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Grey Squirrels Face Massive Cull


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"A massive cull of grey squirrels is to take place across Britain to try to halt declining numbers of the endangered native red population."




Isn't this just totally messing up the food chain, Whatever eats squirrels (I think it's birds like the Eagle) is going to suffer and as numbers of squirrels increase then so should the Eagle, but if the squirrels decrease then surely, so will the Eagle.

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Whatever eats squirrels (I think it's birds like the Eagle) is going to suffer and as numbers of squirrels increase then so should the Eagle, but if the squirrels decrease then surely, so will the Eagle.

If you ever go to where the Eagles live then you will see that there aren't any squirrels. Or rabbits. Or other vermin. The landscape is just too harsh for them.

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Not good, bit of an aussie thing I imagine, destroy the habitat of other locals


What other local fauna would it compete with? In terms of destroying it's habitat, it would on the contrary help with dispersing seeds and they do very little damage at all to trees. I'd like to see it happen, especially if it would help save the species. The island is pretty sterile when it comes to wildlife so any addition would be good. However I believe some environmentalists believe it's wrong to introduce an alien species - but the same people would freak if a cull of all the escaped wallabies was ordered...

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There are wallabies, polecats, wild goats - all of which are not native and have been introduced. The wallabies escaped from the wildlife park, the polecats are decended from escaped ferrets, the goats came from managed herds too no doubt.


I agree with Lectro in that the Island is quite sterile on the wildlife front - I'd like to see moles, foxes, badgers, snakes etc too.

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Its all very well saying you'd like to see moles and badgers introduced but what good is it going to do? There is talk of culling badgers in the uk at the moment because of the diseases they spread and the only time your ever likely to see one is dead at the side of a road. If your that keen on moles couldn't you just get somebody to go out and dump piles of soil on your lawn every day and pretend they were moles? this way everyone else doesn't have to put up with having their gardens ruined aswell.

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I would like to see red squirrels introduced to the Isle of man, Sometimes people just say that squirrel's are vermin, But red squirrel's are different, It's just grey squirrel's have ruined their reputation.

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