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The Truth Behind 9/11


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I think we have covered this topic to death, but it'll always be on the agenda as long as we have people gullible enough to listen to the news and believe everything they hear/read.


Governments and their compliant media can tell us anything and most will go along with it blindly and unquestionably.


It's just propaganda for the introduction of the heavy radiation-emitting full body scanners, they've been talking about it for years but have been having problems getting them implemented as study after study is highlighting the health risks. Won't be long now before they're at all our airports 'for our safety.'

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Albert, what is your point here - that the authorities are exagerating the threat for political reasons? Surely you don't think the threat is non-existent?


The spectacle of terror and its vested interests - A cycle of overhyped terror plots involving government agency entrapment feeds a multimillion-dollar surveillance industry - Naomi Wolf, The Guardian:


The news stories, which quickly surface, long enough to cause scary headlines, then vanish before people can learn how often the cases are thrown out. These are stories about "bumbling fantasists", hapless druggies, the aimless, even the virtually homeless and mentally ill, and other marginal characters with not the strongest grip on reality, who have been lured into discourses about violence against America only after assiduous courting, and in some cases outright payment, by undercover FBI or police informants ...


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Cheers for the link pongo. Naomi Wolf is currently joined with Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky and others against the US government and the NDAA. I've been really enjoying her articles since I started reading them earlier this year. Have you read these:


Terror Plots Helped Along By The FBI - The New York Times


Body Scanners Create Profits For Chertoff and Others - All Gov


I've seen lots of cases over the years of entrapment or even the government just making stuff up on the spot about foiled plots in an attempt to gain some political points. The funniest one I saw was on Fox where the background image was a building in LA I think being blown up in Independence Day while they were talking about a deadly Al Qaeda plot. It was the Library Tower if my memory serves me? I remember Bush calling it the Liberty Tower.


Also, has any body here heard or read the testimony of Kurt Haskell from the first underwear bomber incident. Pretty strong stuff. It was given a little attention but as usual dismissed and drowned out by the echo chamber of fear that the media turns into whenever a foiled plot is announced. The experience has convinced him that there's something very smelly going on and he has decided to run for Congress. He's running as a Democrat but his own party has even gone out and tried to find a Republican to run against him. I think they're scared he might try and take the bi-partisan trough away.



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Not this shite again. Anybody who seriously believes 9/11 was a Government conspiracy needs their head looking at. Or amputating.

Any anyone who thinks it was masterminded by a bearded dude in a cave who couldnt even put his own TV unit together also needs their heads looking at.


The truth invariably lies somewhere between.

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I wouldn't go as far as to say it was an outright government conspiracy but when you look at the Bush administration and the fact that they did nothing but lie and deceive when they were in power, are people not just a little bit sceptical about the event that defined their time in power and that has made a small number of people a shit load of money in new wars and surveillance toys since? Even when the Neo-cons put down on paper, in regards to American military power, that 'the process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalysing event like a new Pearl Harbour' only one year before 9/11 took place? They also listed a number of countries like Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, North Korea and also mentions China.


Does the fact that they resisted putting together an investigation until they finally had to after pressure from family members, first putting Henry Kissinger in charge of it but then being forced to change that to Philip Zelikow a man who wrote a book with Condoleeza Rice and served on the transition team in 2001 not make you wonder just a little? They cared more about investigating the actions of Bill Clinton's penis than they did about the greatest terrorist attack on home soil.


Does it not make you even a little bit suspicious that Bush and Cheney gave their testimony behind closed doors, off the record, not under oath and together?


I've just recently discovered the pressure they put on the EPA to declare the air quality fine so that they could re-open Wall Street and carry on with business as usual. Now hundreds have respiratory problems and many have died of cancer.


They stole the election to get in power and then did nothing but lie, steal, cheat and kill when they had that power and you honestly believe that they are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the foundational event in the endless war on terror that has lined the pockets of the American military establishment for the last decade with war after war and the militarisation of the police at home?

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I wouldn't go as far as to say it was an outright government conspiracy but when you look at the Bush administration and the fact that they did nothing but lie and deceive when they were in power, are people not just a little bit sceptical about the event that defined their time in power and that has made a small number of people a shit load of money in new wars and surveillance toys since? Even when the Neo-cons put down on paper, in regards to American military power, that 'the process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalysing event like a new Pearl Harbour' only one year before 9/11 took place? They also listed a number of countries like Iraq, Iran, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia, North Korea and also mentions China.


Does the fact that they resisted putting together an investigation until they finally had to after pressure from family members, first putting Henry Kissinger in charge of it but then being forced to change that to Philip Zelikow a man who wrote a book with Condoleeza Rice and served on the transition team in 2001 not make you wonder just a little? They cared more about investigating the actions of Bill Clinton's penis than they did about the greatest terrorist attack on home soil.


Does it not make you even a little bit suspicious that Bush and Cheney gave their testimony behind closed doors, off the record, not under oath and together?


I've just recently discovered the pressure they put on the EPA to declare the air quality fine so that they could re-open Wall Street and carry on with business as usual. Now hundreds have respiratory problems and many have died of cancer.


They stole the election to get in power and then did nothing but lie, steal, cheat and kill when they had that power and you honestly believe that they are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the foundational event in the endless war on terror that has lined the pockets of the American military establishment for the last decade with war after war and the militarisation of the police at home?


Much as you raise some very valid points you're pissing in the wind with this topic on here sunshine, it's the closed mind brigade.

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  • 2 months later...

I guess you got to think who gains the most from this ?


Then you will find your answer, i am afraid its that simple.


History is where you need to look.

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