and stuff. Fantastic! (I got my O and A level maths, so no problem there!) The others before my time. You will no doubt remember Atti, deputy head and english.



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Yep, Ken Sutton could tell some great stories. Who needs to do maths when you could hear about the war and stuff. Fantastic! (I got my O and A level maths, so no problem there!) The others before my time. You will no doubt remember Atti, deputy head and english.



I remember J.A. - lived on the Prom near the bottom of James Road, and his son Mike (who went on to be a lifeboatman in Cornwall or somehere down that way, remember picture in the paper when he got a medal)

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so how many actually went to the old school in the concrete huts before the new buildings were built ?.


forgot another teacher, 'Billy the weed', Mr Boucher, gardening or whatever it was called, .... science, there was a garden and big wooden shed and classroom in the middle of the square surrounded by all the corridors and classrooms.


I remember the old school very well, special memories of the music room, old LP's in a rack by the window all distorted by the hot sun, Harry enthusiastically orating beside the same window with showers of backlit spit spraying all over those seated in the front row, the flogging block, the scale ladder, on my first day at CRHS in 1961 Harry gave me 1000 lines to be delivered to him in the staffroom before assembly the next day, I managed about 200, the next day I nervously knocked on the staffroom door and asked to see Harry and explained my failure, he burst out laughing and explained that he had been joking, later that year we went on the Messiah trip, where I fell asleep during the performance therefore failing to stand during the Halleluja chorus, got a real bollocking for that one, I could go on all night, happy days.

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  • 11 years later...
On 9/1/2005 at 10:59 PM, Upstream said:

I've enjoyed reading the thread on school teachers in Douglas, even though I don't know most of them.


I didn't want to break into that thread so thought one could be started about CRHS teachers.


I'm not quite sure where to start though!


Any takers?

I currently go to castle rushen and it’s terrible, the teachers are shocking, my history teacher screams the whole lesson, has a go at me for no reason and tell everyone my work is bad in front of everyone, she keeps yapping on about herself, she thinks that she is being respectful to us and that we should respect her back but she’s a absolute b!tch, she spends the whole lesson telling the whole class that soon we will get nuked by Putin and Donald trump and then sometimes she will randomly be nice like nothing happened, she must be bipolar or something oh my god.

My math teacher last year was actually horrid, he would scream at me for doodling in class and would send me out the classroom, give me after school detentions, and just be so rude and he wouldn’t even punish the kids who are making chaos, I’m a rather quiet kid so if the teachers shouting at me then they must be stupid, he gave me a really bad mark on my end of year report and I even told him I have ADHD so I struggle to concentrate and he said “that’s just an excuse” at least he’s leaving soon!

Last year a got a after school detention for playing snake in ICT 😭 

Last year I used to go to the skills center 2 lessons a week but the teacher in there shouts at me a lot and she just gets mad or annoyed when anyone comes into skills, some kid came into skills because she was getting bullied in class and the teacher in skills just said “be more resilient” all the teachers are bs, well my current math teacher is new and he’s really nice and he sometimes joins in on the jokes people make in class, and my English teacher who is also new is really nice

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On 9/1/2005 at 10:59 PM, Upstream said:

I've enjoyed reading the thread on school teachers in Douglas, even though I don't know most of them.


I didn't want to break into that thread so thought one could be started about CRHS teachers.


I'm not quite sure where to start though!


Any takers?

I currently go to castle rushen and it’s terrible, the teachers are shocking, my history teacher screams the whole lesson, has a go at me for no reason and tell everyone my work is bad in front of everyone, she keeps yapping on about herself, she thinks that she is being respectful to us and that we should respect her back but she’s a absolute b!tch, she spends the whole lesson telling the whole class that soon we will get nuked by Putin and Donald trump and then sometimes she will randomly be nice like nothing happened, she must be bipolar or something oh my god.

My math teacher last year was actually horrid, he would scream at me for doodling in class and would send me out the classroom, give me after school detentions, and just be so rude and he wouldn’t even punish the kids who are making chaos, I’m a rather quiet kid so if the teachers shouting at me then they must be stupid, he gave me a really bad mark on my end of year report and I even told him I have ADHD so I struggle to concentrate and he said “that’s just an excuse” at least he’s leaving soon!

Last year a got a after school detention for playing snake in ICT 😭 

Last year I used to go to the skills center 2 lessons a week but the teacher in there shouts at me a lot and she just gets mad or annoyed when anyone comes into skills, some kid came into skills because she was getting bullied in class and the teacher in skills just said “be more resilient” all the teachers are bs, well my current math teacher is new and he’s really nice and he sometimes joins in on the jokes people make in class, and my English teacher who is also new is really nice

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