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Voip Phones


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I was just wanting to find out info about the VoIP service and was wondering, Has anyone got one of those phones which have a USB adapter and plug into the computer.


How good is the sound quality in general?


I found a USB phone on PLAY.COM : http://www.play.com/play247.asp?page=title...&g=527&pa=genec


and it mentions being used on 56K dial-up, Has anyone tried this and whats it like.


Any help appreciated thanks

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Does it actually work as a mobile 'phone too?


If not, I don't really see the point of it. You'd be better off getting a headphones/mic set for half that price.


If you are on the lookout for such an item, I have a few for sale. They are the mobile phone in-ear type with inline mic. The main difference with these is that they have 128mb flash memory built in which comes preloaded with Skype software and saves your settings etc. This means you can just plug it into any broadband computer and be straight onto Skype with your own account. £20 each.

Send me a PM if you are interested.


Apologies to mods for plugging my own stuff here, just bought a few in bulk recently and haven't got around to designing an ebay ad yet.

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Does it actually work as a mobile 'phone too?


If not, I don't really see the point of it. You'd be better off getting a headphones/mic set for half that price.


From what i have found out you can make calls using "Skypeout" to call landline and mobile phones at a much cheaper rate than MT/BT. And if you call another skype phone it is apparently free ( This is what i want to find out about) But if you were asking if it was wireless then the answer is no, A wireless one is more expensive but probably better for everyday usage : http://www.play.com/play247.asp?pa=promo&p...DG&title=848248


Oh and i know headphones/mic are cheaper, but the sound is normally poor, which is why i was asking if anyone has a USB phone and what was the quality like.

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From what i have found out you can make calls using "Skypeout" to call landline and mobile phones at a much cheaper rate than MT/BT. And if you call another skype phone it is apparently free ( This is what i want to find out about)


Have been using a voip phone with Skype for a long while now and I find it great.

I use a USB phone, the quality of the call is just as good if not better than using my conventional landline.



Yes it is correct that you can call other people who use Skype for free anytime of day as for as long as you want and Skype Out rates GBP are very cheap - atleast 50% cheaper than Manx Telecom I would say if not more.


I make a lot of Long distance calls - Skype has saved me a fortune. :D

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